
Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai: Hello 上海!我们来了!

Design Miami Design Miami 2022-06-06

顶尖艺廊、工作室、品牌、藏家、艺术家、设计师、各界名流……这些元素构成了全球顶尖的艺术设计盛会——Design Miami/,并与同期的姐妹展Art Basel(巴塞尔艺术展)一道,在每年12月的美国迈阿密海滩和6月的瑞士巴塞尔,吸引着无数热爱艺术的人流连忘返。

Top design galleries, studios, brands, collectors, artists, designers, celebrities... You can find them all at Design Miami/, the global forum for design. Occurring alongside the Art Basel fairs in Miami, USA each December and Basel, Switzerland each June, Design Miami/ attracts countless design lovers from around the globe.


Miami Design Distrct

Leandro Erlich 2019年在迈阿密海滩展出公共艺术装置《最重要的顺序》

Public art installation Order of Importance by Leandro Erlich on Miami Beach, 2019


German designers Elmgreen and Dragset have installed a sculpture that looks like a U-shaped swimming pool outside the Miami Beach Convention Center.

作为专注于收藏级设计的艺术设计展,在过去15年里,Design Miami/ 一直都在试图改变世界探索、交易以及收藏“收藏级设计”的方式。今年,这一备受全世界瞩目的设计艺术盛会即将隆重登陆上海!首届Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai将于11月于在“外滩源壹号”隆重启幕。Design Miami/ Podium呈现了一个全新的展会概念,于2020年12月首次在迈阿密的摩尔大楼里亮相。这一以策展理念构建的设计盛会以独特的形式呈现国际顶尖艺廊及工作室的精选设计收藏孤品,吸引着全球顶级藏家、设计师、奢侈品牌、文化机构及地产界等各领域的强烈关注,将在中国市场构建前所未有的艺术设计圈层,注入来自全球的顶级优质资源。

For over 15 years, this high-end design fair has focused on transforming the way people explore, trade, and collect design. And this year, the highly respected global forum for the design comes to Shanghai for the first time! The inaugural Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will debut in November at “Bund No. 1”. Design Miami/ Podium is a new event concept and curated selling exhibition that first launched in December 2020 at the Moore Building in Miami, Florida. The Podium exhibition will feature a unique showcase of one-of-a-kind collectible design objects and collections by select international and regional galleries and studios alike. It will surely draw widespread attention from collectors, designers, luxury brands, cultural institutions, and real estate companies around the world, and help create an unprecedented design and art environment for—and bring high-quality resources to—the Chinese market.

点击视频,来到迈阿密海滩,感受Design Miami/ 的现场盛况

Click the video, come to Miami beach, and experience Design Mimai's spectacular event

Design Miami/ 不仅是全球顶尖的设计论坛,也是一场围绕艺术与设计展开的狂欢盛典。每年12月在美国迈阿密海滩举办的Design Miami/ 以及6月在瑞士巴塞尔举办的Design Miami/ Basel吸引了世界无数设计爱好者的目光。展会汇聚来自全球顶尖的艺廊、工作室、品牌、藏家、艺术家和设计师的精选作品,每年有大约30余家在全球享有盛誉的艺廊参展,包括 Galerie kreo、Galerie Patrick Seguin、Carpenters Workshop Gallery、Salon 94 Design、Friedman Benda、CONVERSO、AGO Projects、The Future Perfect等顶尖艺廊均在参展之列。

Design Miami/ is not only the global forum for design but also the nexus of design culture. Held each year in Miami Beach, USA in December and in Basel, Switzerland in June, Design Miami/ boasts a variety of rich design content and programming to draw in design lovers from around the globe. Design Miami/ and Design Miami/ Basel feature carefully selected works from world-renowned galleries, studios, brands, collectors, and designers. Every year, more than 30 top design galleries exhibit at the fair, including Galerie kreo, Galerie Patrick Seguin, Carpenters Workshop Gallery, Salon 94 Design, Friedman Benda, CONVERSO, AGO Projects, The Future Perfect, and many more… 

Snarkitectur作品《Drift》在 Design Miami/ 2012

Drift by Snarkitecture at Design Miami/ 2012

哈佛学生在Design Miami/ 2015打造粉色模型馆

Harvard Students create a pink pavilion of models 

at Design Miami/ 2015

同时,Design Miami/ 不仅仅只是一个交易收藏级设计的场所,它更呈现了一个博物馆级别的深度展览,汇集了艺术史及现当代重要的艺术家和设计师,同期举办的“设计论坛”更旨在提升及拓展大家对“收藏级设计”的认知。此外,除了线下展会之外,Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai还将同时在线上平行呈现,藏家可在特定时段于designmiami.com体验线上展会。在线上平台,观众可实时体验展会现场、并享受“点击藏购”的购物体验、感受交互式 3D 导览、并参观线上虚拟展厅、合作品牌装置艺术作品及设计师焦点等多元的展会内容。

Design Miami/ is more than a marketplace for design. Presenting museum-quality exhibitions of talented historical and contemporary artists and designers alongside curated programming such as “Design Talks,”  Design Miami/ broadens people’s awareness of and appreciation for “collectible design.” In addition, Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai is a hybrid event and all exhibited works will be available to purchase for a limited time in-person and online at designmiami.com. The online event experience will run in parallel to the physical exhibition and will feature a click-to-collect shopping experience, interactive 3D tours, virtual programming, brand partner installations, designer spotlights, and more. 

Garrett Ricciardi 和 Julian Rose 为Design Miami/ 2013 


Formlessfinder by Garrett Ricciardi & Julian Rose at Design Miami/ 2013 

Fernando Laposse 在迈阿密设计区的《Pink Beasts》

Pink Beasts by Fernando Laposse at Miami Design District

Tanya Aguiñiga 与 dublab 和 Frosty McNeill 合作的 Celebration Spectrum;2020年5 月曾在安装在洛杉矶的 Grand Park

Celebration Spectrum by Tanya Aguiñiga in collaboration with dublab and Frosty McNeill; installed in LA's Grand Park for the month of May.

每年,Design Miami/ 及Design Miami/ Basel都持续呈现着多元的内容策划,包含 “Galleries” “Curio” “Collaborations ” “Design at Large” “Design Talks”等多个单元。

Design Miami/ fairs consistently feature a range of memorable programs including “Galleries" and  “Curio" installations, unique brand collaborations as well as "Design at Large” an exhibition platform for large-scale works that surpass the scope of the traditional gallery booth.

“Galleries”单元是Design Miami/ 的核心板块,受邀参与Design Miami/ 的艺廊都将呈现独一无二的收藏级设计,从最著名和最有影响力的现代主义大师,到最具创新性持续推动设计领域发展的先锋当代设计师们,“Galleries”以博物馆级别的策展水平呈现这些顶尖作品,吸引着全球对古代及当代收藏级设计感兴趣的顶级私人藏家及公共机构。

Galleries stand at the core of Design Miami/ . The galleries invited to exhibit in Design Miami/ deal mainly in exceptional design objects, from the most celebrated and influential masters of modernism to works by the most innovative and agenda-setting contemporary designers who are continuing to push the field forward. Galleries at Design Miami/ display curated exhibitions of museum-quality designs, attracting the highest level of private and public collectors of historical and contemporary design.


Design Miami/ 2018

Carpenters Workshop Gallery 

Design Miami/ 2017

Cristina Grajales Gallery

Design Miami/ 2018

Galerie kreo

Design Miami/ 2016


Every year, Design Miami/ ’s “Curio” program invites a carefully curated selection of game-changing designers, architects, curators, innovators, and gallerists to create special installations that challenge conventional design concepts. “Curios” are interspersed amongst Design Miami/ ’s core gallery presentations, infusing the fair’s exhibition program with inventive snapshots of today’s dynamic design landscape.

J. Lohmann 画廊在 Design Miami/ 2018 展出 Breaking the Mold - 当代韩国陶瓷

J. Lohmann Gallery presents Breaking the Mold - Contemporary Korean Ceramics at Design Miami/ 2018 


DIMOREGALLERY presents PIERO! at Design Miami/ 

LIZWORKS 在 Design Miami/ 2017上与The Campana Brothers一起展示《Time For Oatmeal》

LIZWORKS presents Time For Oatmeal with The Campana Brothers at Design Miami/ 2017

Sarah Myerscough 画廊在 Design Miami/ 2019 展示了 Marcin Rusak 的 《White Perma》

Sarah Myerscough Gallery presents White Perma by Marcin Rusak at Design Miami/ 2019

Design Miami/ 每年联动机构、合作伙伴、赞助商,诸如Louis Vuitton、Fendi、Swarovski、Lexus、Maison Perrier-Jouët等品牌,共同合作设计展会作品,使艺术设计行业与商业、生活方式等领域的产生跨界,创造出更多种可能性的碰撞。这些合作以身临其境的装置、策展方式和独特的设计作品来鼓励创新,也表达了展会对设计赞助的热情。

Design Miami/ collaborates with institutions, partners, and sponsors every year, including Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Swarovski, Lexus, and Maison Perrier-Jouët, to present special design works that connect across fields such as art, business, and lifestyle, opening up more possibilities for inter-industry crossovers. These collaborations take the shape of immersive installations, curated exhibitions, and unique objects that celebrate design innovation and express keen enthusiasm for design patronage.

路易威登在Design Miami/ 2019 推出 《Objets Nomades》 

Louis Vuitton presents Objets Nomades at Design Miami/ 2019

雷克萨斯在 Deisgn Miami/ 2018 上展示《未来是无限的》

Lexus presents The Future is Limitless at Deisgn Miami/ 2018

Airbnb 在 Design Miami/ 2017 年上展示了 Muller Van Severen 的《A Wild Thing》

Airbnb presents A Wild Thing by Muller Van Severen at Design Miami/ 2017 

Swarovski 在 Design Miami/ Basel 2019 展示《水》

Swarovski presents water at Design Miami/ Basel 2019 

MAISON PERRIER-JOUËT X Bethan Laura Wood 在 Design Miami/ 2018

MAISON PERRIER-JOUËT X Bethan Laura Wood at Design Miami/ 2018

“Design at Large”是Design Miami/ Basel与时下的热点话题形成对话,而特别开辟的策展单元。2021年,Design Miami/ Basel,将以“Human Nature”的主题呈现,展会将探索人类与日益构建的自然世界之间不断发展的关系。

Design at Large is an exhibition platform for large-scale works that surpass the scope of the traditional gallery booth. The projects can take the form of structures, pavilions, or any other large-scale installations, including performances and video projections. The 2021 program at Design Miami/ Basel, titled “Human Nature,” will aim to explore the evolving relationship between humans and the increasingly constructed natural world. 

Friedman Benda展示了安德里亚·布兰兹 (Andrea Branzi) 的《领土》

Friedman Benda presents Territories by Andrea Branzi

Galerie Philippe Gravier 呈献 Odile Decq 的黑色亭子

Galerie Philippe Gravier presents The Black Pavilion by Odile Decq

Jason Jacques Gallery 展出 Kim Simonsson 的 Moss Tower

Jason Jacques Gallery presents Moss Tower by Kim Simonsson

Friedman Benda呈献 Erez Nevi Pana 的《漂白 II》

Friedman Benda presents Bleached II by Erez Nevi Pana

作为专注于收藏级设计的全球大型艺术设计展,Design Miami/ 每年都吸引着无数国际藏家、文化机构、名流、奢侈品牌、地产商以及媒体的强烈关注。世界各地的顶级藏家每年造访Design Miami/ ,感受设计艺术的魅力,体验设计何以成为具有功能性的艺术杰作。

As the premier, high-end design fair focusing on collectible design, Design Miami/ draws widespread attention from countless collectors, creators, cultural institutions, celebrities, luxury brands, real estate companies, and media outlets around the world. High-profile collectors from around the world are drawn to Design Miami/ as a curated platform that elevates design to the level of art; considering design as works of art with a function.

此外,Design Miami/ 拥有巨大的线上影响力。Design Miami/ 在全球拥有1.9亿的持续粉丝关注度,社交媒体(Instagram、Twitter、Facebook)总和达25.1万粉丝,96.78万次Pinterest内容曝光,每年有逾500家国际知名媒体的关注与报道,360万全球内容曝光度,范围涉及生活方式、艺术、文化、建筑、商业和时尚等各领域,吸引近4.15亿全球读者的阅读。

Design Miami/ has 190 million loyal followers in the world, including 251,000 followers on social media platforms (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook). It receives media coverage from over 500 world-renowned media companies. Its content ranges from design, lifestyle, art, culture, architecture, and business to fashion, generating 967,800 exposures on Pinterest and 3.6 million exposures globally, and attracting nearly 415 million global readers.

官方Instagram Stories和IGTV定期更新Design Miami/   在线商店及Forum Magazine杂志的最新内容,并引导用户可直接跳转官方网站:designmiami.com。

Its official Instagram Stories and IGTV regularly update viewers on the latest from Design Miami/ ’s online store and magazine, Forum Magazine, directing users to its official website, designmiami.com.

Design Miami/ Instagram 及IGTV 主页

Design Miami/ Instagram & IGTV main page

今年众望所归之下,Design Miami/ 正式进入中国,官方微信公众号也将推出Design Miami/ Podium x  Shanghai的最新活动预告及其他国际Design Miami/ 展会的内容及近况。

This year, after much anticipation, Design Miami/ enters China. Its official WeChat account will share updates on the upcoming Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai in November as well as other international Design Miami/ exhibitions and content.

2005年,设计顾问 Ambra Medda、室内设计师Amy Lau以及房地产开发商克雷格·罗宾斯(Craig Robins)共同在美国迈阿密设计区(MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT,下文简称MDD)创立了Design Miami/ ,展会为期5天。初期,这一全新的设计展会被人们称为 Art Basel Miami Beach(迈阿密海滩艺术巴塞尔展会)的姐妹展览, 是Art Basel(艺术巴塞尔展会)在2002年推出的北美版本,Art Basel(艺术巴塞尔展会)作为世界上最重要的艺术展会之一,每年都会在迈阿密、香港以及巴塞尔举行。

In 2005, design consultant Ambra Medda, Interior Designer, Amy Lau, and Craig Robins, a real estate developer from Miami Design District (hereafter referred to as MDD), USA, established Design Miami/ . The new design fair was regarded as the sister exhibition of renowned Art Basel Miami Beach (known as the most important art fair in the world, with fairs in Miami, Hong Kong, and Basel each year), which launched its own North American iteration in 2002. The inaugural Design Miami/   lasted 5 days.


Miami Design District

次年(2006年),在Art Basel的母公司MCH集团支持下,Design Miami/ 迅速扩张到瑞士,形成Design Miami/ Basel,并在每年6月与Art Basel(巴塞尔艺术展)同期展览。

The following year (2006), with the support of Art Basel's parent company, MCH Group, Design Miami/ expanded to Switzerland with Design Miami/ Basel. Since then, Design Miami/ Basel has been held in June each year, at the same time Art Basel is held. 

2015 年Design Miami/ 巴塞尔展会

Design Miami/ Basel 2015 


Art Basel in Basel 2018

去年由于疫情原因,展会取消。而今年9月,Design Miami/ Basel与Art Basel将双双在巴塞尔强势回归,同时两个展会都还将分别以“香港巴塞尔展会”以及“Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai”登陆中国。

Last year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fair was canceled. In September of this year, both Design Miami/  Basel and Art Basel will come back strong, both fairs will have a presence in China with Art Basel Hong Kong and Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai.

Design Miami/ 的到来,为MDD注入了源源不断的设计艺术能量。当初的MDD还是一个普通的街区,飞速成长的Design Miami/ 为街区创造了浓郁的设计艺术氛围,强调了设计可以对环境带来的影响。Design Miami/ 迅速发展也吸引了众多奢侈品牌的目光,包括Dior、Hermes、Louis Vuitton在内的多家国际奢侈品牌接连。

Design Miami/ has injected continuous design and art energy into MDD. Thanks to its rapid growth, it has helped create a strong design and art atmosphere in coordination with MDD, spotlighting the impact that design can have on our immediate environments. Design Miami/ has also attracted many international luxury brands, including Dior, Hermes, and Louis Vuitton, among others.

藤本壮介作品《Building Façade》

Sou Fujimoto presents "Building Façade"

泽维尔·维扬玻璃纤维作品《Le Corbusier》

Xavier Veilhan presents "Le Corbusier"


Gucci store at Miami Design District


Dior store at Miami Design District

Louis Vuitton在迈阿密社区的精品店

Louis Vuitton store at Miami Design District


Fendi store at Miami Design District


Hermès store at Miami Design District

有了 Design Miami/ 与MDD的加持,这些奢侈品店铺内也融入丰富的设计艺术元素,常与艺术家、设计师合作推出艺术品或限量款式在店面内售卖,Design Miami/  无疑是这个MDD社区乃至整座城市有形无形的重要商业盟友。

By partnering with Design Miami/ and MDD, these luxury brands are able to obtain rich artistic inspirations and often collaborate with world-class artists and designers to launch artworks or limited editions for sale. Design Miami/ is undoubtedly a key business ally for MDD—and even the entire city.

FENDI Roma Amor胶囊系列在迈阿密社区的Fendi精品店落地

FENDI Roma Amor Capsule Collection Launch 

at FENDI's Miami Design District Boutique 

Louis Vuitton 2021年春夏系列《Zoooom with friends》


Louis Vuitton Spring/Summer 2021 collection "Zoooom with friends" temporary installation at Miami Design District

去年疫情期间,由Design Miami/ 策展总监Aric Chen(陈伯康)策划,首次推出了一个全新的展会概念——“Design Miami/ Podium”,首届“Design Miami/  Podium”以"America(s)"的主题,呈现了来自33个艺廊和艺术家的约140件作品。

During the pandemic last year, Aric Chen, curatorial director of Design Miami/ , helped Design Miami/ launch a brand new exhibition concept: “Design Miami/ Podium.” The first “Design Miami/ Podium” focused on the theme “America(s),” presenting 140 objects from 33 galleries and artists by Americans and non-Americans alike.

点击视频,查看Design Miami/ Podium 2020 "America(s)"展览现场盛况

Click the video to see Design Miami/ Podium 2020 "America(s)"


The Moore Building in Miami Design District

Design Miami/ Podium 2020

伦敦的富美画廊展出的是西班牙艺术家塞利亚·阿帕里西奥(Selia Aparicio)创作的一系列椅子

The Fumi Gallery in London displays a series of chairs created by the Spanish artist Selia Aparicio

Wendell Castle 的椅子(左)以及智利设计团队 Gt2P 的 Remolten 系列的一系列船只

A chair by Wendell Castle, left, and a series of vessels from Chilean design collective Gt2P’s Remolten collection

后面:The Haas Brothers,“La Brea Brad Pitt”地毯,2017 年;

正面:Katie Stout,“Double Lady (Roman Embrace)”落地灯,2020 年;The Haas Brothers,“Akira”六角凳子,2015

Back: The Haas Brothers, ‘La Brea Brad Pitt’ carpet, 2017; Front: Katie Stout, ‘Double Lady (Roman Embrace)’ floor lamp, 2020; The Haas Brothers, ‘Akira’ Hex stool, 2015

左下起顺时针:约翰尼·斯温,曼塔(雷)《九月玛丽亚(七海)》系列中的独特座位,2020 年;Reynold Rodriguez,K 主席,2020 年;Campana Brothers,弗拉马椅,1989 年;Chen Chen & Kai Williams,2020 年第 2 期

Clockwise from lower left: Johnny Swing, Manta (Ray) A Unique Seat in the Septem Maria (Seven Seas) set, 2020; Reynold Rodriguez, K Chair, 2020; Campana Brothers, Flama Chair, 1989; Chen Chen & Kai Williams, No. 2, 2020.

相对Design Miami/ ,Podium是一个更精细、更小规模的展会形式。区别于之前Design Miami/ 与Design Miami/ Basel的线下形式,Podium同时结合线上3D模拟、线上导览、虚拟线上论坛、聚焦设计师以及相关的线上售卖。即便不能到场的观众也可以在design miami.com共同欣赏到全球顶尖设计师与艺术家的设计杰作。今年,Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai将继续沿用Podium的展会形式,打造 Design Miami/ 首个落地亚洲的收藏级设计盛会。

The Podium event concept and exhibitions is presented on a smaller, more intimate scale than the larger Design Miami/ fairs. Just as with the Miami and Basel fairs, however, Podium complements its in-person special events and exhibitions with online programmings, such as 3D guided exhibition tours, virtual talks and designer spotlights, as well as related online sales. Audiences who cannot make it to the venue can also appreciate world-class works and inspiration online at design miami.com. This year, Podium will take place in Shanghai, marking Design Miami/ ’s first, and highly anticipated, major collectible design event in Asia.

Design Miami/ Podium 2020 3D虚拟观展

Design Miami/ Podium 2020 3D Interactive Tour

Design Miami/ Podium 2020 线上论坛

Design Miami/ Podium 2020 Live Talks

Design Miami/ Podium Shanghai举办地 外滩源壹号

Design Miami/ Podium Shanghai Hosted in 外滩源壹号



Design Miami/ 

将携手主办方“垠舍制造Made in House”(MIH),

以及联合主办方 “汉唐文化”


Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai!

We are honored to announce 

that during Shanghai Art Week 

(from 4th to 14th Nov. 2021), 

Design Miami/ will join hands with

the Chinese organizer "Made in House" (MIH) and the co-host “Hantang Culture” to uncover  

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai

 in“Bund. No.1”!

邵程,Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 中方合伙人

Chris Shao,Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai Chinese Partner


Design is the unity of art, material, function, and life. It is the artisanship behind a piece, the embodiment of culture, and the ideology that has led me to combine interior design with collectible design.

 ——Chris Shao

"垠舍制造Made in House”(MIH)创始人

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 中方合伙人

Founder of "Made in House"

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai Chinese organizer


Jennifer Roberts, Design Miami/ CEO


这是第一次在上海举办这样规模的‘收藏级设计’展览,为Design Miami/ 进入中国提供了一个激动人心的平台,连接国际和当地的设计收藏家、专家和爱好者,庆祝和提升来自中国的独特设计感受。

与我们的合作伙伴 Chris Shao 和策展总监 Aric Chen以及联合策展人汪汝徽Violet Ruhui Wang一起,期待在 2021 年 11 月举办Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai。

In addition to being a beautiful, international city with a sophisticated art-loving public, Shanghai’s rapid growth has meant a boom in design and we are seeing an exciting new wave of designers embracing traditional Chinese forms, materials, and techniques. This is the first time a collectible design exhibition of this caliber is coming to Shanghai, and Design Miami/ ’s entrance into China presents an exciting platform to connect international and local design collectors, experts and enthusiasts and to celebrate and elevate the unique design sensibilities coming out of the country. Together with our partner Chris Shao of Made in House and locally-based Curatorial Director, Aric Chen, and Deputy Curator, Violet Ruhui Wang, we look forward to presenting Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai this November 2021.

 ——Jennifer Roberts

Design Miami/ CEO

陈伯康,Design Miami/ 策展总监,

Aric Chen, Design Miami/ Curatorial Director

上海这座城市拥有充沛的活力与潜力,吸引着全球顶尖画廊的目光,‘Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai’无疑是打开中国‘收藏级设计’的一个契机,我们也期待中国观众的反应,让设计跳脱功能的桎梏,代入更多的观察、思考与对话中。

Shanghai is full of vitality and potential, attracting the world's top galleries. ‘Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai’ is surely an opportunity to open up China's collectible design industry. We look forward to the response of Chinese audiences. Let design be free from the boundary of function and be enriched with more observations, reflections, and dialogues.

 ——Aric Chen

Design Miami/ 策展总监

Curatorial Director of Design Miami/

汪汝徽 Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 联合策展人

Violet Ruhui Wang, Deputy Curator of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 


When we look back into the history of objects (Wu) in ancient China, a grand landscape of aesthetics, ideas, urban life, and social customs gradually unveiled. In fact, the appreciation of design that is collectible has always been deeply rooted in  Chinese cultural consciousness.

 —— 汪汝徽

Violet Ruhui Wang

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 联合策展人

Deputy Curator of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 

建筑具有英国文艺复兴时期的风格特点,前方有巨大的花园,内部结构和细节页呈现出无与伦比的艺术品味,融合了传统建筑和当代艺术的杰作 ©Hantang Culture

The building is characterized by the English Renaissance style with huge gardens in front, and the interior structure and detail pages present an unparalleled artistic taste, blending traditional architecture and contemporary art masterpieces ©Hantang Culture

外滩东岸,苏州河与黄浦江交汇处,正式是此次Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai举办场地前英国领事馆“外滩源壹号”的所在,揽尽外滩和浦东陆家嘴标志性建筑的“外滩源壹号”是上海标志性的的高端商业街区之一,我们也希望借此机会以设计艺术为支点,引领一种“收藏级设计”文化和生活方式。

On the east bank of the Bund, the intersection of Suzhou River and Huangpu River, seated “Bund. No.1”!where the former British consulate was located and Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will be held. It is surrounded by landmarks in the Bund and Lujiazui, Pudong, and is in one of Shanghai's iconic high-end commercial districts. We hope to take design and art as an opportunity to start a "collectible design" culture and lifestyle trend in Shanghai.

它的前身是英国大使馆的建筑,也被评为国家一级保护的重要历史遗址,建于1849年,距今已有超过170年的历史。©Hantang Culture

Formerly the building of the British Embassy, it is also rated as an important historical site for national protection, built in 1849, more than 170 years ago. ©Hantang Culture

自“设计与艺术结合”的趋势崛起开来,“收藏级设计”一词便随之进入大众的视线,而当我们企图在寻找一个准确的词汇或语句来形容“收藏级设计”的时候,作为Design Miami/ 策展总监的Aric Chen却这样对我们说:






As “the combination of design and art” has become more and more trendy, the term "collectible design" has entered the public's attention. When we were trying to accurately describe "collectible design,” Aric Chen, the curatorial director of Design Miami/ , said to us: “Today, designs that are beyond form and function have been greatly enriched. There is no longer a clear boundary between art and design. Design is not just about solving problems. Seeing design as purely functional is a view from the 20th century.” 

 普罗旺斯Magen H房屋

House in Provence at Magen H

这种对设计与艺术的看法在某种程度上与传统中国看待物体的方式不谋而合。而要真正建立可持续的设计收藏,Aric Chen认为应该把对设计的思考与研究等话题放到一个大型的舞台上,这也是他对上海青睐有加的原因。

To some extent, his perspective resonates with the traditional Chinese way of looking at things. Aric Chen believes that to truly establish a sustainable design collection, topics such as design thinking and research should be discussed on a larger stage. That is why he favors Shanghai.

中国无疑是一个令全球收藏设计领域瞩目的市场,从Art Hong Kong到Hong Kong Art Basel,在过去的几年中,我们兴奋地看到了收藏设计艺术是如何改变了香港当代艺术市场,甚至是重塑整个艺术图景。

China is absolutely a shining market for the world of collection and design. In the past few years, from Art Hong Kong to Hong Kong Art Basel, we were excited to see how design and art collections have changed Hong Kong’s contemporary art market. It has even reshaped the entire art landscape in Hong Kong.

                                ——Aric Chen

Design Miami/ 策展总监

Curatorial Director of Design Miami/

Design Miami/Basel 2019

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai来到上海,首次在中国市场展示如此丰富的“收藏级设计”艺术作品声量,我们希望香港的改变也在上海发生,这意味着:






Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will open in Shanghai. For the first time, it is to show various “collectible design” artworks in China’s mainland market. We hope that Shanghai will also experience the same changes as Hong Kong, which means:

More attention to art and design galleries and museums,

More experimental art and design installations and space presentations,

More opportunities for young and local designers,

More understandings about and reflections on

Chinese design, art, and collections.

基于此Aric Chen(陈伯康)以及联合策展人汪汝徽将此次策展主题定为:

Based on this, Aric Chen and Deputy Curator (Shanghai), Violet Ruhui Wang set the Podium theme as:


(“Wu Gan: The Art of Design”)

ESPASSO在2019年迈阿密设计展上展示了Claudia Moreira Salles的Fine Tuning

ESPASSO presents Fine Tuning by Claudia Moreira Salles at Design Miami/ 2019 


“Wu Gan: The Art of Design” takes its name from a concept—with origins in the seminal 5th-century text The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons (文心雕龍)—that describes the sensory, emotional and spiritual relationships between the inner world of the individual and the external world of objects and environments. 

此次展览将通过20世纪及当代的设计作品,来探索“设计”作为一种“艺术”形态的存在,同时将回溯中国历史文化中精致装饰物的传统,以在当代的全球语境中唤起对“设计/艺术”的新理解。通过重点讲述设计的谱系、理论、叙事、意义、工艺与进程、Design Miami/ 不仅是“收藏级设计”艺术市场的引领者,更呈现了一面反映人们当下生活的镜子。在这里,人们分享、观察、反思、讨论,共同构建着“收藏级设计”的未来,推动着人们藏购“收藏级设计”的兴趣,在呈现作品的同时,促发着人们的反思与讨论。

It will explore design as an art form through 20th century and contemporary works while drawing on Chinese culture’s historical relationship with fine objects to prompt new interpretations in a contemporary, global context. By highlighting the narratives and meanings, craft and processes, and lineages and ideologies of design, Design Miami/ will not only be a leader in the “collectible design” market, but also a mirror that reflects people’s current lives. Here, people can share, observe, reflect, discuss, and jointly point out the direction for the future of “collectible design,” and further encourage people’s interest in collectible design around the world. present objects to ponder, reflect upon and stimulate discussion.  

‘限量款’并不是衡量 ‘收藏级设计’作品的唯一标准,或许更是一个技术的视角;‘收藏’更指向时间的维度,那些在时间的试炼下作为历史坐标推动设计工艺、学科发展、甚至是成为一种意识形态的作品或许更具有收藏艺术的价值。

‘Limited edition’ is not the only criterion for measuring ‘collectible design’ artworks; perhaps it is more of a technical perspective. On the other hand, ‘collection’ is time-honored. Works that have a long history and helped promote design crafts and disciplinary development, and even became a kind of ideology, may in fact be the ones that are highly collectible.

                           ——Aric Chen

Design Miami/ 策展总监

Curatorial Director of Design Miami/


Wu Gan, the theme of the exhibition, originates from the dynamic relationship between ‘WU’ (external world) and ‘XIN’ (inner world) in Chinese ancient aesthetic theory. Through this theme, we try to convey to the audiences and collectors what the value of "collectible design" lies on. It is more than a functional object presented in daily life but serves as an illuminator of art. It is the sensory, emotional, and spiritual experience that people could gain through interaction with the objects and environments in the outer world. It is the delicate sensitivity to beauty and pleasure that matters when people could see an object by touching and feeling its texture, material, image, and form. “Wu” thus could be an object, a landscape, or anything in the physical outer world. In the perspective of this exhibition, we also want to emphasize the significance of materiality, pleasure, and perceptibility when we look into art history.

 —— 汪汝徽

Violet Ruhui Wang

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 联合策展人

Deputy Curator of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 

SUPERGUFRAM在2017年迈阿密/巴塞尔设计展上推出Studio Job

SUPERGUFRAM presents Studio Job at Design Miami/ Basel 2017

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai也将持续邀请全球顶尖的画廊、设计师、艺术家带着其最新作品共襄盛会,拭目以待这些代表全球最具创意的设计艺术力量如何飨食数以万计参观者的收藏设计期待!

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will continue to invite the world's top galleries, designers, and artists to attend this grand event with their latest and fantastic works, living up to the expectations of tens of thousands of visitors! 

Galleri Feldt专门从事现代斯堪的纳维亚原创设计的精美作品,主要侧重于1920年至1970年期间建筑师的作品。画廊由Louise和Martin Feldt于2010年成立,位于哥本哈根,培养了一种批判性地参与现代设计时代的做法,将其文物与当代设计和美术作品进行对话。

 Galleri Feldt specializes in exquisite works of Scandinavian modern design, mainly of architects from 1920 to 1970. The gallery, founded by Louise and Martin Feldt in 2010, is located in Copenhagen. It has pioneered a new way of critical thinking in the modern design era, bridging cultural relics of the past and contemporary designs and art of the present.  


Collaboration across industries is essential to explore multiple understandings of materials and technologies, build up connections between design and life as well as people and objects, and explore diverse possibilities.

Galerie Jacques Lacoste自1997年以来一直从事20世纪装饰艺术的交易,并以重新发现和推广20世纪30年代至50年代的法国设计而闻名。也为揭示Jean Royère的创新精神和装饰幻想做出了广泛的贡献,并通过定期展览和出版物进入公众视野。

 Galerie Jacques Lacoste has been trading 20th-century decorative arts since 1997, famous for rediscovering and popularizing 1930s to 1950s French design. It also helped reveal Jean Royère's innovative spirit and whimsical designs, entering the public eye through regular exhibitions and publications.

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 将继续与艺术、时尚、设计、建筑、地产等国际及本土品牌展开设计合作,期待扩大设计的价值,并超越家具和装饰品的功能性,走向一个更为广阔的维度。

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will continue partnering with international and local brands in fields of art, fashion, design, architecture, real estate, etc., in the hope to expand the value of design from functionality (of furniture and decorations) to more dimensions.

FRIEDMAN BENDA是由Marc Benda和Barry Friedman2007年所创立的艺廊,融合当代设计、工艺建筑、视觉等改建艺术和尖端技术的平台。2019年Design Miami/ ,画廊与美国艺术家Daniel Arsham共同打造了这个具有未来感的绿色空间,空间内的每一件单品都可以被认为成是一件设计作品,它打破了传统概念上的博览会形式,给予参观者一个身临其境的体会,空间本身也可以被认为成一个装置艺术。

FRIEDMAN BENDA is an art gallery founded by Marc Benda and Barry Friedman in 2007. Its revolutionary, state-of-the-art platform features contemporary design, architecture, and vision. In 2019, Design Miami/ , the gallery, and American artist Daniel Arsham jointly created this futuristic green space. Every single product in the space alone can be considered a piece of design. It breaks away from the traditional concept of an exhibition, giving visitors an immersive experience. The space itself can also be considered installation art.

FENDI与Design Miami/ 合作已超过10年,每一年品牌都会邀请艺术家或设计师从品牌DNA及经典中汲取灵感,共同创作出具有品牌特征及FENDI独特设计语言的家具设计艺术品。2019年,品牌与苏黎世设计工作室Kueng Caputo创作了10件设计作品,这些作品最初是为了装饰品牌罗马郊区总部外部的柱廊,设计师以这些建筑为起点结合品牌DNA创作出了《Roman Molds》,这10件作品本意是充当建筑模块的角色,搭建在一起他们就会成为一系列私密“房间”,可在在意大利文化宫宽敞的长廊上用于社交、独处及办公的场所。

FENDI has cooperated with Design Miami/ for more than 10 years. Every year, the brand invites artists or designers to draw inspiration from the brand's DNA and classics to create furniture pieces with FENDI's characteristics and unique design language. In 2019, the brand and Zurich design studio Kueng Caputo created 10 artworks. These pieces were designed to decorate the columns outside the brand’s suburban headquarters in Rome. The designer integrated the brand’s DNA into the buildings to create "Roman Molds". These 10 works were originally intended to act as architectural modules when put together, become a series of private “rooms” that can be used for social, solitary, and office spaces on the spacious Italian Cultural Palace promenade.

Design Miami/ 与品牌之间的合作并不局限于时尚,还涉及到汽车、地产、珠宝、酒业等不同产业。

Design Miami/ collaborates not only with fashion brands but also with brands of automobile, real estate, jewelry, wine, etc.

2018年,Lexus首次在Design Miami/ 亮相成为展会机动车类赞助品牌,展示了《The Future is Limitless》,而次年也是品牌成立的30周年。品牌将 LF-1 Limitless 未来概念车以及由日本建筑师 Socha Ichikawa所属的设计公司dNA(doubleNegatives Architecture)设计的空间投影映射装置带入展会。Ichikawa认为建筑的潜力受到传统空间测量方法的限制。通过用计算机编程来从全方位的空间解释角度,使他释放出更多的想象力去探索新的维度。

2018 marked the first year Lexus became the official automotive partner of the fair. The following year (2019), the company celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. Lexus presented The Future is Limitless at Design Miami/ 2018, bringing its LF-1 Limitless, future concept-vehicle, to Design Miami/ along with a projected mapping installation in a space designed by Japanese architect Socha Ichikawa of dNA (doubleNegatives Architecture). Ichikawa believes conventional methods of measuring space restricts architecture’s potential. By programming computers to interpret space from an omnidirectional perspective, he frees his imagination to explore new dimensions.

Design Miami/ 每年都吸引了社会各界的人物,这其中不乏:收藏家、名人、社会影响者、建筑师、时装设计师、艺术家、设计师、室内设计师、策展人、博物馆馆长等等。

Every year, Design Miami/ attracts people from all walks of life, including collectors, celebrities, social influencers, architects, fashion designers, artists, designers, interior designers, curators, museum curators, etc.

Pharrell Williams 在Design Miami/

Pharrell Williams at Design Miami/

Daniel Arsham 和 Bella Hadid在Design Miami/ 2019展会现场

Daniel Arsharm&Bella Hadid at Design Miami/ 2019

Patrick Seguin 和 Brad Pitt在Design Miami/ 展会现场

Patrick Seguin&Brad Pitt at Design Miami/

Travis Scott与Virgil Abloh在Design Miami/ 2019展会现场

Travis Scott&Virgil Abloh at Design Miami/ 2019


It is also a huge celebrity party. We will conduct exclusive interviews with famous people, asking them about their thoughts and feelings about both “collectible design” and Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai. We will also regularly launch online and offline exhibitions and forums.


2019年Design Forum presented by Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) at Design Miami/ 2019

策展人ARIC在接受采访也提到:“PODIUM最主要的特点就是它可以走遍任何一个国家和城市,这也是Design Miami/ 发掘有天赋的艺术家和设计师的一次重要机会。”

Also, Aric Chen mentioned in an interview: “The main feature of Podium is that it can be held in any city of any country, which presents an important opportunity for Design Miami/ to discover talented artists and designers.”

Design Miami/ Basel 2019期间的Vitra设计博物馆导览

Vitra Design Museum Tour during Design Miami/ Basel 2019

此次Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai对中国本土设计师及艺术家来说无疑是一次走向国际舞台的契机。Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai也将兼容独属于上海这座城市和中国独特的文化历史,融入本土的设计语言及藏家力量,共同打造一场本土化的艺术盛会!

This time, Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai is undoubtedly an opportunity for Chinese local designers and artists to move on to the international stage. Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will join hands with local designers and collectors to create a localized art event by incorporating unique cultures and histories of Shanghai and China.

而早在几年前,中国的“收藏级设计”就已经在Design Miami/ 接连亮相。

Beginning several years ago, “collectible designs” of Chinese designers have shown up in Design Miami/. 

2017年,中国建筑师马岩松应邀与凹空间( Gallery All)合作“MAD在火星”(MAD Martian Collection),灵感顾名思义来自于火星的各种形态,系列包括餐桌、躺椅、烛台、吊灯以及边桌,充满未来感,这也是双方长达两年的合作结果,效果惊艳。

In 2017, Chinese architect Yansong Ma collaborated with Gallery All on the "MAD Martian Collection". As the name suggests, the inspiration comes from the landscape of Mars. The series includes dining tables, lounge chairs, candlesticks, chandeliers, and side tables. The final results of this two-year cooperation are strikingly futuristic.

2018年,数字艺术家张周捷带着两把新作:黄铜椅子和铝合金椅子在Design Miami/ Basel 展出。谭志鹏一直专注于失蜡浇铸工艺的研究,利用“熔+融”作为创作语言,不断探索家具产品的雕塑艺术性以及自我表达。TanTan讲述的是他想象的一个世界,这个世界里人物的动作和活动在瞬间冻结,形成一张桌子一盏灯。

In 2018, digital artist Zhoujie Zhang brought two new works: brass chairs and aluminum chairs on display at Design Miami/ Basel. Zhipeng Tan focused on researching the lost wax casting process, using "melting + blending" as the creation method, exploring the sculpture artistry and self-expression of furniture. TanTan is about a world he imagined. The characters in this world are frozen in time, forming a table and a lamp. 


More and more local Chinese galleries have also started exploring the world of “collectible design.”

Objective是室内设计师Chris Shao在2020年创办的收藏设计艺术品画廊,意在从生活的本质探索设计与艺术可能性,在重庆南路175号的永丰村还有四川中路133号的两幢老洋房内,展示着不同艺术家与设计师的作品,创造形式功能与美学之间精神场域的碰撞。

Objective is a collectible design art gallery founded by interior designer Chris Shao in 2020. It aims to express design and artistic possibilities from the normality of everyday life. It is located in two old bungalows, one inside the Yongfeng Village on No.175 South Chongqing Road and the other on No.133 Sichuan Middle Road. The works of different artists and designers are displayed, walking the line between form, function, and aesthetics.

ROOM 6x8 位于798艺术园区, 由马刺画廊与Gallery Sohe共同构思打造而成, 为公众与世界各地的艺术家提供交流、分享、倾听的独特场所,通过具有当代性和挑战性的项目, 模拟多种类型的艺术在离开既定的空间(美术馆、画廊)会产生的影响, 诠释真实的当下状态, 为藏家提供互相交流的场所。

ROOM 6x8, located in 798 Art Park, was created by SPURS Gallery and Gallery Sohe. It provides a unique place for the public and artists to share and listen. Through contemporary and challenging projects, it simulates the impact left by various types of art on established spaces (art galleries and exhibitions), providing a place for collectors to communicate with each other.  

Gallery Sohe 是中国一家家具型画廊。呈现顶级设计大师包括Jean Prouve ,Pierre jeanneret, Le corbusier, Charlotte Perriand等的初代设计作品,以及北欧设计大师Finn juhl,Hans J wegner 等收藏级别作品。

Gallery Sohe is a furniture gallery in China. It showcases top design masters including Jean Prouve’s, Pierre Jeanneret’s, Le Corbusier’s, and Charlotte Perriand’s early design works, as well as Nordic design masters Finn Juhl’s and Hans J Wegner’s collection-level works.


We live in an era of mass production. The development of well-designed machines and modern factories pose great challenges for people’s intellectual behaviors, such as design and handicraft.

Camp Design Gallery在2019迈阿密/巴塞尔设计展上展示了Adam Nathaniel Furman的 "第二幕中的三个角色_皇室"

Camp Design Gallery presents "Three Characters in the Second Act_The Royal Family" by Adam Nathaniel Furman at Design Miami/  Basel 2019 (Courtesy of James Harris)

人类文明演进的最重要原动力来自人的好奇心和想象力,Design Miami/ 这样的设计艺术博览会无疑为创造力的生发插上了想象的翅膀,在这里,设计消弥了艺术与功能的界限得到了更为广泛的观察、讨论、思考与理解:

The most important forces driving the evolution of human civilization are curiosity and imagination. Design fairs such as Design Miami/ certainly inject imagination into creativity. Here, design blurs the boundary between art and functionality, attracting extensive observation, discussion, thinking, and understanding:






It not only honors the materials themselves

And reconnects designers and life, people and objects,

But also extends the craftsmanship and contemporary design research

Behind works,

Pointing to a direction for the future of collectible design and art!

上海无疑是这样一片应许之地,2021,Design Miami/   登陆上海,我们期待利用设计的力量,汇聚全球最具创意头脑与艺术收藏家和爱好者们。Design Miami/ 不仅将创造市场,而且将创造意义,共同探讨“设计艺术”收藏的未来。

Shanghai is undoubtedly a promised land. In 2021, Design Miami/ will open in Shanghai. We look forward to bringing together the most creative minds in the world, and connecting with art collectors and enthusiasts alike through the power of design. Design Miami/ creates a significant and refined space in which to explore the future of collectible “design and art.” 

