

拾萬空间 拾萬 Hunsand Space

梁姝妮:日常饮食 | 作品展


地点:山雀餐厅 | 拾萬空间一层


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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | 战斗 Battel | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 120×90cm | 2019

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  梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | 野草地 The grass land | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 60×50cm | 2020

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 梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | 依赖 Relay on | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 100×80cm | 2019

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | 椅子上的木棉花 Kapok on chair | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 40×30cm | 2018

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |一束光 A beam of linght | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 40×30cm | 2018

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | 日常饮食-借助⼀⼝烟以戏剧化的⽅式表演灵魂出窍Diet - Dramatize an out-of-body experience with a puff of smoke | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 38×28cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |日常饮食- ⼀个果⼦制造的激流,另⼀个果⼦正等待加⼊ Diet - a torrent of one fruit, another fruit waiting to be added | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 30×27cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | 日常饮食-⻘春期后,⼿⽑最⻓可达2cm Diet - After puberty, hand hair can reach up to 2cm | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 37×27cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |日常饮食- 当距离⾜够近时,对⽅会向你呈现出Ta的第三只眼睛 Diet -When close enough, the other party will show you the third eye of the Ta | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 39×27cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |日常饮食- 随意抓取恋⼈的脚假装打电话,想象⾃⼰是处理紧急案件的神秘丽⼈ Diet -Feel free to grab the feet of a lover and pretend to make a phone call, imagining that you are the mysterious lady dealing with an emergency case | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 32×27cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | 日常饮食-豉王陨落,之后的事情变得不再有趣 Diet -After the fall of the king of black beans, things became less interesting | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 32×27cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |⽇常饮⻝-带⼿机如厕,擦屁股时,⼿机放在何处指南 diet - Take your phone to the toilet and where to put it when you wipe your butt | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 45×38cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni  |⽇常饮⻝- 夏天洗热⽔澡浴室闷得像地狱,⼿也开始发胀,抬起来⼀看,啊啊啊怎么就变成了兽⽖!diet - summer bath bath stuffy like hell, the hand also began to swell, lift up a look, ah ah ah how to become a beast claw!| 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 38×27cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |⽇常饮⻝- 平平⽆奇屏幕⽣活Diet - Live a normal screen life| 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 47×32.5cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |⽇常饮⻝- ⽆烹饪⽬的的打开燃⽓灶Diet -Turn on the gas stove for no cooking purpose | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 34.5×24.5cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |⽇常饮⻝- 这⾥没有近⼤远⼩ Diet -- there is no place near, far, or small | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 27×20cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni  |⽇常饮⻝-清晨梦⻅⾃⼰流泪,实际上也真的在流泪 Diet - in the morning dream of tears, in fact, really in tears | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 33×27cm | 2021


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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | ⽇常饮⻝- 翻腾的河流,在电线中翻腾的河流 Diet - rivers churning, rivers churning in power lines| 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 37×25cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | 问题本身 The problem itself | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 100×80cm | 2019

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni  |⽇常饮⻝- ⼿掌在两个瓶⼦之间得以延伸 Diet - The palm of your hand is extended between the two bottles | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 38×27cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni |⽇常饮⻝-⽔池中的袋⼦,袋⼦中的⽔,⽔中的⻥ Diet - bags in the pool, water in the bag, fish in the water | 纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper | 27×18cm | 2021

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni  | 陌⽣⼈ Stranger | 镜⼦, 假发, 织物, 黏⼟ Mirrors, wigs, fabrics, viscera | 17×10×38 cm | 2017

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梁姝妮 Liang Shuni | ⻦⼈ Birdy | 织物, ⽊, 铁丝, 珠⼦ fabric, wooden, wire, beads | 10×5×20 cm | 2019

山雀Parus和牛餐厅酒吧—展览现场 | Exhibition View


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PARUS Present by Hunsand Space, and want to find goog food and wine. Meanwhile We are a gourmet kitchen bar, a communication platform kitchen with a variety of professional chefs and professional top food suppliers, professional wine, whisky, Sake tasters and West certified lecturers. Our Bar will select a small number of wine, art and professional sommelier service from time to time, to help each guest choose the best wine and art with the meal!

山雀PARUS餐厅 - 营业时间:Tuesday - Sunday(except Monday)
11:30 - 21:00山雀PARUS - 地址:北京市朝阳区七九八艺术区七九八西街02号NO.02,798 West Street ,798 Art District,Chaoyang District,Beijing ,100015订餐电话:185-1588-4798


Hunsand Space is founded in 2014, in No. 211 Caochangdi Art District, and is relocated to the 798 Art Zone in 2018. In keeping vigilance with the conventional ways of presenting art exhibitions in white cubes, Hunsand Space aims to take the semantics and syntax from the language of contemporary art as a point of departure and expand them into a broader field. Through its vigorous programs of exhibitions and projects, it hopes to stimulate the overlooked aspects in contemporary culture and brings the values of contemporary art into our lives.


D-02, 798 West Street, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing

微信 | WeChat: hunsandspace



W: www.hunsand.com

拾萬 Hunsand Space

