
WeChat File Transfer Powered by Real People? Netizens ask

​Dr. Terrence GBA Community 2024-01-29

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A recent online discussion about the WeChat File Transfer has sparked curiosity and raised the question, “Is the WeChat File Transfer Assistant a real person?” According to some users, they noticed that the File Transfer had removed them from their contacts, but they were able to re-add it, which seems like a real account.
In response to these speculations, WeChat clarified that File Transfer is not a human but a feature designed to assist users with file transfers. File Transfer does not have its own identity or profile, and any interactions with it are known only to the user.

However, some users have raised the possibility of people impersonating File Transfer by using similar names or profile pictures.

↑File Transfer v.s. File Tranzfer
Using their personal WeChat account, a reporter conducted an experiment. When they tried to alter their nickname to “File Transfer,” the system quickly interfered with a notification reading, “Operation failed. Please change or try once more later. This proves that WeChat has security measures in place to thwart efforts at impersonation. The alteration, however, was effective after the journalist changed their profile photo to a system icon and their nickname to ones that were similar to their own.

The WeChat File Transfer is not a person, however there can be times when people try to trick others by using similar identities or profile images. To ensure secure file transfers, it is advised to transmit files to oneself.

Source: 深圳新闻网

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WeChat File Transfer Powered by Real People? Netizens ask

​Dr. Terrence GBA Community

