
启明星人|三里屯校区小学部创校校长Kari King:为市中心的“小而美”涂上文化底色

启明星人 19/20




本期《启明星人》,我们走近的是三里屯小学部创校校长Kari King:

Kari King和孩子们在一起



是什么样的力量助推着这座校区快速成长,下一步它的方向在哪里?三里屯校区最可宝贵的资源是什么?……所有这些答案都在它的创校校长Kari King心里。

















英文老师James Thomason和Kari同年加入三里屯校区。他说,之所以愿意做创校教师,也是因为他喜欢从零开始的工作,喜欢为新社区做点什么。


热爱自然的他带着孩子们建起了校园花园。花园沿着学校围墙蜿蜿蜿蜒蜒,小小一块。孩子们在这里亲近自然,参加James指导的园艺课,在果蔬成熟的季节,还能亲手摘下自己种成的黄瓜、番茄 、豌豆……交给餐厅的师傅烹饪好,端上大家的餐桌!在车水马龙的城市中心,这样的体验堪称“世外桃源”!



































Daystarer 19/20

There are many reasons to join a community, but we experience the greatest sense of belonging from those with a warm, inclusive atmosphere.

Daystar is such a community. For over two decades, people have been inspired to join Daystar, and together we have shaped it. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of Daystar. 

In recognition of this moment, we decided to interview 20 Daystar community members so that they could tell their stories and present a detailed image of the Daystar community:

Today’s post is about Kari King, founding principal of Daystar Academy Elementary School, Sanlitun Campus.

Kari King and students

In the summer of 2017, the Daystar community welcomed an important new member - Sanlitun Campus. This small and beautiful campus is nestled among the lush green trees in the embassy area. Student enrollment has steadily increased year by year, from a few dozen students in the first year to today’s full campus. Sanlitun Campus is now officially authorized by IB organization to provide IBPYP education, creating a bridge between Ivy Academy for kindergarten students and Daystar Academy’s secondary schools.

What kind of force is driving the rapid growth of this campus, and what direction will it go next? What is the most valuable resource at Sanlitun Campus? Kari King, the founding principal of Sanlitun Campus Elementary School, has answers to all these questions.

Kari comes from the United States. She began her teaching career at public schools in North Carolina before working at international schools for many years. With a background in music education, she has enthusiastically, energetically, and passionately studied exploratory education methods and collaborative learning. A newly founded school where her imagination and passion can flourish is the perfect place for her.

From Panama to Beijing

Before coming to Daystar, Kari worked in Panama for 9 years. At the time, she was looking for a new challenge in her life—a school that could help her grow. She visited a lot of places, and then she encountered Daystar, which was preparing to establish the Sanlitun Campus.


The entire interview process at Daystar really showed me the direction the school wanted to go and what everyone needed to do for the school. I felt it was deeply connected with my expectations for myself, as well as my beliefs in education. During the interview, the school specifically talked to me about the kind of people they wanted their students to become and the core values of Daystar. This was very meaningful to me and seemed like it would be a good next step in my career.” said Kari while reflecting upon her initial thoughts of joining Daystar.

Kari once started a new school with her mentor. That experience helped her realize her passion for “building” new things: “I like unleashing my creativity. Even when there’s a lot of pressure, I enjoy solving problems.”

Community activities in early years

Another thing that attracted Kari to founding a school was the brand new community, which is like a blank canvas. Like-minded people can come together. From day one at Sanlitun, they decided together what was important to them and what they wanted their campus to feel like and look like. Everybody came together and created this vision as if painting on the same canvas. 

 “Land of Idyllic Beauty”

From the beginning, “innovation” has been an inherent part of Sanlitun Campus. Sanlitun Campus attracted staff who were just as enthusiastic about building new things as Kari. With the support of Kari's core team, Sanlitun Campus has become a platform for everyone to explore their ideas and have fun.

“When we recruit staff, we make it very clear to them what kind of campus we want to build. From the beginning, we recruited creative, flexible people. We have gradually seen the benefits of this,” said Kari. 

English teacher James Thomason joined Sanlitun Campus the same year as Kari. He said that he was willing to be one of the founding teachers because he liked the idea of building something from scratch and making a difference in the new community.

As someone who loves nature, James led his students in building a campus garden. The garden is a small area that winds along the school wall. Here, students can experience getting close to nature. They participate in gardening classes taught by James. When the fruits and vegetables are ripe, they can personally pick the cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, and other produce. Then they can give them to the cafeteria chef to prepare and serve to the school. In this busy city center, such an experience can be called a hidden paradise!

Art teacher Vivian Gao has also been able to realize her educational ideas over the years.

“Art comes from life. There are a lot of things we can do in the art world. Even a piece of trash can be a starting point of creation,” said Vivian Gao. This environmentally conscious creative concept is consistent with the environmental protection ideas advocated by Daystar. It has also received the support of the principal and the entire community.

Last semester, Ms. Gao had students from Sanlitun Campus make a tree out of various recycled materials. They were invited to exhibit it at the Today Art Museum in Beijing. It was the only tree made of environmentally-friendly materials in the “One Tree, One World” exhibition.


As for the art exhibition at the end of the school year, Ms. Gao didn't just want to simply showcase the students’ works. Instead, she had the students paint a wall.

Kari values these brilliant and enthusiastic team members and pushes herself to be a good leader. From the time the school was founded, every meeting has started with a “celebration” (good things in the community). These good things serve as the starting point for the following conversations. Everyone discusses problems, solves problems, and shares different opinions during the meetings, but by starting with a “celebration,” everyone is reminded that most of the things that happen in the community are good things. “We start each day with a ‘celebration,’ which directs the mindset we should have when talking with one another,” Kari said.  

Another thing Kari did was to set high expectations for everyone in the community and hope that they would meet those expectations: “Of course, people make mistakes and people fail. But I have never really wavered from those high expectations. I’m also willing to help everyone meet them.

Recognize Students

Students will always be the center of education for Daystar. Kari has a unique approach to encouraging and supporting students—she recognizes their expected behavior. For example, during the school’s second year, the school showed students what was expected of them by modeling the core values. The school set expectations for them, guided them in practicing the core values, helped them form habits, and then held discussions on the deeper meaning of these things.

Kari initiated an event called Special Lunch. At first, stickers were used to indicate the school's core values and recognize student behavior. For example, when a student was rewarded with a sticker, Kari would clearly state, “I'm giving you the service sticker because when Tommy dropped his lunch in the cafeteria, you were the first one to help him clean it up and get him a new lunch. You demonstrated your commitment to keeping our community clean.” Later on, Kari wanted to recognize the students collectively, so she took them to lunch. During the lunches, they have talked about interesting things, as well as about which of the five core values is the hardest for them to earn recognition and why.

Now, the lunch event has become a tradition. It’s surprising that students continue to be excited about taking part in the lunch event.

There are many other examples like Lunch with the Principal. Feeling seen and heard, some students who were “insignificant” in other schools have discovered that they can be “significant” and just be themselves! A parent once exclaimed, “My child is like a different person because he is more confident now!”


When summarizing the factors that contribute to the success of a school, Kari particularly emphasizes the role of culture.

“Daystar did a lot to support staff and parents. Our entire community supports one another—this stems from the foundational culture of the community. Without that foundation, it doesn't matter how good your teachers are, or how great your curriculum is, or what accreditations or authorizations or university acceptances you have,” said Kari.

As for the construction of core values that are crucial to the culture of Sanlitun Campus, Kari explained, “Any decision we make is based on our core values. At the beginning of each school year, we ask all of our staff to examine their personal core values and how their values align with the school goals. From that point, we set goals for ourselves, for our classes, and for our school. Within families, we can talk to our family members about what is most important to our own family. Some families say that spending time together is the most important thing for them. If that’s the case, from now on you would set a goal of spending time together regularly. When you start from a shared value, you're more likely to achieve your goal.”


Sanlitun Campus has grown rapidly in recent years. Kari, as the founding principal, is particularly proud of these achievements:

Looking at it from a broad perspective, I'm proud that we are continuing to grow in every aspect. Every year sees improvements in academic performance, student retention, staff retention, parent satisfaction, and staff satisfaction. Last year, the retention rate of foreign staff reached 100%. We’re clearly on the right path.

From a smaller perspective, I am really proud of the way the community members support each other. We’ve been told by many people that we have a joyful campus. We want people to experience this relaxed and open atmosphere when they visit our campus for the first time.”


Now, what vision does Kari have for Sanlitun Campus as it progresses to its “teenager stage”?

“We have always been a model for helping students cope with the future and change. Right now, it's AI. We're trying to help students adapt to the prevalence of AI. However, things are always changing. We don't know what's down the line even two or three years from now. So, all we can do is to prepare our students by teaching them how to accept things in the correct way and how to deal with them afterward. Going back to education, how do we raise resilient students? How do we produce students who are thoughtful? How do we support students who are kind? And how do we support students who are motivated to help others and the world around them?

Looking back at her work at Daystar over the past 6 years, Kari said that the word “persistent” can best describe her. During her time as the principal of Sanlitun Campus, she has learned a lot about herself. No matter the situation, she won’t give up easily.

At the beginning of this school year, Kari also added a new title—Campus Director, Sanlitun Campus. This means she is not only the principal of the Daystar Sanlitun Campus Elementary School, but also is in charge of the Ivy Academy located on the Sanlitun Campus. We believe that Kari King, who is persistent, likes innovation, and enjoys solving problems under pressure, will enjoy this new challenge.



启明星人|招生总监赵军惠:和启明星在温暖的岁月里一道成长 Daystarer|Heather Zhao, Director of Admissions

启明星人| 社会创新项目总监Elizabeth Sobhani:拥有“长热情”的社会创变者 Daystarer: Elizabeth Walker Sobhani, an Innovator at Daystar Academy


