

口述历史 2023-12-12

The Vagrant's Epic: Joe Gould and the Mysteries of Oral History

Joe Gould, a unique figure in the annals of American literature, was born in a small suburb outside Boston in 1889. Known as "Professor Seagull," he was an eccentric who claimed to be the author of "An Oral History of Our Time," purportedly the longest book ever written. Despite his struggles with mental health, evidenced by his writing on the walls of his family home and his eventual expulsion from Harvard, Gould's life was a testament to the resilience and complexity of the human spirit.

After leaving Harvard, Gould embarked on a remarkable journey, walking five hundred miles to Canada and engaging deeply with the Ojibwe and Mandan cultures in North Dakota. His respect for these cultures and his experiences during this period likely contributed to his later work. However, Gould's life was not without hardship. In the 1920s, he was institutionalized and underwent the removal of all his teeth, a harsh procedure reflecting the misguided medical practices of the time.

Gould's "An Oral History of Our Time" was a monumental project, aiming to chronicle the word-for-word accounts of everyday people's lives. Standing only 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighing no more than 100 pounds, he hoped his work would leave a significant mark on the world. Though the existence of this manuscript was long debated, recent findings suggest that at least part of it did exist, challenging earlier claims of its non-existence.

The mystery surrounding Joe Gould and his magnum opus reflects the broader complexities and challenges of oral history. Oral history, as a method of capturing and preserving human experiences, often relies on the dedication and perspective of individuals like Gould, who seek to document the unrecorded narratives of everyday life. Gould's efforts, whether fully realized or not, serve as a reminder of the importance of giving voice to the voiceless and preserving the rich tapestry of human stories.

Joe Gould's life story, filled with ambition, adversity, and mystery, offers a compelling glimpse into the human condition and the power of oral history. It underscores the significance of recording and acknowledging diverse narratives, particularly those that might otherwise be lost to time. Gould's pursuit, fraught with challenges yet driven by a profound respect for the stories of ordinary people, stands as an inspiration to those who value the preservation and understanding of human history in its most authentic form.

流浪汉的史诗:Joe Gould与口述历史的奥秘

Joe Gould,这位美国文学史上的独特人物,1889年出生于波士顿郊外的一个小城镇。他被称为“海鸥教授”,是一位自称写了“我们时代的口述历史”(An Oral History of Our Time)的怪人,这本书据说是有史以来最长的书。尽管他在精神健康方面有着挣扎,这一点从他在家庭住所墙壁上的涂鸦和最终被哈佛大学开除可以看出,但Gould的一生是对人类精神的韧性和复杂性的证明。



围绕Joe Gould及其巨著的神秘故事反映了口述历史更广泛的复杂性和挑战。作为一种记录和保存人类经历的方法,口述历史往往依赖于像Gould这样的个人的奉献和视角,这些人寻求记录日常生活中未被记录的叙述。Gould的努力,无论是否完全实现,都提醒我们重视赋予无声者以声音,并保存人类故事的丰富多彩的画卷。

Joe Gould的生活故事充满了雄心、逆境和神秘,为我们提供了一个深入了解人类状况和口述历史力量的引人入胜的视角。它强调记录和承认多样化叙述的重要性,尤其是那些可能会随时间流逝而消失的叙述。Gould对记录普通人故事的尊重和热情,激励着那些重视人类历史的保存和真实理解的人。



