SAVE THE DATE! 第17届Design Miami/将在迈阿密海滩举行!
Save the Date!
今年 12 月 1 日至 5 日,
第17届Design Miami/收藏设计艺术博览会,
Join us in Miami Beach
this December 1 - 5 for
the 17th edition of Design Miami/.
此次博览会将由我们最新任命的Wava Carpenter 策展。今年我们将共同探索“Human•Kind”的主题,以设计的力量,共同营造一个更加公平和互联的未来。
Curated by recently appointed Curatorial Director Wava Carpenter, this year’s program will explore the theme of Human•Kind and will spotlight design-led visions for a more equitable and interconnected future.
所有展出的作品都可以在线下及 网站在线购买,我们还将在“Forum Magazine”论坛杂志上,同步策划线上讲座、线上设计导览以及线上业内深度对话访谈。详情信息请持续关注。
All exhibited works will be available for purchase in-person and online at, where we will also offer curated design tours, virtual talks and compelling conversations at Forum Magazine. Details to follow.