

The following article is from 成都中医药大学 Author 新媒体中心

成都中医药大学第四届国际生物医药与中医药青年云论坛(Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine The 4th International Youth Online Forum on Biomedicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine )将于2020年12月中下旬采取线上形式举办,竭诚邀请海内外青年才俊参会交流!欢迎扫描下方二维码参与报名:



本论坛邀请海内外优秀人才,围绕国际前沿生物医药与中医药问题展开学术交流与探讨,促进学科交叉与学术创新,增进相互合作与互信,加深对成都中医药大学的全面了解,促成高层次人才来校建功立业。Domestic and overseas talents are warmly invited to communicate and discuss international frontier issues as biomedicine and traditional Chinese medicine, which aims to promote interdisciplinary construction and academic innovation, enhance mutual cooperation and trust, deepen a comprehensive understanding of CDUTCM as well as promote high-level talents build a successful career in CDUTCM.

论坛设主论坛及分论坛,主要涉及中医学、中药学、中西医结合、基础医学、临床医学、生物学、药学、生物医学工程、医学大数据及人工智能等多个学科和研究领域。The forum consists of main forum and sub-forums, mainly covering subjects and research areas as traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese pharmacy, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, basic medicine, clinical medicine, biology, pharmacy, biomedical engineering, medical big data and artificial intelligence.


Especially Welcome Scholars Who Are

1.年龄不超过40周岁,具有国内“世界一流”建设学校或海外知名大学博士学位的优秀青年人才。(海外知名大学参照ARWU排名前500名大学,下同)1. Age under 40, excellent young talents with doctoral degrees from world-class universities in China or from top universities aboard (In this invitation, top universities aboard means ARWU top 500 universities).

2. 年龄不超过40周岁,在国内取得博士学位且具有海外知名大学/研究机构博士后或3年以上科研工作经历的优秀青年人才。2. Age under 40, excellent young talents with doctoral degrees from top universities in China engaged in post-doctoral career from top universities or research institutes abroad; or has over 3 years' experience of scientific research.

3. 特别欢迎“四青人才”、“高被引科学家”等优秀青年学者参会交流。3. "SI QIN" talents, highly cited researchers and other young talents.

4. 在相关学科领域取得一定成绩或具有发展潜力的其他优秀青年人才。4. Young talents who get certain achievements or talents with potential for development in relevant disciplines.


Introduction of

Chengdu University of TCM


Located in Chengdu City of Sichuan, a place with abundant resources and profound culture, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a provincial key university of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and Sichuan Province and is co-constructed by the provincial government and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM). With traditional Chinese medicine as its leading subject, CDUTCM is characterized by the harmonious integration of science, engineering, management, liberal arts and education. It is selected as one of National "double first class" discipline construction universities as well.

“十三五”以来,学校新上国家科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金、社会科学基金等国家级项目238项;获得各级各类奖励92项,其中国家级教学成果一等奖1项、二等奖1项,四川省优秀教学成果一等奖4项,省科学技术杰出贡献奖1项,省科技进步一等奖6项、二等奖9项。Since "13th Five-Year Plan", CDUTCM newly added 238 national-level projects such as the National Science and Technology Major Project, the National Natural Science Foundation Major Project, and the Major Projects of National Social Science Foundation. It has won 92 awards at various levels, including 1 first prize and 1 second prize for National Teaching Achievement Award; 4 first prizes for Outstanding Teaching Achievements in Sichuan Province, 1 outstanding contribution award, 6 first prizes and 9 second prizes for Scientific and Technological Progress of Sichuan Province, and first prize.

CDUTCM is one of the earliest universities that qualified to confer doctoral and master degree of TCM and is also the first trial unit of doctoral and master professional degree on clinical medicine. It offers 3 doctoral degree programs of the first level disciplines, 58 doctoral degree programs of the second level disciplines, 7 master's degree programs of the first level disciplines, 58 master's degree programs of the second-level disciplines and 3 post-doctoral research stations. In addition, there are 4 national key subjects, 4 first-class disciplines, 5 national top courses, 3 national good teaching groups, and one national talent Training model innovation experimental area.

学校有各级各类实验室、研究中心74个,其中有西南特色中药资源国家重点实验室、国家级实验教学示范中心、国家中医药虚拟仿真实验教学示范中心、中药饮片炮制国家地方联合工程研究中心、国家中药材种质资源库(四川)、教育部2011协同创新中心西南道地药材省部共建协同创新中心、教育部重点实验室、教育部工程技术研究中心、国家中医药管理局重点研究室、国家中医药管理局中医药科研实验室(三级)等。There are 74 labs and research centers, such as the Key Laboratory of Characteristic Chinese Medicine Resources in Southwest China, the State-Level Experimental Teaching Model Center, the State TCM Virtual Simulation Teaching Demonstration Center, the State-Local Joint TCM Herbal Pieces Processing Research Center, the State TCM Germplasms Resource Library (Sichuan), the Education Ministry Collaborative Innovation Center of Southwest Genuine medicinal materials, the Education Ministry Key Laboratory, the Education Ministry Engineering Research Center, the Key Laboratory of SATCM, and the TCM Research Laboratory of SATCM (3rd Level).

近年来,学校大力实施人才强校战略,实施“杏林学者”人才工程,设立学术荣誉体系,出台学科人才科研提升计划,建立院士专家工作站,打造动态科研机构,形成了一支以国医大师和学术大师为引领,以国家级人才等为学术带头人,青年英才为骨干的人才队伍。学校将进一步加大高层次人才引进和服务,大力改善高层次人才工作生活条件,在薪酬待遇、住房安家、平台建设、科研经费等方面予以全方位有力支持。In recent years, CDUTCM has vigorously implemented the strategy of "Developing University with Talents" and the construction project of "Xinglin Scholars". An academic honor system has been set up and a scientific research plan has been introduced. An academician and expert workstation have been established as part of dynamic scientific research institutions. A talent team has been formed with the masters of TCM and academy as the leaders, National talents as the academic leaders, and young talents as the backbone. The school will further promote the introduction and service of high-level talents, improve the working and living conditions of high-level talents, and provides comprehensive support in salary, housing, platform construction, and research funding.

作为“世界一流学科”建设高校,学校将牢牢抓住中医药全面振兴发展的新机遇,准确把握高等教育发展的新形势,主动对接健康中国战略的新要求,奋力实现“十三五” 规划的新发展,为建成“国内一流、国色鲜明的高水平中医药大学”目标而努力奋斗!As one of the "world-class level discipline" construction universities, along with the development of higher education and traditional Chinese medicine, CDUTCM is accelerating its development for full implementation of national 13th Five-Year Plan, actively adapting itself to the requirement of "Healthy China" strategy, and striving to establish a high-level TCM university with distinctive features.




联系人:王老师Contact:  Ms. Wang
联系邮箱:cdutcmszk@163.comE-mail: cdutcmszk@163.com
联系电话:+86-028-61800045Tel: +86-028-61800045
地址:成都市温江区柳台大道1166号Add: No.1166 Liutai Avenue, Wenjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China















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