1. 在限定性定语从句中,使用“that”,不该用“which”。女王好像很喜欢使用“which”,比如:
(1)The problems which face mankind often seem to defy solution. (1964)
(2)It was the human conflicts and the wanton acts of crime and terror against fellow human beings which have so appalled us all. (2001)
2. 使用不恰当的句子副词女王经常使用句子副词,如:
(1)Frankly I do not myself feel at all like my great Tudor forebear. (1953)
(2)Naturally I see more such people in Britain. (1985)
英语中被经常使用的句子副词包括:actually, apparently, basically, briefly, certainly, clearly, conceivably, confidentially, curiously, evidently, fortunately, hopefully, however, ideally, incidentally, indeed, interestingly, ironically, naturally, predictably, presumably, regrettably, seriously, surprisingly, thankfully, theoretically, therefore, truthfully, ultimately, wisely.
尤其当你把一个副词转换成它的形容词的形式,使用”It is … that”觉得别扭的时候,就更不应该来使用这个句子副词。
3. 用错“Each Other”女王在致辞中,这样说:
(1)The march of history stops while we listen to each other. (1955)
(2)I hope we will all help each other to have a happy Christmas. (1987)
语法家认为:“each other”仅仅用于两个人之间,如果想表达一堆人之间,应该使用“one another”。
4. 乱用反身代词有时,女王会独立使用反身代词,如:
(1)For my husband and myself and for our children, the year that is passing has added to our store of happy memories. (1955)
(2)I am sure that many of you, like myself, have been impressed by the courage they show. (1981)
5. 用错“Among”和“Between”女王喜欢在应该使用“among”的地方使用“between”:
(1)Co-operation between Commonwealth countries grows every year. (1960)
(2)May the New Year bring reconciliation between all people. (1976)
6. 该用“Whether”的地方用“If”
Some people are uncertain which star to follow, or if any star is worth following at all. (1962)
7. 句子不该以连接词开头
(1)And further north still live the Eskimos. (1970)
(2)So take heart from the Christmas message and be happy. (1975)
(3)But to look back in that way is to look down a blind alley. (1996)
8. 用错被动语态
(1)There is nothing in heaven and earth that cannot be achieved by faith and by love and service to one’s neighbour. (1961)
(2)The results of their kindness will be appreciated by young people. (1977)
9. “From”怎么没跟着”Different”?
跟着“different”的介词该是“from”,而不是“to”,但女王用错了:The world was a very different place to the one we live in today. (1991)
10. “Might have” 还是 “May have”?在该用“may have”的地方,女王用了“might have”
Many of you might have felt a twinge of sadness as we in Britain bade them farewell. (1997)
11. 用错“Anticipate”“anticipate”表示“对未来要发生的某种预测”,女王本意是“expect”,但去错用了“anticipate”:
King James may not have anticipated quite how important sport and games where to become in promoting harmony. (2010)
12. “Forcibly” or “Forcefully”?
(1)What struck me more forcibly than his physical courage was the fact that he made no reference to his own illness. (1992)
(2)In talking to the veterans, I was forcibly reminded of the detachment with which those personally unaffected by violence can view its effect on others. (1995)
13. “Quicker”是形容词,不是副词!
女王说:Time is moving on rather quicker than we expected. (1987)
正确的用法应该是:Time is moving on rather more quickly than we expected.
14. 永远不要分割不定式,最后的一个也不能分割
(1)…the right of citizens to assemble, and to speak and argue. (1964)
(2)… the freedom to travel and learn. (1998)
英文语法规定:不定式永远都不能分割,最后的一个也不能。可女王就有把最后的一个不定式的”to”个去掉的习惯。正确是用法因该是:… the right of citizens to assemble, to speak, and to argue.… the freedom to travel and to learn.
15. 不定代词要用“One”,而非“You”在正式的英文文体里,当你并非指定任何人,只是泛谈的话,最好用“one”,而非随意用“you”来指定。
(1)We all need the kind of security that one gets from a happy and united family. (1958)
(2)It is no easy task to care for and bring up children, whatever your circumstances —whether you are famous or quite unknown.
It is no easy task to care for and bring up children, in whatever circumstances — whether one is famous or quite unknown.
给大家举一个例子,在1965年,女王的致辞里有“helping the poor”这样简单直接的表达,而在2009年,同样表达“帮助穷人”,她用了“ease the burden of deprivation and disadvantage”。中国有“弱势群体”一说,女王的后一句话中的”deprivation and disadvantage”不正是“弱势群体”最恰当的英文对应吗!
据说,女王的圣诞致辞均出自她自己之手,非秘书帮忙。之所以如此,因为女王不仅是名义上的政治首脑,更是英国国教(Church of England)的领袖,在圣诞这天亲自执笔并祝福她的子民,是她最为君主的责任。