
“力求改变的路演”:17位少年探索改变世界的5种方式 Pitching for Change

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* 马术通——实现马匹交易、希望借助养马疗愈自闭症儿童的平台;

* UPC——提供宠物助养服务和缓解流浪动物问题的小程序;

* Xerces Blue——在国际学校等社区推广使用快速降解PLA口罩的项目;

* Learning Pals——帮助留守儿童和城市儿童结对学习的在线教育资源平台;

* HUE——鼓励大家负责任消费和道德消费农产品的综合计划。



Xerces Blue小组一上来就引用Xerces蓝蝴蝶灭绝的例子,抓住了听众的心:“2021年这种蝴蝶被正式宣布灭绝,成为历史上第一种因为人类活动而灭绝的蝴蝶。人类活动对物种造成了这样的影响,让我们很震惊……”




所有5个项目都源于小组成员实际的生活体验。“马术通”小组里,有的成员拥有长达14年的骑马经验,也有成员和疗愈自闭症的马术机构HOPE长期保持联系;Learning Pals小组成员3次参加扶助留守儿童的服务,为他们组织有趣的营会活动和募款;HUE的缘起也是项目成员对动物权利和动物养殖机构运营方式的亲身感触和思考。











——Xerces Blue小组

“这个学年的第二个学期开始,Mr. Darcy告知我们小组上学期准备的项目不够实际,希望我们换一个可以改善助养问题、帮助流浪动物的方向。由于这意味着我们需要推翻之前几乎所有的成果重新开始,我们一度没有动力进行更多的调查和工作。后来,经过多次和老师的交流,我们找到了一个新的方向——宠物助养平台。一开始,我们并不知道从何下手,但通过我们组内持续的沟通,终于逐渐找到了适合的商业模式,以及UPC作为一个社会创新项目的特色。







让我印象最深刻的是,所有项目团队都熟练掌握了如何撰写商业计划书,而且都能非常从容、自信地展示出来。 孩子们能对社会问题和商业逻辑有着全面和深刻的理解,我相信他们长大以后一定会对社会有所作为的!”评委之一、普华永道中国 企业可持续部高级经理兰岚说。


















“无论是否获得奖金,我们都将继续按照最初的计划推进业务。我们是一家自身具有可持续发展能力的营利性企业,不需要像非营利组织那样需要依靠捐款来维持社会影响。只要我们有订单,我们就可以维持我们的社会影响,因为我们将利用大部分利润来扩大业务和社会影响。” 11年级学生庄文祥代表小组成员说。




“A suitable job meets our living needs, makes us recognized and respected, and even gives us a sense of purpose and happiness…” said Huang Jingsheng, Impact Investor and former Managing Executive Director of the Harvard Shanghai Center, in explaining an influential investment case for “Pitching for Change” hosted by the Qi Social Innovation Center.

Fulfilling basic needs—> Feeling recognized and respected—> Extracting sense of value and happiness

Based on these integral parts of an influential undertaking, we are proud to see that in “Pitching for Change,” Daystar Secondary School students have experienced a similar process of learning, extracting a sense of value, and yielding an influence, in their own projects—where they have learned knowledge and skills, received attention and respect, and reaped a sense of fulfillment.


Focus On the World Around Us

Five groups participated in “Pitching for Change,” and presented their social ventures and business models to the judging panel (business and social impact professionals), parents, and classmates. The pitches were followed by group Q&A as the judges evaluated each pitch to determine which groups might win funding from the Qi Ignite Fund to help support the implementation of their social ventures.

The “Pitching for Change,” event had 5 student groups participating:

· Equestrian Manual -  a platform for trading and raising horses to help autistic children;

· United Pet Care (UPC) - an APP that takes care of pets and helps stray animals;

· Xerces Blue – selling PLA masks which biodegrade much quicker;

· Learning Pals —  a platform connecting rural and city kids for on-line learning; 

· HUE – a social venture raising awareness on responsible production of the agriculture industry.

From cities to the countryside, from small consumer groups to the general public, from daily life to equal access to education, these five projects demonstrated Daystar students’ social innovation mindset combined with exceptional business and presentation skills.

For example, the team launching fast degradable masks used the recent extinction of a butterfly to draw in the audience: “In 2021, the Xerces Blue butterfly was officially announced to be extinct. It is the first butterfly species to become extinct, all because of human activity. We are really shocked at how much human activity can affect other species…”

They smoothly transitioned to the influence of the human race on the natural environment, introducing the problem of mask consumption and waste: “China is the largest consumer of masks globally. We use three million masks every minute! Did you know that each of these common masks takes 450 years to degrade, but a fast degradable mask only needs a couple of months…” They showed everyone the shocking number of masks we consume during COVID-19. Everyone was shocked and excited that there was another option for masks that was much kinder to the environment.

The UPC team pitched their social venture to develop an APP to help match pet owners with additional support such as pet sitting, dog walking, and feeding. They also support rescue animals with adoption/fostering and give 10% of their proceeds to support animal rescue charities.  The team had a clear division of labor—marketing, finance, design, and operations. They comprehensively and clearly explained their target customers, the detailed content and design for their platform and products, their financial model and business expansion plan.

UPC promotion brochure

In fact, all the five projects were inspired from the students’ life experiences. In the “Equestrian Manual” team, some members had 14 years of horseback riding experience and a long-term relationship with equestrian organizations that help autistic children in Beijing (HOPE). In the “Learning Pals” team, the students have spent 3 summers supporting left-behind children in the rural areas by providing fun camps and fundraising to buy the supplies. And, the HUE project was created after through team members exploration and passion around animal rights and how meat companies raise the animals and treat them.

Deeply caring about these real problems that affect the society is the first step in Daystar’s social innovation program. Students then inquire and research into the issue connecting with stakeholders and understanding the root causes, before being able to innovate through unique solutions. This enables the Social Innovation Program to be grounded in a practical process that can be applied to the student’s interest area.


 Social Benefit

Being “down-to-earth” and focusing on the challenges in the world, can inspire students’ interest and sense of responsibility, encouraging them to take action to make a difference through a project or social venture.

“As a team, the most challenging part of our business venture so far was identifying a social problem and coming up with a solution that had real market demand and was both socially impactful and economically feasible. We went through various social problems and potential solutions, such as creating a website to advocate against gender/sexuality discrimination, or selling garments and figurines promoting healthy eating, but we eventually settled on the idea of degradable masks because it helps the social problem of plastic pollution very directly and it was also the most economically feasible solution.

Throughout this process, we learned that there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when creating a social venture, and there are many details that need to be identified before being able to approach potential investors. Coming up with a potential product was just the first small step in creating a company. As social entrepreneurs, we had to think of how our product will benefit society, how our company could impact communities that we interact with, and how we can inspire people to change. The greatest achievement that our team has gained from this experience is being able to identify a socially innovative business opportunity with real market demand.  ”

——Xerces Blue Team

“In the second term of this year, Mr. Darcy told us that the SI project we developed was not practical enough. He hoped that we could focus on helping stray animals or animal welfare. It mean’t we had to start all over again! The whole team lost motivation to move forward,  but after talking with teachers, we finally found a new direction—building a platform for pet care support. We researched and think we have found a suitable business model, and figured out how to launch UPC as a social enterprise from our SI course.


While working on our SI project, we learned more about the issues relating to pets and stray animals, and researched relevant social innovation business models, and realized that social innovation can really influence and help our society.”

----UPC Team

Mr. Darcy is the IBDP Economics teacher as well as the Social Innovation course teacher. In the past year, he has witnessed students’ growth with his own eyes. “I’m really glad to see students are so devoted to their projects. They have experienced a lot of learning, like real entrepreneurs. Sometimes they are excited, sometimes doubtful. Sometimes they argue with each other, and sometimes they celebrate together because they come up with new ideas. And they often stay up late working on their projects. The brilliant ideas and fine details they showed in ‘Pitching for Change’ really impressed me.


  Winning Respect 

Students’ ability and devotion also won the recognition and respect from the audience and judges.

“What impressed me the most was that every team was good at making business plans, and able to present in a calm and confident way. Students have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding on social issues and business logic. So, I believe they will grow up and make a difference to the society,” said Lan Lan, a judge of “Pitching for Change,” and Senior Manager of Corporate Sustainability at PwC.

Another judge, Helen Tao, Project Analyst of Asian Development Bank was most impressed by the level of consistent enthusiasm each group demonstrated: “Their level of confidence is clearly a result of the hard work and efforts devoted in the development of their project concepts, rationale, background research, business scope, and project implementation plans. Each project is unique and differs from routine operations. My warmest congratulations to the students groups’ impressive performance!”

After the pitching for change evening, the judges took the weekend to complete their thorough evaluations across 9 different criteria providing much useful feedback and a recommendation if the teams should be awarded seed funding from the Qi Ignite Fund. Some of their closing comments included:


“Thank you all for highlighting the education problems facing children in underdeveloped areas. Educational inequality is one of the biggest issues facing rural areas compared to children living in cities…

The Learning Pals project is actually pretty operational with the simple model of supporting kids in underdeveloped areas by befriending kids in cities. This ‘peer-help’ method can greatly influence everyone involved. And your design to make volunteer service a credit requirement for international schools to help the nearby communities is excellent. With this system, kids are more willing to get involved. Also, after talking with you after the presentation, I found that you also considered the potential problems in implementing the project, and you would probably hire volunteers to help operate it. It’s a well though through approach …”

“Telling a story as an introduction was really interesting. It showed us the whole team’s intention of raising people’s awareness of being responsible for agriculture and agricultural products. It is indeed a social issue, and I’m glad to see your determination to solve it through HUE.

I think the business model can be better innovated. If your intention is to raise the awareness and public support for the improvement of agriculture, you can make the project more direct and diverse. For example, holding promotion events, such as online and offline campaigns, to raise people’s awareness, and organizing small agricultural workshops or tours to improve the agricultural industry..."


Keep Moving Forward

"Pitching for Change" is a rigorous learning process. The judges evaluated the projects across 9 different criteria around the concept, sustainability , and innovation/impact, providing much useful feedback. They will also determine if the teams should be awarded seed funding from the Qi Ignite Fund which is up to 15,000RMB per project. Teams will be supported by a business mentor!  

9 different criteria 

In order to let students feel the integrity of the learning process and receive more judges feedback, the school will hold an Awards Ceremony to present certificates and feedback to the project teams.

No matter whether they can win the seed funding from the Qi Social Innovation Center, the students are showing courage and determination to keep working on their projects. This is really inspiring!

“Regardless, we will continue to grow our business in the way we had originally planned. We are a for profit business that is self-sustaining and doesn’t need donations like a nonprofit would. We can sustain our social impact as long as we have orders as we will use the majority of our profits to grow our business and social impact, ” said G11 student Zhuang Wenxiang on behalf of the team.

“We will continue to improve our business plan / model, conduct more in-depth market research and social investigation, explore where we can develop our market, understand the specific costs required for project development, and better determine what needs to be done to start UPC. No matter if we win the seed funding or not does not mean that our project is over, because we can still continue to learn and make progress, or use our experience to launch new social innovation projects on other issues we care about.” said G11 student Nick Chen.

Everyone at Daystar was inspired by the passion and depth of ideas from all teams. We can’t wait to support them as pilot customers so we can all help make a positive impact on the world!



“力求变的一周”回归:心中有爱,让孩子们随时起跑!“Week for Change” Returns

知道我们怎样把社会创新理念融入了小学PYP课程吗?Social Innovation Program in Daystar PYP Framework

启明星学校是一所使命驱动的学校,致力于支持每位学生培养改变和激励的勇气。启明星北京的三个校区共同构建了一个由 1.5-18岁学生组成的多元成长型社区。 

Daystar Academy is a mission driven school committed to helping every student develop the courage to change and inspire.  We have a diverse student body of children aged 1.5-18 at three campuses in Beijing.  

泉发校区 为6岁以下儿童提供早期教育服务

三里屯校区 面向1-5 年级

北皋校区 涵盖 K-12 各年级

Our Daystar Early Center, serving our youngest students

Sanlitun campus accommodating 

children grade 1-5 and our Beigao campus 

serving children grade K-12


Daystar Academy is a proud member of Ivy Education Group.  Learn more at…

