
Who Indulges in Sex the Most in China?

Dr. Terrence GBA Community 2023-05-16

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Chinese people born in the 1990s exhibit some unique sexual behaviors, according to a recent survey by the Chinese internet business NetEase.

The survey found that over half of people born in the 1990s are not sexually active, with a sizeable proportion having no sex life at all.

10,000 people who use NetEase’s email, e-commerce, and online gaming services were chosen for the poll, which took place over a six-month period from September to February. About one-third of the respondents did not define their relationship status, while the other half were either married or in a committed relationship.

The survey found that individuals between the ages of 31 and 35 were the most sexually active, with over 40 percent reporting having sex at least twice a week. It’s interesting to note that, with the exception of Shenzhen, which has China’s third-largest GDP, residents in smaller cities reported having more sex than those in large ones.         

Corporate executives were the most sexually active, according to the survey, with 53% reporting at least twice-weekly sexual activity. Government officials and members of the service sector came next.       

Professor Pan Suiming, a prominent sexologist at Renmin University of China, disputes the conclusions of the NetEase survey and contends that China’s ‘90s generation is really more sexually active than their forebears. From 2005 to 2020, he conducted four national surveys on Chinese sex life, interviewing 223,147 individuals from 25 provinces and municipalities countrywide, ranging in age from 18 to 61.         

Pan observes that although young Chinese people nowadays are exposed to sexuality earlier and more easily, the likelihood that they will share a life with another person is lower.        

“Men and women are more like two rabbits to previous generations. The more challenging life is, the closer they become to one another and snuggle, “explained Pan. Young individuals today resemble hedgehogs more.

Source:China daily

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