
活动回顾 | 乡村振兴主题研讨会

中国美国商会 中国美国商会AmChamChina 2024-03-03

活动回顾 | 乡村振兴主题研讨会

Social Impact Initiative Working Session Recap


On the afternoon of April 25th, AmCham China held the 2022-2023 Social Impact Initiative–Rural Revitalization Working Session with participants from the China Rural Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Department of America and Oceania of the Ministry of Commerce, YouChange Foundation, Tsinghua University, UNICEF, ADB, IFC, and representatives from 14 member companies across different industries. The working session discussed the role companies can play in China’s rural economic development, women empowerment, and child protection works. 


Michael Hart, President of AmCham China, delivered the opening remark. He said that rural revitalization is a major strategy related to China's future social and economic development proposed by President Xi Jinping in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In January this year, Chinese central government also put forward a series of new requirements for rural development work. AmCham China and its member companies have been actively participating in this process and will continue to contribute to the development of rural China in different ways they are specializing on. 


Zhang Songmei, Deputy Director of the China Rural Technology Development Center, delivered a keynote speech, in which she shared the focuses of the Center's work, including the transformation of science and the implementation of technological innovations in rural areas. She emphasized that rural revitalization should integrate the four elements of industry, enterprise, innovation and ecology, and continuously strengthen the construction of cooperation platforms so that enterprises, including multinational enterprises, can better share knowledge and participate in rural economic development.


On rural economic development topic, You Ruishan, Deputy Director of the Center for Contemporary China Studies at Tsinghua University, shared the rural talent capacity building project - the Leading Goose Project. Since 2018, the Project has attracted more than 120,000 young farmers from all over the country. They completed online and offline training on production and sales skills and benefited more than 10 million farmers indirectly. 


Chen Yidan, Senior Investment Officer from the ADB, shared rural financial development experience. In order to expand the financing channels for farmers and small and micro business owners, ADB provided various forms of loans to customers in rural areas, supporting projects in inclusive finance, public health and agriculture areas.  


In the discussion on how companies can help rural economic development, the participants provided ideas and possibilities from different perspectives. From the perspective of sustainable agricultural development, enterprises can help farmers plant agricultural goods in more scientific and emission-reducing ways, adopt innovative technologies in seeds and fertilizers, and help farmers with access to upstream and downstream cooperation channels. Companies can also introduce new foreign products and technologies to rural areas to accelerate digital and climate-friendly farming practices. At the same time, the participants agreed that the core of rural revitalization is people. Companies can train farmers on procurement knowledge, technology skill, risk management etc.


On the theme of rural women's empowerment, Zhang Jing, Deputy Secretary of YouChange Foundation, shared the Orange Mother Project, discussing the comprehensive development of rural women from the dimensions of economic empowerment, family education, and community engagement. The Project provided rural women with employment opptunities in digital economy, entrepreneurial skills training, and start-up incubation, helping them effectively increase their income. The Project also established a county-level hub available for women to communicate, providing the opportunities for them to integrate into the public communities and enhance their influence.


On child protection works, Lin Fei, Senior Partnership Officer, and Li Yuanling, Corporate Partnership Officer, from UNICEF shared the efforts UNICEF in China. In addition, due to the advantages companies have in industry knowledge, financial resources, and social influence, UNICEF hopes to strengthen cooperation with companies in China to jointly bring benefits to rural children.



In the discussion on how enterprises can participate in the child protection and women empowerment, the participants believed that companies should continue using their products, services and financial advantages to implement charity projects, such as nutritional supplements on meals, sanitation condition improvement, and school facilities building among other projects to directly and effectively help children in need. In terms of women empowerment, companies can cooperate with the government to strengthen health education for rural women and provide them with career development training.


Claire Ma, Vice President of AmCham China, made a conclusive remark for the meeting. She thanked the guests for their insightful sharing and interactive discussions with company delegates and hoped that companies can adopt the above suggestions to their practices in helping revitalize China's rural areas. She said that AmCham China will continue to play an active role as a platform of communication and build more cooperation opportunities among the Chinese government, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, industry associations and member companies via the Social Impact Initiative program to contribute to the social and economic development of China.

中国美国商会于 2020 年 7 月启动了社会影响计划 (SII)。该项目的核心原则是我们相信企业在帮助中国实现其发展目标方面可以发挥重要作用,而中国美国商会的会员企业在此方面极具优势。秉持分享、贡献、合作、共赢的理念,SII今年将继续聚焦数字经济、绿色发展和乡村振兴三个领域,探索公共部门与企业合作的机会。在接下来的几个月里,我们将组织更多相关主题活动。我们欢迎中外企业、政府和非政府组织、学术机构和行业协会加入我们的社会影响力之旅。


AmCham China has launched an innovative Social Impact Initiative (SII) in July 2020.  The core principle driving this Initiative is our belief that the private sector has a meaningful role to play in helping China to achieve its development goals and that AmCham China members are uniquely qualified to help. 

With the spirit to Share, Commit, Collaborate, and Win-win, we will continue exploring new public-private partnership opportunities under the realms of Digital Economy, Green Development, and Rural Revitalization. We will organize more events underpinning the three themes in the upcoming months. We welcome both Chinese and foreign companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, and industry associations to join our social impact journey.

Welcome to visit our webpage to learn more about SII. Any inquiries, please contact SII program leader Ms. Grace Liu at gliu@amchamchina.org

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活动回顾 | 乡村振兴主题研讨会

中国美国商会 中国美国商会AmChamChina

