
亚洲展讯 | 境象主义—— 桑火尧作品展

展名 / Title:  境象主义——桑火尧作品展

Affective-Imagoism: Artworks by Sang Huoyao

艺术家 / Artist: 桑火尧 Sang Huoyao

展期 / Duration: 2020.12.26 (Sat) - 2021.3.7 (Sun)

开幕 / Opening: 2021.1.16 (Sat) 3:00pm

地点 / Venue: 亚洲艺术中心(北京)

Asia Art Center (Beijing)


Dashanzi 798 Art District, No.2, Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing



▲ 不确定的风景
     Indefinite Landscape 
     绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk 


▲ 无尘 No Dust
     绢本综合  Mixed Media on Silk 

 心灵之光 Light of Mind
     绢本综合  Mixed Media on Silk 

▲ 青云 Cyan Cloud
     绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk 

▲ 青云(局部)

在新的阶段,尤其是近三年来艺术家尝试在混沌的作品中增加理性的符号,纯粹而丰富。如2020年创作的大型作品《今年》(This Year)、《日志》有英文有符号,以此来回应当下。而两件小型作品,在画面中浮动气韵的“方形”之上出现了如无限(∞)和倒置的问号(?),也是艺术家关切作为个体的人对自然、社会的种种思索。这些既是艺术家在探索中国美学过程中与西方符号学理论的进一步的讨论,同时也是艺术家用艺术介入社会与生活的一种方式。

▲ 今年This Year 
     绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk 

 左:不能告诉你 Words Fall Through Me

     右:如愿 Fulfilled Wish


     绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk 


▲ 天外 Beyond the Sky
     绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk 

▲ 天外(局部) 
Beyond the Sky(Detail)

▲ 胡笳十八拍之七
     Eighteen Songs of A Nomad Flute - No.7
     绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk

Asia Art Center is honored to announce that "Affective-Imagoism:Artworks by Sang Huoyao" will be held on December 26, 2020, with an opening ceremony at 3 pm on January 16, 2021. After "Affective-Imagoism - Sang Huoyao’s Works Exhibition" (Long Museum, Shanghai, China, 2019), "Sang Huoyao Solo Exhibition - Horizons of the Mind" (Museum of Contemporary Arts, Singapore, 2018), "Chaos - Exhibition of Sang Huoyao’s works" (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 2017), the new exhibition features his deepened cognitive expression regarding the concept of "Affective-Imagoism", with more than 50 new artworks in recent years. In addition to paintings, there are also art installations, which more abundantly present the artist's new creations and thoughts, and further construct the mystery, sublime, purity and depth of "Affective-Imagoism" aesthetics.

▲ 岁月 Seasons


     绢本综合  Mixed Media on Silk 


Since 1998, Sang Huoyao has initiated his exploration of the internationalization of ink art, adhering to the contemporary nature of Chinese ink paintings. Based on practices of self-creation, he combines Eastern philosophy, aesthetics and unique perceptions regarding the present, pursues metaphysical spirituality, and eventually forms a stacking methodology of "Affective-Imagoism", including the artistic concept, language and symbols. In terms of form, he deliberately abandons the lines of calligraphy. From the perspective of brush and ink technique, his artworks seem abstract, hazy and chaotic, meanwhile in the space of composition, Sang Huoyao continues to present the philosophical artistic conception of Eastern painting, which is the emptiness and tranquility put forward by Chuangzi. In the process of artistic innovations, Sang Huoyao gradually establishes his unique square aesthetics of "Affective-Imagoism", inspirated by the philosophical foundation of I Ching characters, Chinese characters, and the theory of "round sky and square earth".

▲ 桃花源记 Land of Peach Blossoms
     绢本综合  Mixed Media on Silk

▲ 和光 Wako
     绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk 

In the new stage, especially in the past three years, Sang Huoyao tries to add rational symbols to Chaos works. For instance in 2020, Sang Huoyao created large-scale works "This Year" and "Diary" which contained English characters and symbols, responding the present situation. In the two small works, phenomena such as infinity (∞) and inverted question marks (?) appear on the floating "square" in the painting, revealing the artist's various thoughts on nature and society as an individual. Sang Huoyao is not only exploring Chinese aesthetics and Western semiotic theories, but also using art to intervene in society and life.

▲  大风景 Landscape 


      绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk  


Sang Huoyao has formed the theory of "Sang's Cube" , extracting semiotic images from real life, and transforming it into a symbolic language based on contemporary Chinese ink painting. In this process, Sang Huoyao's personal performance guidelines and standardized artistic "language" construct his symbolism system of ink paintings. The dim "light" through the superimposed squares in the work demonstrates the vivid transmission of rhyme in his ink paintings and the metaphysical perception of "great music has the faintest notes, the great form is without shape" in Chinese aesthetics. Sang Huoyao actively explores the boundaries of ink paintings in recent years, strengthens the use of color, and increases the expressive power of Chinese art in contemporary art. He uses monochromatic color blocks as the artistic matrix, and abstracts the language of ink as the internal structure rooted in the traditional Chinese "Affective-Imagoism". Thus, Sang Huoyao intends to build a bridge of dialogue between rational Western abstract art and Eastern philosophy.

▲ 达生 Understanding of Life 


     绢本综合 Mixed Media on Silk 


▲ 达生(局部)
    Understanding of Life(Detail)

▲ 二十四史——关于时间与空间的回响

     The Twenty-Four Histories—The Echo of Time and Space

     45x45x45cm x24 

     木、水墨、综合材料 Wood, Ink, Mixed Media 



     12 of 24 works are exhibited in this exhibition

▲ 无尽臧 The Endless Goodness 
      碳化木门、亚克力上水墨 Carbonized Wood, Ink on Acrylic 



About Artist



主要个展:境象主义-桑火尧作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,中国,2020),“境象主义—桑火尧作品展”(龙美术馆,上海,中国,2019),“境象主义—桑火尧个展”(人可艺术中心,杭州,中国,2018),“桑火尧—境象主义作品展”(新加坡当代美术馆,新加坡,2018),“混沌—火尧境象主义作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,中国,2017),“诗意的相遇—桑火尧作品展巡展”(弘川现代艺术博物馆,青州,中国,2017),“诗意的相遇— 桑火尧作品展”(潍坊博物馆,潍坊,中国,2017),“心界—桑火尧作品 1/2展”(復言社,北京,中国,2017),“桑火尧与史蒂芬对话展”(年代美术馆,温州,中国,2016),“桑火尧与罗斯科:色度在呼吸”(人可艺术中心,杭州,中国,2016),“时间的棱—桑火尧个展”(復言社,北京,中国,2016),“境象—桑火尧展1/2展”(玉衡艺术中心,上海,中国,2015),“云端—桑火尧作品展”(恒庐美术馆,杭州,中国,2015),“桃花江上—桑火尧境象水墨作品展”(华氏画廊,上海,中国,2014),“在湖上—桑火尧2014境象新作展”(人可艺术中心,杭州,中国,2014),“境象主义— 桑火尧作品展”(广东美术馆,广州,中国,2013),“境象— 桑火尧作品展”(上海美术馆,上海,中国,2012),“境遇游—桑火尧个展”(今日美术馆,北京,中国,2011),“境象 · 桑火尧个展”(索卡艺术中心,台北,2010),“半日闲情—桑火尧境象个展”(索卡艺术中心,台北,2009)


主要群展:“水墨进行时: 2000 - 2019”(广东美术馆,广州,中国,2020),“时代叙事—山东美术馆馆藏精品展”(山东美术馆,济南,中国,2020),“培根铸魂—70年70人美术作品展”(中国国家博物馆,北京,中国,2019),“第二届武汉水墨双年展《墨与物》”(武汉美术馆,武汉,中国,2019),“ ‘异同&共生’— ‘16+1’中国 · 中东欧当代艺术展”(索菲亚中国文化中心,索菲亚,保加利亚,2018),“第四届中国画院双年展”(中国美术馆,北京,中国,2018),“2015-2016 中国艺术研究院艺术创作大展”(中国美术馆,北京,中国,2016),“2015-2016 中国当代水墨年鉴展”(今日美术馆,北京,中国,2016),“中国色”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,中国,2015),“水墨演义—中国当代水墨国际巡展”(中间美术馆,北京;布鲁塞尔;芝加哥,2015),“虚薄之境—对画:山水与风景”(上海明圆美术馆,上海,中国,2015),“第十届意大利佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展《艺术与城市主题展》”(佛罗伦萨,意大利,2015),“水墨新语—新水墨联展”(江苏美术馆,南京,中国,2014),“亚洲当代艺术群展”(今日美术馆,北京,中国,2012),“亚洲当代艺术展”(台湾美术馆,台中,中国,2012),“亚洲当代艺术联展”(荷兰当代艺术馆,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰,2011),“第54届威尼斯双年展平行展”(威尼斯,意大利,2011),“俄罗斯中国文化节《水墨中国艺术展》”(莫斯科,俄罗斯,2008)



Sang Huoyao, born in Zhejiang Province, China in 1963, currently lives and works in Beijing. He completed his master degree of Chinese Painting from Chinese National Academy of Arts, and currently works as a member of the Artistic Creation Steering Committee in Chinese National Academy of Arts, the vice-president of China National Academy of Painting and a National First-Level artist. Adding to this multi-varied background is also his experience as a researcher in the "Wu Guanzhong Research Center" in Tsinghua University.


Significant Solo Exhibitions: "Affective-Imagoism:Artworks by Sang Huoyao" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, China, 2020), "Affective-Imagoism:Sang Huoyao's Works Exhibition" (Long Museum, Shanghai, China, 2019), "The Cosmic Spirit - Sang Huoyao Hangzhou Solo Exhibition" (Renke Art Gallery, Hangzhou, China, 2018), "Sang Huoyao Solo Exhibition -  Horizons of the Mind" (Museum of Contemporary Arts, Singapore, Singapore, 2018), "Chaos-Exhibition of Sang Huoyao's works" (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 2017), "Poetic Encounters - Itinerant Exhibition of Sang Huoyao's works" (Hongchuan Museum of Modern Art, Qingzhou, China, 2017), "Poetic Encounters- Sang Huoyao's Works Exhibition" (Weifang Museum, Weifang, China, 2017), "Universe Within - Works of Sang Huoyao 1/2 Show" (Fuyan Commune, Beijing, China, 2017), "Sang Huoyao's Dialogue with Stephen Exhibition" (Epoch Art Museum, Wenzhou, China, 2016), "Sang Huoyao and Rothko: Breathing Tone" (Renke Art Gallery, Hangzhou, China, 2016), "Edge of Time - Sang Huoyao's Solo Exhibition" (Fuyan Commune, Beijing, China, 2016), "Jing Xiang - Sang Huoyao Solo Exhibition" (Alioth Art Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2016), "Cloud - Sang Huoyao Art Work Exhibition" (Henglu Art Museum, Hangzhou, China, 2016), "Peach Blossoms on the River - Sang Huoyao Jing Xiang Ink Painting Exhibition" (Hwa's Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2014), "On the River -Sang Huoyao Jing Ink Painting Exhibition" (Renke Art Gallery, Hangzhou, China, 2014), "Jing Xiang – Sang Huoyao Art Works Exhibition" (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China, 2013), "Jing Xiang – Sang Huoyao Art Works Exhibition" (Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2012), "Universal Tour - Solo Exhibition of Sang Huoyao" (Today Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2011), "Jing Xiang - Solo Exhibition of Sang Huoyao" (Soka Art Centre, Taipei, 2010), "Half A Day's Leisure - Jiang Xiang, Solo Exhibition of Sang Huoyao" (Soka Art Center, Taipei, 2009)

 Group Exhibition: "Ink Painting on Going: 2000 - 2019" (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China, 2020), "Narration of Times: Shandong Art Museum Collection Highlights"(Shandong Art Museum, Jinan, China, 2020), "Chinese National Academy of Arts Group Exhibition" (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 2019), "Ink and Things" - The Second Biennial Exhibition of Wuhan Ink Art (Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, China, 2019), "Similarities and Diversities in Symbiosis - China & CEEC Contemporary Art Exhibition" (Sofia Chinese Cultural Center, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2018), "The 4th Biennale of China National Academy of Painting" (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 2018), "2015-2016 Art Creation Exhibition of Chinese National Academy of Arts" (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 2016), "Annual Review Exhibition of China Contemporary Ink Painting 2015-2016" (Today Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2016), "Chinese Color"(Asia Art Center, Beijing, China, 2015), "Contemporary Ink Art Evolution Itinerant Exhibition"(Inside-out Art Museum, Beijing; Brussels; Chicago, 2015), "Infra-Mince Realm-Painting to Painting: Mountains, Rivers and Landscape" (Mingyuan Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2015), "Art and City Theme Exhibition", The 10th International Contemporary Art Biennale (Florence, Italy, 2015), "Ethereal Dimness:New Ink Painting Invitational Exhibition" (Nanjing Avant-garde Contemporary Art Center, Nanjing, China, 2014), "Asia Contemporary Art Group Exhibition" (Today Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2012), "Asia Contemporary Art Exhibition" (Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, China, 2012), "Asia Contemporary Art Group Exhibition" (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2011), "Collateral Event of Chinese Art" at the 54th Venice Art Biennale (Venice, Italy, 2011), "Chinese Ink Painting Art Exhibition" in Russian-Chinese Cultural Festival (Moscow, Russia, 2008) Public Collections: National Museum of China (Beijing), National Art Museum of China (Beijing),  Today Art Museum (Beijing), Shanghai Art Museum (Shanghai), Long Museum (Shanghai), Guangdong Museum of Art (Guangzhou), Zhejiang Art Museum (Hangzhou), Shandong Art Museum (Ji'nan). 





 正在展出  Current Exhibitions



亚洲艺术中心(台北一馆/二馆)《大隅无界:艺域的无限扩展与延伸 - 朱为白 、 李再钤双人展》 


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