
商会“顶流” | Chairman’s Circle

中国美国商会 中国美国商会AmChamChina 2024-03-03


Chairman's Circle

Chairman's Circle会员在中国美国商会与美国在华商界享有极高的领导地位,可优先享有高质量商业资讯与政府沟通渠道,并最大化其影响力与品牌曝光率。

Members of the exclusive Chairman's Circle enjoy enhanced leadership status within the chamber and business community, receive advanced business intelligence, government access, influence, and exposure for their business.


作为中美关系的倡导者与引领者,中国美国商会为Chairman's Circle会员提供了独一无二的平台来宣传并支持其公司品牌。通过拜访美国与中国的高层领导人,Chairman's Circle会员直接影响着中美双边关系政策的发展以及中国整体营商环境的改善。

Playing a leading role in US-China relations, AmCham China provides Chairman's Circle members with a unique platform to promote and support their companies, access senior leaders in Washington, DC and Beijing, directly influence bilateral policy, and improve the overall business environment in China.

近期活动 Recent events

Chairman's Circle 独家活动:


Chairman's Circle Exclusive Event: 

Dinner with Ambassador Terry Branstad

5 月 19 日,中国美国商会在北京为 Chairman's Circle会员举办了一场独家晚宴,并邀请前美国驻华大使兼长期担任爱荷华州州长的特里·布兰斯塔德大使出席。

AmCham China's Chairman's Circle members attended an exclusive dinner in Beijing on Friday, May 19, featuring Ambassador Terry Branstad, the former US Ambassador to China and long-time Governor of the state of Iowa.


Attendees had the opportunity to participate in a closed-door roundtable discussion with Ambassador Branstad as well as his former Chief of Staff, Steven Churchill.

Chairman's Circle 独家活动:

华盛顿'敲门之旅' 简报会

Chairman's Circle Exclusive Event: 

DC Doorknock Briefing

5 月 25 日,Chairman's Circle会员于线上、线下齐聚一堂,参加了一场独家且极具见地的简报会。活动回顾了商会近期的华盛顿“敲门之旅”,包括代表团为期一周的行程及反馈。本次华盛顿之旅是商会时隔三年后首次重返美国首都。

Also for exclusive Chairman's Circle members, on May 25, a select group of members gathered both online and offline for an exclusive and insightful event, recapping the recent visit of a distinguished 13-member AmCham China delegation to Washington, DC. This notable event provided an overview of the delegation's week-long trip, which marked their return to the American capital after a three-year hiatus.


During the delegation's stay from May 8 to May 12, they met with almost 20 Congressional representatives, fostering valuable connections, and held productive discussions with esteemed figures such as Commerce Secretary Raimondo. Another highlight was an exclusive dinner at the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC.

在本次Chairman's Circle活动中,代表团分享了他们此次华盛顿之行的主要经验与收获。活动期间,参会者深入探讨包括政策发展、中美经贸关系等热点话题,并表示收获颇丰,获取到的信息有助于他们准确定位、制定战略,以应对不断变化的环境。

During the Chairman's Circle event, the delegation shared their experiences and key takeaways from the meetings held with influential stakeholders in Washington, DC. The event served as a platform for in-depth discussions on the significant themes that emerged during their interactions, including policy developments, trade relations, regulatory affairs, and the evolving dynamics between the two nations. Attendees gained valuable perspectives on the potential implications for their organizations' operations in China, enabling them to stay informed and strategically navigate the ever-changing landscape.

中国美国商会期待举办更多线下活动。如需了解更多信息,以及如何加入Chairman's Circle,请发送邮件至mchiang@amchamchina.org  ahuang@amchamchina.org

We are looking forward to hosting more offline events. To learn more about the benefits and how to join Chairman's Circle email Ming at mchiang@amchamchina.org, or Aisha at ahuang@amchamchina.org

Check Out AmCham China Member Services!

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Medical Benefits Program

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your business through 

our EDP prigram

One-stop, high-quality insurance option for 

your medical experience

*Join the Chamber to enjoy the benefits above*


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商会“顶流” | Chairman’s Circle

中国美国商会 中国美国商会AmChamChina

