启明星人| 三里屯校区小学英文老师James Thomason:除了教书,他还会园艺、弹吉他、写歌……
启明星人 9/20
本期《启明星人》,让我们走近三里屯校区小学英文老师James Thomason:
James Thomason和学生在一起
孩子们在这里亲近自然,参加园艺课,在果蔬成熟的季节,还能亲手摘下自己种成的黄瓜、番茄 、豌豆……交给餐厅的师傅烹饪好,端上大家的餐桌!在车水马龙的城市中心,这样的体验真是“世外桃源”!
花园里有位“专职”园丁——除了带孩子们做这些园艺活动,他还会时不时根据时令倒腾一下花园里的植物。他就是James Thomason,三里屯校区的小学英文老师。
DAYSTARer 9/20
There are many reasons to join a community, but we experience the greatest sense of belonging from those with a warm, inclusive atmosphere.
Daystar is such a community. For over two decades, people have been inspired to join Daystar, and together we have shaped it. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of Daystar. In recognition of this moment, we decided to interview 20 Daystar community members so that they could tell their stories and present a detailed image of the Daystar community:
Today’s post is about James Thomason, English teacher at Daystar Sanlitun.
James Thomason, English teacher at Daystar Sanlitun
The Daystar Sanlitun campus is nestled in a quiet corner of the downtown area. But did you know that we have a secret garden here? It is a small garden winding along a wall.
Here, students get close to nature, attend gardening classes, and, when the produce is ripe, they pick cucumbers, tomatoes, and peas that they planted themselves. They give the produce to the school cafeteria chefs, who will turn the vegetables into delicious dishes for students. It could be called a small paradise among the hustle and bustle of a busy city center.
The secret garden has an experienced gardener. In addition to leading gardening activities for the students, he takes care of the plants and changes them according to the seasons. This gardener is James Thomason, an elementary school English teacher at the Daystar Sanlitun campus.
James is from Australia and has worked at Daystar for over ten years. He initially worked at the Daystar Beigao campus, then moved to Sanlitun when the Sanlitun campus was first established. He said he was grateful for the sense of kindness and belonging he felt in the Beigao community, so he felt passionate as he helped build the new Sanlitun community and enjoyed the process of creating something from scratch.
James single-handedly initiated the garden project at the Sanlitun campus. In addition to teaching English, he introduces students to valuable experiences in nature education. “I want my students to be attached to nature,” said James.
Speaking of his motivation, he said it mainly comes from his own experience. When he was a kid, he lived in Sydney, but he often spent time in nature. He thinks this was an extremely lucky experience. James said, “I often took walks in the forest, played in my backyard garden, or swam in the ocean. Nature is a source of peace and relaxation for us. It allowed me to calm down and understand myself better. I want my students to have the same experience.”
James and the students play in the garden, plant seeds, and tend the plants. Students from all classes and grade levels have contributed to the growth of the small garden. Now, it has become a significant part of the Sanlitun community, and the garden project is a symbol of the Daystar Sanlitun campus and a popular after-school activity.
Students who attend the gardening class benefit the most.
Working with James in the garden is also a great opportunity for children to put Daystar’s core values into practice: taking care of the seedlings in the garden develops their awareness of caring about others; the composting project helps children realize the importance of dealing with waste in a more responsible way; students have even learned to cherish and respect the insects in the garden because they help with fertilization.
James is an English teacher. He takes the students to attend gardening activities and exhibitions to learn English in real-life scenarios outside of the campus to help bring language learning to life.
The Daystar Sanlitun campus has also held the Spring Gardening Festival. For several springs in a row, all members of the Sanlitun community have gathered in the garden to welcome and celebrate the arrival of spring. Students and adults are busy in the garden, their hands covered in rich soil, as they enjoy the fun of working together.
The produce harvested from the garden has even been served in the school cafeteria. One winter, the pumpkins harvested by James and the students were made into pumpkin soup. Some teachers used peppers from the garden to make chili sauce and shared it with their colleagues. Mint is also used to make special tea and desserts that are served on Fridays for afternoon tea.
For the students, James is more than just a teacher and a gardener: he plays sports like football with the students, plays guitar for them, organizes their participation in the Sustainable Development Summer Camp, teaches them about the United Nations SDGs, and writes songs now and then. He is a gentle and cultivated teacher who shares special knowledge and educational experiences.
Students grow in a comprehensive way. Knowledge, skill, accomplishment, and vision are all aspects that drive their growth toward becoming a complete person. We are fortunate to have James at the Daystar Sanlitun Campus. He is a teacher who extends teaching beyond the classroom and leads students in experiencing the richness of the world around them.
He is truly a great “gardener!”
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