
国际会议通知 | 2022 International Symposium

社会翻译学专委会 社会翻译学研究 2024-03-07

2022 International Symposium 

Toward a Sociology of Translation: Borders and Boundaries

Since its conceptualization and theorization in the 1990s in the West and subsequent expansion to the global translation community, the sociology of translation, or the sociological approach to translation studies, has been making substantial achievements, evolving into what might be called sociologies of translation with cultural, national, intellectual, and academic characteristics. Having been developed following a series of paradigmatic shifts and “turns”, this approach to translation studies is sometimes perceived, however, as being as intrinsically open to suspicion and questioning as its predecessors, especially in terms of disciplinary borders and boundaries that shape and define (inter-) disciplinary integrity. In other words, the application of existing sociological theories and methodologies seems to be eroding the textual and cross-cultural territory of translation studies as a discipline, which keeps displacing itself from where it is traditionally located.

This symposium brings together leading international as well as Chinese scholars in translation studies for an in-depth discussion about a whole range of theoretical and methodological issues surrounding sociology of translation in particular and translation studies in general.


 联合主办单位、承办单位/Sponsors and Organizers


西南财经大学/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

中国英汉语比较研究会社会翻译学专业委员会/Socio-Translation Studies Committee, China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese (CACSEC)


西南财经大学外国语学院、翻译与全球化研究中心/Faculty of Foreign Studies & Centre for the Study of Translation and Globalization, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics    


会议信息/Basic Information of the Symposium

2022年11月19日/ 15:00-21:10

线上地址:#腾讯会议:580-960-001/VooV meeting Id: 580-960-001

线下地址:弘远楼109会议室/Off-line address: Meeting Room 109, Hongyuan Building

语言/Language:英语/ English 




主旨发言人及发言题目/Keynote Speakers and Topics

Roberto A. Valdéon: 奥维耶多大学翻译及语用学教授、中国西南财经大学光华讲座教授、国际期刊Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice主编。

Topic/发言题目: Gate Keeping and Recontextualization in Journalistic Translation (新闻翻译的看门人作用与语境重构) 

Fu Jingmin: 上海大学外国语学院教授、博士生导师,上海大学应用翻译研究中心主任,《上海翻译》主编,中国翻译协会理事,上海市科技翻译学会副理事长,中国英汉语比较研究会社会翻译学专业委员会名誉会长等。

Topic/发言题目: Societal Translation and Translational Society: Why Sociological Approach Matters in Translation Studies? (翻译的社会性与社会的翻译性:社会翻译学在翻译研究中的重要性)

Sergey Tyulenev: 英国杜伦大学教授,杜伦大学翻译研究硕士研究生主任,社会学视角翻译研究知名专家和学者。

Topic/发言题目: Translation as a Social-Systemic Boundary Phenomenon (翻译作为社会-系统边界现象) 

Wang Hongtao: 北京外国语大学英语学院教授、博士生导师、翻译研究中心主任,中国英汉语比较研究会社会翻译学专业委员会会长。

Topic/发言题目: Constructing Socio-translation Studies: Development of the Sociological Approach to Translation in China (建构社会翻译学:社会学路径翻译研究在中国的发展) 

Krizstina Károly:  厄特沃什.罗兰大学教授,国际期刊 Across Languages and Cultures 联合主编。

Topic/发言题目: The Functioning of Scientific Translation as Social Practice (作为社会实践的科学翻译的作用)

Wang Baorong: 杭州师范大学外国语学院教授,翻译研究所所长,中国英汉语比较研究会社会翻译学专业委员会副会长。

Topic/发言题目: Socio-Translation Studies in China: Achievements and Prospects (社会翻译学研究在中国:成就与展望) 

Christopher Mellinger: 北卡罗莱纳大学教授、国际期刊Translation and Interpreting Studies 联合主编。

Topic/发言题目:  Constructing Meaning as Part of the Translation Process: A Sociological Perspective on Translation Technologies (翻译过程中的意义建构:从社会学视角看翻译技术) 







国际会议通知 | 2022 International Symposium

社会翻译学专委会 社会翻译学研究

