
Foreign Tourist Fainted Twice Entering China

Dr. Terrence GBA Community 2024-01-29

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On June 17, a traveller of Mongolian descent passed out unexpectedly while going through immigration.
The female traveller suddenly passed out at the desk at 9:53 a.m. that day while she was clearing immigration; her face grew white, and her cognition was hazy.

The crew was immediately told by the border agents to bring a first aid kit so that they could treat the visitor.

The visitor gradually regained consciousness with the staff’s help and was able to get up properly after that.

It looks like the emergency has been resolved and everything is back to normal, the tourist left the counter after completing the immigration clearance.

But the tourist fainted again and lost consciousness after only a dozen meters, the border officials realized that the situation was serious and immediately called 120 (hospital emergency number).

A short while later, an ambulance showed up on the scene and transported the tourist to the hospital for medical attention.

The traveller was treated promptly, and the hospital has released them, according to media sources.

Source: 正北方网 & Isaiah

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Foreign Tourist Fainted Twice Entering China

Dr. Terrence GBA Community

