好消息!启明星成为哥伦比亚大学商学院Venture For All®官方合作学校!
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艾毅教育集团已经正式与美国哥伦比亚大学商学院Venture for All®项目签署合作协议,作为艾毅旗下的K-12学校,启明星双语学校正式成为哥伦比亚大学商学院的官方合作学校。
2021年9月,Venture for All®项目(简称VFA)将率先在启明星中学部落地,成为启明星特色校本课程社会创业项目(SEP)的一部分。哥大商学院Venture For All®项目的教授将亲授启明星学生VFA课程,而启明星学生也将获得VFA项目的一系列资源!
Venture for All®是全球顶尖商学院之一——哥伦比亚大学商学院发起的全球性计划,旨在帮助受教育者发展社会创业思维,为身边的社区带来改变。这与启明星通过校本特色项目社会创业项目(SEP)培养学生社会创业精神和解决问题的能力,从而成为有勇气的创变者的目标不谋而合。
在合作中,Venture for All®课程将被融入SEP四大核心部分——学术项目部分,以一系列具体的资源和方法激发和培养学生的社会创业精神和能力。
启明星教学、学习与创新部总监Jessica Heyman这样介绍VFA的教学:“下个学年,VFA课程将率先在11年级开设,由哥伦比亚大学商学院Venture For All®项目资深教授和导师在线教学。”
完成课程且成绩优秀的学生,将有机会获得哥大商学院Venture For All®教授或导师的推荐信,用于大学申请的背景提升;学生也有机会加入由哥伦比亚商学院Venture For All®和国际藤校教育协会(IEG Global Association)联合创办的VFA俱乐部,获得相应的专业指导和各种资源。
另外,学生也将因为持续学习VFA课程而在 “模拟企业家”竞赛(Model Entrepreneur® competition) 中拥有更多优势。“模拟企业家”是哥大商学院Venture for All® 主办的全球性创业比赛,旨在鼓励青年才俊通过分享具有商业可行性的创新想法,将创意转化为行动。参赛者还将获得数额不等的奖学金,以参加哈佛、哥伦比亚、斯坦福、加州理工、伯克利和普拉特等高校的官方项目,以进一步提高他们的创业技能。
Great News!
Here’s another great announcement from Daystar Academy!
Ivy Education Group has signed a cooperation agreement with Columbia Business School ‘s Venture For All®, officially making Daystar Academy, a K-12 bilingual school under the Ivy Education Group, a partner school of the Columbia Business School.
As part of Daystar Academy’s signature program - the Social Entrepreneurship Program (SEP), the Venture for All® (VFA) program will be introduced to Daystar Academy’s Secondary School in September 2021. The VFA courses will be taught by professors from the Columbia Business School’s Venture For All® and a host of resources related to the VFA program will become available to Daystar students!
"We’re meticulous about our choice of a partner school. We can identify with Daystar Academy’s mission and vision. And their educational philosophy meets our expectations and standards of developing talents for the future!"
-- Paul Shih, global representative and instructor, Venture for All®, Columbia Business School
VFA as part of Daystar’s SEP
Venture for All® is a global program initiated by Columbia Business School, one of the top business schools in the world, to help develop social entrepreneurship mindset and skills and bring about positive changes to the local community and the world. This is in line with Daystar Academy’s Social Entrepreneurship Program (SEP) whose goal is to foster students’ social entrepreneurship mindset and problem-solving skills and enable them to become courageous changemakers.
Jack Hsu, CEO of Ivy Education Group and a board member at Daystar Academy, said: “This collaboration demonstrates that Daystar Academy’s Social Entrepreneurship Program is recognized by the world’s leading business school. It also marks an important strategic milestone for Ivy Education Group.”
In this partnership, the Venture for All® curriculum will be incorporated into the Academic Program, a key component of the Social Entrepreneurship Program, inspiring and fostering students’ social entrepreneurship spirit and abilities with a series of resources and methods.
Drawing on the theories and practices from design, entrepreneurship, innovation, and team leadership, the Venture for All® program inspires students to explore and take advantage of their strengths and to address important global issues through entrepreneurial thinking and actions. Working with their peers in a collaborative environment, students will be solving real-world problems, as well as learning about how to create, develop, and launch an innovative project or product.
Professors from Columbia University as mentors
“Starting from next school year, the VFA courses will be offered to Grade 11 students at Daystar Academy and will be taught online by professors and instructors from Columbia Business School's Venture For All®.” Jessica Heyman, Director of Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, said of the teaching of the VFA program.
How does this partnership with VFA work with Daystar Academy? “The Columbia University professor will teach the core business curriculum. Our experienced business management and economics teacher, who is an entrepreneur himself, will then support our students in deepening their understanding of the university-level VFA curriculum and transferring the knowledge and skills learned in the VFA course to student-driven social impact projects. Together, they will form an organic whole, complementing each other.” Jessica further explained to us.
The Venture for All® program will be launched at Daystar Academy’s High School and will be gradually developed to include Elementary School and Middle School, benefitting all students at Daystar Academy with a curriculum especially designed for the lower age groups of learners.
“Compared to other collaborations, our partnership with Daystar Academy is a much more comprehensive and thorough one. Our collaboration has the potential to reach more students and develop their entrepreneurial awareness and literacy from a young age and make a positive impact on society in the long run. I’m really excited about this collaboration and I’m looking forward to it!” Said Paul Shih.
What else will the students get?
In addition to the curriculum, the collaboration with Columbia Business School also brings many other opportunities and resources to Daystar Academy.
Students who completed the study of the VFA curriculum with excellence will be entitled to a recommendation letter from the teaching professor or instructor of Columbia Business School’s Venture For All®. Students also have the opportunity to join the VFA club, which is formed by the Columbia Business School’s Venture For All® and the IEG Global Association and have access to expert guidance and a host of other resources.
Moreover, students will gain a competitive edge in the Model Entrepreneur® competition because of their continued learning of the VFA courses. The Model Entrepreneur® competition is a global competition hosted by Columbia Business School's Venture for All®, with the goal to encourage young talents to stand out from pure imagination and speak out innovative ideas with business feasibility. Participants will also receive various amounts of scholarships to attend official programs at Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, Caltech, Berkley, and Pratt, to further enhance their entrepreneurship skills.
The official launch of the VFA program marks a significant step forward for Daystar Academy’s Social Entrepreneurship Program. Stay tuned for more updates as we unveil more developments and learning stories from our classrooms and beyond!
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