
3 Foreigners Caught Overstaying Visa & Residency Illegally!

Dr. Terrence GBA Community 2024-01-29

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Three incidents of foreigners living illegally in the country were recently dealt with by the police, two of which were found through Public Security Bureau investigations and one of which was a voluntary surrender.
First instance of overstaying and unauthorised residence

Vietnamese woman NGUYEN NGOC TUYEN willingly surrendered to the Zherong County Public Security Bureau in Fujian Province.
It was discovered that NGUYEN NGOC TUYEN wed a Zherong County local in 2008 and submitted an application for a residence visa on August 18, 2022, with a validity period of till February 17, 2023. The visa was not renewed because of a family conflict.
NGUYEN NGOC TUYEN was suspected of residing illegally after staying in China after her visa had expired.
2nd Case of Illegal Residence & Overstaying
A case of unauthorised habitation in the province of Fujian was handled by the Xibing police station.
Vietnamese national Tran Thi Be flew into Xiamen Gaoqi Airport in 2019 with a tourist visa that was only good for 31 days.
She then travelled to Fu’an City to live with her lover Guo, who was aware that Tran Thi Be was a foreigner and lacked the necessary documentation for a residence permit.
Tran Thi Be spent 1,583 days (1,583 days total) at Guo’s house in Fu’an. The public security officials penalised Tran Thi Be and placed Guo in administrative custody in accordance with the law.
3rd Case of Illegal Residence & Overstaying
A woman of Laotian nationality was found to be living illegally in a neighbourhood in Shuanghe Town, Tuoketuo County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
The Approval Centre of the Tuoketuo County Public Security Bureau discovered this and discovered that the woman’s passport tourist visa had not been processed in accordance with the provisions of the visa procedures, concealing the fact and allowing her to stay.
The Laotian woman was punished and delivered to the city’s Exit and Entry Detachment so that she may be told to leave the country within a set amount of time.
Source: Zherong Public Security, Today’s Fu’an , Ping ’an Tuoketuo

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3 Foreigners Caught Overstaying Visa & Residency Illegally!

Dr. Terrence GBA Community

