
7.1 Sat 雷鬼节午后派对 Reggae Day Jamaican Pattie Party

鼓楼Factory 2023-08-27

* 国际雷鬼日 *

International Reggae Day


July the 1st is International reggae day, in celebration of the music and culture we have a line up of Beijing's best Reggae and dub selectors spinning a mainly vinyl best set for the crowd, for the event we bring an extra flavour with the cuisine from Rasta Mama's Kitchen.

* 鼓楼工厂 *

Gulou Factory


Gulou's newest and truest space brings craft beer, a DJ chill out lounge with second floor terrace, beer and spirits from around the world, music from around the world with a distinctly Gulou vibe. 

* 牙买加传统美食 *

Rasta Mama's Kitchen

The music of Jamaica and the Carribean is know all over the world. But with music and festivties comes food, Jamaican food is know for its island spices and ingredients. Jamaican patties being one of the favourite snacks for festivals and outdoor activities at Reggae events all over the world.


The music of Jamaica and the Carribean is know all over the world. But with music and festivties comes food, Jamaican food is know for its island spices and ingredients. Jamaican patties being one of the favourite snacks for festivals and outdoor activities at Reggae events all over the world.

Rasta Mama's handmade Jamaican patties made with Beyond meat

活动当天,我们为大家带来牙买加风味烤包子,也叫牙买加馅饼,来自Rasta Mama的厨房。

当年的Rasta Mama学完烹饪课之后她有几年和巡演欧洲的许多歌手一起走,当他们巡演期间的个人厨师。她首次陪伴巡演的和她曾经买过首张专辑的明星,便是自己的偶像David Bowie。除了Bowie之外,在几年当明星巡演的个人厨师,见得明星也包含Genesis,The Kinks, 还有雷鬼大腕儿UB40,Black Uhuru,Aswad还有在美国巡演时的The Wailers。她对雷鬼音乐的终身热爱诞生于15岁时她妈妈带她去看Bob Marley在英国布莱顿的一次现场演演出。

Having study culinary and then working for many years as a touring chef for many artists, notably reggae acts such as UB40, Black Uhuru, The Wailers, Aswad, she also perfected the flavours of Jamaican cuisine by learning under their head chefs. For the event Rast mama has prepared a batch of her home made Vegetarian Beef dumplings which will be available on the day for those willing to try out.


Raddam Ras

王波,Raddam Ras在国内音乐界有很多的音乐身份,其早期出道是以中国说唱音乐的先驱人物Mcwebber而成名,Raddam便是webber本名的反写。

他的音乐风格众所周知是以HipHop和Reggae而代表,他是最早中文说唱团体《隐藏》的组织者,也是中国最早地下说唱厂牌《Section 6》的创办者,和国内最具代表权威性的说唱比赛《IronMic》的三届冠军和主办人,和DEEPDOWN低频厂牌的创始主理人。


现居北京的美国人ADDJ 在纽约长大,他这几年在北京参加无数的活动。他第一次接触DJ,是在他的大学广播电台WXDU Durham 88.7/90.7 FM。大学四年中,曾经主持过朋克/独立摇滚表演" The Big Takeover "。回到布鲁克林后, 他用他多变的音乐风格持续吸引着酒吧和Club的观众,其中涵盖了从朋克、车库摇滚、放克、灵魂、电音、嘻哈和雷鬼的多种风格。他的爱好包括收藏黑胶, 电影和文学, 猴子。

"ADDJ was born and raised in NYC.  His first foray into DJing began at his college radio station, WXDU Durham 88.7/90.7 FM, where for four years he hosted the punk/indie rock show “The Big Takeover”.  Upon his return to Brooklyn, he continued to hound and pester bar- and club-goers with his particularly noxious cocktail of punk, garage rock, funk, soul, afrobeat, hip hop and reggae until they booted him out of the country.  His hobbies include digging for vinyl, film, literature and monkeys."

DJ Old Pig

DJ Old Pig出生于英国,从小收到过很多不同音乐风格的影响。随着年龄的增长,他开始挖掘更多的音乐并沉浸在80年代末和90年代初到中期的嘻哈音乐中。由于痴迷于嘻哈时代使用的采样,他对音乐的理解越来越深,并且扩展到其他音乐流派。

DJ Old Pig is English born, from a young age he was exposed to a number of different musical influences, but when he reached the age of digging he immersed himself in late 80’s and early to mid 90’s hip hop. Being obsessed with the sample sources used in that era of hip hop he gained an understanding and expanded out into other musical genres. 






主理旗下活动:Forbidden System/北京根源雷鬼活动B-Town Babylon/RootsVibration


2015年,以CrimeMasterG的名义开启HipHopDJ生涯。常年痴迷70年代音乐,标志性Samuel Jackson采样的producertag令人印象深刻。


KONGSENT(李根)现居住北京,北京音乐俱乐部BBB Beijing主 理人之一,Roots Train根源雷鬼活动主理人,DENTAKU Live现 场创始人,与一位美籍英国键盘手David Bond两人共同建立了 “DK16”电子现场组合。双子座双向极端性人格生成了两种不 同的对立面,Reggae / Techno。A面-水泥丛林的乐天海岛派,常常出没于清晨及下午伴随着音乐的回响(dub)和来自根源 的声音。B面-是出没于夜晚直至凌晨的音乐诉出者,以dub、 Deep、Dark为主旋律用简单重复的新人类语言讲述当下的故事。身为音乐创作人的他从幕后走到台前,很高兴能跟大家分享属 于他的音乐。

KONGSENT lives in Beijing, one of the directors of the Beijing Music Club-BBB, the founder of the Roots Train Root reggae parties, jointly established the "DK16" electronic live band with David Bond, an American-British keyboardist. Gemini's extremist personality generates two opposites: Reggae-Techno. Side A - The Joy Island Pie of The Cement Jungle, often haunts the early mornings and afternoons accompanied by the reverberations of music (Dub) and sounds from the roots. Side B - the producer who haunts the night until the early morning, and tells the story of the present with the main theme of Dub, Deep, and Dark through a simple and repetitive new human language. As a music producer, he walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage and was happy to share his music with the world.


专注Dub声音系统/Trip Hop;制作人DJ,拥有Live house负责人等多重身份,其音乐风格多样,可驾驭禅意深远的Triphop,迷雾般的AbstractHip-hop以及节奏灵动的Funk Soul,甚至是充满异域色彩的Dub,Jungle,刚烈的Drum andBass,Breaks。他在北欧组织起了Dub厂牌own sound,并化名Level-DIZZY Selector并与各国的Reggae singer/rapper一起活跃于欧洲的音乐节舞台。2012年创建了活动/音乐厂牌DizzySystem。

Focusing on Dub/Trip Hop; Producer and DJ, DizzyDi has multiple identities and has a variety of musical styles, such as the groovy Triphop, the misty Abstract Hip-hop and the rhythmic Old Funk Soul, he likes to add some exotic colors with Dub, Jungle, Drum and Bass, or Breaks. He organized the Dub branded "Own Sound" in Northern Europe and became known as Level-DIZZY Selector while active in the European music festival stage alongside Reggae singers and Rappers from various countries. He created the musical event/label DizzySystem in 2012.


Yaadi-G,受到脏南的影响,致敬Pimp C。

Dancehall的舞步,Mr Wacky。从三藩的金山到NYC。

最纯粹的样子Can yaadig it?

营业时间Open: 11am - 2am


Gulou Factory is a project space which contains within its walls Tunnel Café, a  craft beer bar, Black Hole cocktail & chill out lounge and Steamed Bun Comics, Beijings first and only fully fledged comic store.


For news of further music, drinks, exhibitions and other social events please follow us on Wechat. Welcome to hold your own event here, scan to get connect!


