
会议征文 | 2023 AAEA 年会 China Section征稿启事

2023年美国农业与应用经济学会年会中国分会(AAEA China Section)征文正式开始,征稿截止日期2022年11月10日(美国中部标准时间),征稿启事全文如下:

China Section Track Session Call for Abstracts
2023 AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

July 23- 25, 2023

The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) China Section seeks submissions for presentations in Track Sessions at the 2023 AAEA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. with two focused areas and other general topics.

(1)   Sustainable Development in Agriculture (e.g., circular agriculture, sustainable eating, carbon footprints, carbon neutrality);

(2)   Food System Transition and Food System Resilience in China (e.g., green transition, rural revitalization, digital economics, response and adaptation to shocks);

(3)   General Topics: include, but are not limited to, agricultural policies, resources and environment, rural development, supply chain, e-commerce, rural education, climate change, energy, finance, and other issues in agricultural economics.

Those interested should email their ABSTRACTS as an attachment tochinasection@gmail.com no later than the midnight of November 10, 2022 (by 11:59:59 PM US Central Standard Time) in WORD format only.The cover page of the abstract should include: (1) Title of the paper; (2) Names of authors, with the last name of the presenter in CAPITALS; (3) Email address of the presenter; (4) Institutional affiliations and addresses (including emails) of the authors; (5) Up to four key words, and (6) whether it is qualified for Best Paper Award (see the qualification below).

The abstract itself should be about TWO PAGES (single-spaced, 8.5 by 11 inches) that provides a clear explanation of what will be presented at the Annual Meeting. The abstract should include an introduction of the research topic, research methodology, data sources (if applicable), results or preliminary results (if not available, expected results and research timeline), and potential for generating discussion during the meeting. Please use the last name of the presenter as the file name of your attached abstract, with a .docx extension.

Notification of whether an abstract is accepted will be sent by December 1, 2022. Please note that this is before the due date for AAEA Selected Presentation Papers and Posters. If your abstract is accepted by the China Section, the same paper CANNOT be presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting in other sessions or venues. All presenters/speakers of the accepted paper are required to be AAEA and China Section members and register for the 2023 Annual Meeting.

The China Section will present up to two Best Paper Awards to junior scholars (graduate students or young professionals with graduate degrees received within the last five years), who submit and confirm to present their work (primary authorship required) at the 2023 China Section Track Sessions.

Any questions regarding submission should be directed to chinasection@gmail.com. Information on the leadership and activities of the China Section can be found at http://www.aaea.org/sections/china/ (click on “AAEA Annual Meeting” on the left panel to see more information).

READ简介 /READ team/

浙大卡特资源环境与农业发展研究团队(Resource, Environment, and Agricultural Development Team,简称READ)依托浙江大学中国农村发展研究院和公共管理学院,主要关注资源环境与三农问题,致力于资源环境经济学与农业经济学学科交叉研究。团队现有浙大卡特资源环境与农业发展大讲堂(READ TALKS)、新闻速递(READ NEWS)、好文推荐(READ PICKS) 、学术午餐会(READ BROWNBAG)等品牌活动。团队成员在Management Science、JDE、AJAE、JEEM、JAERE等高水平期刊发表了一系列标志性研究成果,并多次获得中央和省部级领导批示。

