Thurs 9/28 9PM 沙漠声响,沙漠摇滚 Deserted Sounds DJ+Live
'Desert Rock'
Deserted Sounds Vol.4 我们要和大家分享非洲沙漠摇滚的声音,沙漠摇滚主要由撒哈拉沙漠西部国家的游民部落创造的。这种音乐风格是传统游牧图阿雷格人文化的表达,歌词和弹奏反映出他们面临着困难的社会,广泛的流离失所和流放的神情。这种风格将电蓝调与中东和非洲的声音融为一体,常常用非洲鼓组和弦乐器做演奏的基础,然后用西方摇滚乐器来点缀。
The style mixes electric blues with Middle Eastern and African sounds, traditionally this works with traditional African percussion and string instrumentation forming the base of the sound, and then powerful rock guitar riffs and melodies layering the top, forming a sound that is both smooth and structured but pulses with powerful energy.
Jukka Ahonen
芬兰吉他手Jukka Ahonen常出没于鼓楼众livehouse,并积极参与JAM即兴演出。他的吉他声音犹如异世当空的意境,时有波澜惊涛,时有沧海宁静。作为作曲家兼吉他手,除了乐队的主要编曲外,他还对抽象的结构和复杂的节奏,和即兴的弹奏有着独道的见解。这些在他的个人演奏中都有鲜明的体现和不一样的诠释
Finnish guitarist Jukka Ahonen has been a feature of many Gulou live house peformances, bands and Jam sessions over the years. As a composer and guitarist, he has a unique and flexible playing style able to produce both simple riffs and complex rhythms, making him extremely adept at improvisational playing.
DJ Old Pig 老朱
Old Pig是个永生的音乐爱好者,作为一个本有北非血统的音乐爱好者他的歌单里非洲音乐巨多。和两位乐手配合他会引导节奏再加上一些混响效果
Dj Old Pig is a life long music fan, having North African roots, his love and knowledge of music from the continent spreads across many countries
时间Time:9.28 THURS 9pm-Late
地点Venue:黑穴(鼓楼工厂2楼 The Factory)
地址ADD:Gulou Dong Dajie No.135
Gulou Factory is a project space which contains within its walls Tunnel Café, a craft beer bar, Black Hole cocktail & chill out lounge and Steamed Bun Comics, Beijings first and only fully fledged comic store.
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