
New permanent residence cards for foreigners in China

Zhu Ying City News Service 2023-12-20

The new version of the People's Republic of China Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card

The new version of the People's Republic of China Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card will be officially issued on December 1, the National Immigration Administration announced today.

The existing version will remain valid within its expiration date. Cardholders can choose to apply for the new version based on their needs.

The PRC Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card is a legal identification document issued by the National Immigration Administration to foreigners who meet the requirements for permanent residence in China.

Cardholders can use the Permanent Residence ID Card as a valid certificate in situations such as accommodation registration and transportation ticket purchase, without the need to present their passports.

The new version of the People's Republic of China Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card under ultraviolet light

The new version retains the basic format of the current one while expanding the card number from 15 digits to 18, and incorporating five-star elements that represent China. It also optimizes the layout and employs advanced anti-counterfeit technology. The information storage and personal data protection have also improved.

After the introduction of the new version of the card, cardholders will be able to use them to handle personal matters via online platforms.


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Editor: Liu Xiaolin
Designer: Shi Jingyun

Writer: Zhu Ying

Photo: Ti Gong

Source: City News Service


