
What to do upon arrival in Shanghai

Alex Bushroe City News Service 2023-06-09

Alexander Bushroe is from Florida, USA, and has resided in China since 2009. He graduated from Clemson University and the Dalian University of Technology. In this column on the City News Service, he'll offer some thoughts about the latest official goings-on in Shanghai and navigating through life in the city. If you have any questions, please email Alex at alex@shanghaidaily.com.

What do you need to do when you first come to Shanghai? Here is some information that you need to know first.

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Editor: Su Yanxian
Writer: Alexander Bushroe
Video: Shot by Sun Minjie. Edited by Sun Minjie and Alexander Bushroe. Subtitles by  Sun Minjie and Alexander Bushroe.
Source: Shine

