



Letter From Maria






每年的期末,对于同学可能都是蛮有挑战的时间,无论是在脑力上还是体力上。这里我想引用徐校长的建议,读书考试要学会松而不懈。要调整自己的状态,要放松,因为只有放松你才能发挥自己最大的潜力。同时又不能松到懈怠,因为懈而不聚,就无以成就。可能就保持0.7分的紧张度,留白0.3分,是一个比较好的状态,就像拍照也是黄金分割点会达成一个比较好的美的感受。黄金分割点是(√5-1)/2,大约0.618, 接近0.7。


第一我们可能需要有一些创新的思想。如果我们将就业定义为使用我们的才能为社会创造价值,那么不见得每一位同学都需要在毕业后走入既定的轨道,如大学或者企业。我们其实可以根据自己的特长,走出专业的舒适区,通过与不同学科的联合,富有创意地选择为社会创造价值的方式与路径。其实,机器人与AI的出现,为当今社会的很多职业带来面临重新洗牌的危机。无论我们是什么专业毕业,可能几年后都要在一个新的行业重新开始,因此,为自己找一个看似稳定的职业,不如训练自己具备创新思维(Innovative Mindset),能更好的为将来做准备。为此,我们书院特别与大学创新中心(CIDE)联合设计了系列活动,让大家通过参访、工坊、和实践的形式,培育创新思维,预备好自己独特的方式进入社会并为其创造价值。明年三月份,我们会和大学创新中心共同举办来自全世界各地大学生和研究生的商业模式训练营。明年暑假,我们七书院会推出我们首个研究生创新训练营。作为七书院的成员,创新思维,是我们刻意设计的,希望大家探索、认识、最终可以带走的一个大礼包。我们相信,在求职的这条路上,创新思维将祝福你一生,不会有缺乏。


第三点,我想讲讲职业沟通(professional communication)。我们明年春天会在书院开设一系列讲座,包括如何准备中英文简历、求职信和面试,也会为大家提供一对一的模拟面试训练的机会,最大限度上在职业人的思维模式和沟通方式两个方面,帮助我们求职的同学以最佳的状态进入职场。除此以外,书院也会对接用人单位,邀请他们来书院招聘,让同学们真正学以致用。


我讲的看似大道理,但其实,是非常具有实操性的。是书院预备好给大家的,但是只有愿意参与实践的同学才能得到,所以我们称之为 experiential learning gifts。我们书院设计这四个大礼包是希望赋能给我们即将步入社会,或者进入职场,或者进入学术研究领域的同学们。我们希望无论你走哪一条路,都带着丰盈的心态,看到并且知道,自己的脚下的路不止一条。愿你选择这一条路,或者那一条路,是因为这条路上有你人生的意义和归属。






Dear Seveners,

Time flies, and it's already the end of the year in the blink of an eye! While you are busy preparing for their final exams, our office is also wrapping up this year's work and planning for next year's activities and schedules. The recently held Christmas lighting ceremony hopefully brought hope for the new year and upcoming festive joy to all of you!

The end of the year can be a challenging time for you, both mentally and physically. Here, I would like to quote President Xu's advice: when studying and taking exams, we should learn to be relaxed yet persistent. It's important to adjust our mindset and relax because only when you are relaxed can you unleash your full potential. However, we should not relax to the point of becoming complacent because without focus, we cannot achieve anything. Maintaining a tension level of 0.7 and leaving a 0.3 margin is a good state, just like achieving a sense of aesthetic beauty in photography through the golden ratio. The golden ratio is (√5-1)/2, approximately 0.618, which is close to 0.7.

I know that many of our classmates are currently experiencing anxiety due to the pressure of job hunting, especially our one-year graduate students. Regarding employment, I would like to share my three cents.

Firstly, we may need to embrace innovative thinking. If we define employment as using our talents to create value for society, not every student necessarily needs to enter the existing job market, such as universities or companies, following the established paths. In fact, based on our own strengths, we can step out of our professional comfort zones and creatively choose ways to create value for society through collaboration with different disciplines. The emergence of robotics, for example, may lead to a reshuffling of many professions in today's society. Regardless of our major, we may have to start a new industry a few years later. Therefore, instead of seeking a seemingly stable career for ourselves, it might be better to train ourselves to have an innovative mindset, which can better prepare us for the future. To this end, our college has specially designed a series of activities in collaboration with the Center for Innovation and Design Education (CIDE) to help everyone develop their innovative thinking through visits, workshops, and practical experiences. In March next year, we will host a business model training camp for college and graduate students from around the world in collaboration with the CIDE. In the summer vacation next year, Seven College will launch our first graduate innovation and entrepreneurship training camp. As members of Seven College, an innovative mindset is a carefully designed gift we hope everyone will explore, understand, and ultimately take with them. We believe that on the path of job hunting, an innovative mindset will bless you throughout your life, leaving no room for lack.

Regarding employment, the second point I want to make is that perhaps we also need to cultivate a service-oriented mindset. This not only enhances our competency in job applications but also helps us see perspectives and opportunities for creating value for society that we may not have considered before. The student portrait of our academy is "Living with Purpose, Integrity, Mastery, and Humble Service." Among them, purpose, character, and service are the keys to happiness and leadership proposed by Mr. Donald VanCamp, an expert in leadership research who graduated from Princeton and Harvard Business School. Many people pursue external success, but we encourage you to seek meaning. Your life's mission lies behind that meaning. Many people value the results of their efforts, but we suggest you pay attention to whether your character is being shaped throughout the process. Good character ensures fruitful outcomes in your life. Everyone aspires to become outstanding individuals, but we encourage you to root yourselves deeply and serve with humility, because it is through humble service driven by love that you realize your social value. In doing so, you will find the meaning and sense of belonging in life, which are the two most important spiritual needs. To guide everyone in preparing to enter society with a spirit of humble service, we have invited four professors known as the "Dream Team of Service-Learning in China" to lead a year-long service-learning project. Please pay attention to our updates and actively sign up to participate. This opportunity is truly rare, and we hope everyone seizes it.

Point Three, I would like to talk about professional communication. Next spring, we will be offering a series of lectures at Seventh College, including sessions on how to prepare both Chinese and English resumes, cover letters, and interviews. We will also provide opportunities for one-on-one mock interviews to help our job-seeking students enter the workplace in the best possible state, considering both their mindset and communication skills. Additionally, the college will connect with employers and invite them to conduct recruitment activities on campus.

Furthermore, some of us may be facing personal challenges and emotional experiences at this stage of their lives. In the upcoming spring semester, we will organize an intimate relationships workshop in the form of a studio, inviting interested graduate students to sign up for a seven-week group workshop. The aim is to enhance our graduate students' wisdom in intimate relationships – teaching you how to love yourselves, improve your ability to make others feel loved, and reduce the likelihood of hurting others.

What I have shared may seem like grand theories, but in reality, they are highly practical. They are gifts that our college has prepared for all of you, but only those who are willing to participate in the practice can receive them. That's why we call them "experiential learning gifts." The college has designed these four gift packages to empower those of you who are about to step into society, whether it's the workplace or academic research. We hope that no matter which path you choose, you carry a mindset of abundance and understand that there is more than one road beneath your feet. You choose a certain path because it holds meaning and belonging for your life.


Wishing you all success in your final exam preparations!


With love,



排版 | 徐晨 祥波书院 经管学院

图文 | 第七书院办公室

电话 | 0755-23517380

邮箱 | 7thcollege@cuhk.edu.cn

办公时间 | 8:30-12:00; 13:00-17:30



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