
WIC holds the "Journey into Das-Security" event

The World Internet Conference (WIC) held the "Journey into the Outstanding Cases - Das-Security" event on March 19 in Hangzhou, East China’s Zhejiang province, to explore stories behind cybersecurity protection for international sports events.

Representatives from the Cyberspace Administration of Zhejiang Province, the Cyberspace Administration of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Cyberspace Security Association, and the WIC members participated in the event, at which Ren Xianliang, secretary-general of the WIC, delivered a speech.

Ren noted that we are in the midst of a flourishing era of the internet, where the development of the internet and related technologies has benefited countless industries, profoundly changing the lives of every individual. 

He stressed the need of ensuring cybersecurity to fully leverage the role of the internet as a bridge in connecting the global community and to fully deliver benefits brought by digital technologies.

He expressed his hope that all parties could achieve a deeper understanding of cyberspace security through the event, thereby promoting more practical cooperation in this area.

In his address, Zhang Caifang, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the Zhejiang Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Cyberspace Administration of Zhejiang Province, highlighted Zhejiang's commitment to advocating, practicing and promoting the concept of "a community with a shared future in cyberspace", as the permanent venue of the WIC Wuzhen Summit is located in the province. 

He also mentioned WIC’s first representative office, the WIC Zhejiang Office, established in June 2023, which aims to function as a bridge to explore new measures for building a community with a shared future in cyberspace through enhanced resource sharing and complementary advantages.

A total of 13 Outstanding Cases of Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace were presented at the 2023 WIC Wuzhen Summit. 

Among them, the case of Asian Games Sky Dome-Practice the Asian Games Mission and Build a Strong Safety Defense Line released by Hangzhou Dbappsecurity Co., Ltd., provides a practical model for international cooperation in cyberspace.

Fan Yuan, chairman of Hangzhou Dbappsecurity Co., Ltd., noted the company’s role to safeguard cybersecurity as an official partner of the Hangzhou Asian Games. 

Highlighting the flawless performance of the company’s MSS Asian Games Sky Dome during the event, he expressed the hope that by sharing the experience and achievements of cybersecurity protection at the Hangzhou Asian Games, the development of global cybersecurity technology could be promoted and the level of cybersecurity enhanced.

Yuan Mingkun, chief security officer, and Wang Xin, director of the company’s institute for security research, also shared stories behind the Asian Games Sky Dome at the event.

After in-depth discussions, participants visited the security operations center of the Asian Games Sky Dome, where they reviewed the remarkable moments of the company’s technical team during the Asian Games.

Background Information

Since 2021, the WIC has annually solicited Practice Cases of Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace from around the world. The Review Committee selects outstanding cases that are highly aligned with the concept of the WIC, exert significant international influence, are of outstanding inclusive value, and have rich and vivid presentations. The selected cases are released at the WIC Wuzhen Summit to showcase the impressive stories of international cooperation in cyberspace in recent years. 

Click "Read more" at the end of the text to download the collection of 2023 Outstanding Cases of Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace.

For inquiries regarding the collection of 2024 Practice Cases of Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace, please contact Mr. Sang at 13681292909.

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