

2017-02-02 萨古鲁 ishayoga


On this Spot, Sadhguru writes about the consecration of the Yogeshwar Linga and the consecration of Adiyogi on Mahashivratri. He says, “Adiyogi is here to liberate you from disease, discomfort, and poverty – above all, from the very process of life and death.”


Mahashivratri has always been a grand celebration for us at the Isha Yoga Center, but the upcoming one on 24 February, with the consecration of the hundred and twelve feet tall face of Adiyogi, is going to stand out, literally. With just about five weeks to go until the event, his glorious face is already beginning to draw attention. Naturally, the question arises why we are creating such a large face of Adiyogi, and if it is just for aesthetics. If you look at the image of Adiyogi, definitely there is a geometric aesthetic to it. There is no aesthetic appeal without geometric perfection – in anything, for that matter. The face of Adiyogi is not just for aesthetics – it has a geometric significance. Next to Adiyogi, there will be the Yogeshwar Linga, which we are going to consecrate in the days leading up to Mahashivratri. Through the presence of the linga, Adiyogi will become more powerful by the day. Since he has the appropriate geometric features, he will gather the best of this energy. If you maintain a geometrically correct posture, you too can gather the best. This is what yoga is about.

在Isha瑜伽中心,大湿婆之夜对我们来说一直是一场盛大的庆典,但伴随着112英尺高的阿迪瑜吉头像的圣化,2月24日即将来临的这一场将会格外令人夺目。距离它的发生还有五个星期,他辉煌的面像已经开始吸引注意力。自然人们会问,为什么我们要建造一个如此巨大的阿迪瑜吉的面像,是否只是为了美感?如果你看着它的面像,它具有几何上的美。从某种意义上说,任何东西若没有几何上的完美,就没有美感而言。阿迪瑜吉的面像不只是为了美—— 它拥有其几何的重要性。置于阿迪瑜吉头像旁的是Yogeshwar灵伽,在大湿婆之夜前三天我们将要圣化它。在灵伽的临在下,阿迪瑜吉将会在那天变得更加强大。因为他有着完美的几何特征,他将会聚集到最好的能量。如果你保持几何正确的姿势,你也能够聚集到最好的能量。这就是瑜伽的作用。

During the consecration, you will see how a physical object will become a living force.  



This face of Adiyogi will be an iconic presence to orient the world towards their liberation. Adiyogi is a reminder for humanity to shift from religion to responsibility. When it comes to the outside world, we try to conduct everything in a scientific manner, with as much understanding as possible, using specific technologies and tools. But when it comes to inner wellbeing, people think it is all fixed in heaven. This reflects in different areas of our personal lives. For a long time, people used to think that marriages were made in heaven, or that the stars and planets decide the course of a marriage. Only recently, they have begun to realize that a relationship will work only if you conduct it responsibly and behave sensibly. Neither health nor peace nor joy is made in heaven, but within you. If you approach it with the right level of understanding, that is called science. If you develop tools to deal with it, that is called technology. We call this Inner Engineering. Adiyogi's magnificent face is going to represent this science and technology for inner wellbeing.


We are also going to bring out a book on Adiyogi, which describes the science that he offered and its significance. We want to make sure that in the next ten to fifteen years' time, the entire world will move from looking up to looking inward for their wellbeing. Inward is the only place where you can fix your wellbeing. I invite all of you to be a part of this, in whatever capacity you can. We are equipped like never before in the history of humanity to reach out to a large part of the population, and teach them how to turn inward and handle their wellbeing from within, rather than depending on the outside for support. From 20 to 23 February, we will consecrate the Yogeshwar Linga, and on Mahashivratri the Adiyogi face. We will energize the linga in such a way that what was just a lump of material will reverberate immensely, in a matter of three to four days. We will set up processes for you to develop the necessary sensitivity to clearly experience this. You will distinctly see how a consecrated form can change the whole atmosphere around it. Based on this possibility, all deities in this culture were made at one time.


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – not just in terms of experiencing the consecration but also in terms of making it happen. 


There are thirty-three million gods and goddesses in India, because we understood the technology of god-making. We created a form with geometric perfection, energized it in a certain way, and devised methods to access it. The formless energy that we refer to as Shiva can manifest itself in many ways. This reflects in the many different forms in which Shiva is represented, such as Nataraja, a dancer; Vaideeshwara, a doctor; Dakshinamurti, a teacher; or Bhairava, a remover of fear. These are all manifestations of the same energy. In this culture, consecrations are done to serve specific requirements. Adiyogi is here to liberate you from disease, discomfort, and poverty – above all, from the very process of life and death. We will consecrate Adiyogi as Yogeshwar, a perfect yogi. Yogeshwar is essentially about liberation. That is why we put him a little outside the Isha Yoga Center. He will have the necessary space and freedom to function whichever way he wants. The form of Adiyogi will leave an imprint on your consciousness. No matter where you go, his face will stick with you in such a way that you will turn inward. This is about transformation beyond thought and emotion.


This consecration will be very different from almost anything we have done before. Only the Dhyanalinga consecration was similar in nature, except that it was far more complex. This consecration will be much simpler, but both Dhyanalinga and Yogeshwar are focused towards liberation. Generally, most human beings, though they seek liberation, are tending to get entangled with something or the other. Their psychological state and social conditioning are such that they think only in binding themselves will they be safe. We want to change this in the world. It is not by bondage that you are safe. Only when you are free are you safe. But for a fearful mind, freedom may look scary, because you do not know what to hold on to. If you are not balanced, you need to hold on to something. If you are in perfect balance, you do not feel like holding on to anything. Those who are agile are not holding the walls as they walk – only the infirm do. We want to create a world that is full of life that is agile, balanced, and stable. Once there is no need in you to hold on to something and build bondage, your natural aspiration will be liberation.


We are preparing for the future of the world. As many old structures that we have thrived on till now will collapse in the coming decades, the longing for liberation will rise. Adiyogi will be a very important tool for those who are striving to liberate themselves. Adiyogi is a presence that people cannot miss – the greatest face on the planet. Greatest not in comparison to anything else but because of the possibility that it opens up. This is a fantastic gateway for those who are seeking liberation. Liberation from anything that binds you – this will be the nature of the linga. Adiyogi's iconic presence will inspire millions of people across the planet. We want to make the hundred and twelve ways in which you can reach your ultimate nature available to the entire humanity. We will deliver them in the simplest possible way, in today's terms, using modern technology. If we successfully pull it off, we will have a better world. During the consecration, you will see how a physical object will become a living force.

我们正在为世界的未来做着准备。那些至今盛行的旧有结构在未来几十年即将奔溃,对于解脱的渴望会升起。阿迪瑜吉对于那些努力寻求解放自己的人来说将会是一个非常重要的工具。阿迪瑜吉是一个人们无法错过的存在 —— 这个星球上最伟大的脸。称其伟大,并非和其他东西相较而言,而是就其所开放的可能性而言。对于那些追求解脱的人来说这是一道绝美的大门。从任何捆绑你的事情中解放——这将会成为灵伽的本质。阿迪瑜吉标志性的临在将会激励着世界各地数百万的人。我们想要让全人类得以接触到这112种通往终极本质的方法。我们将会尽可能用最简单的方式传达,用今天的话讲,使用现代科技。如果我们能圆满完成,我们会拥有一个更美好的世界。在圣化期间,你将会看到一个物质性的东西变成一个活生生的原力。

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – not just in terms of experiencing the consecration but also in terms of making it happen. I want all of you to be a part of it.












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