
趣谈 | 原来,世界名画里的那些人早就用上了苹果……

2015-09-11 译·世界


北京时间9月10日凌晨1点,苹果公司在美国旧金山召开了新品发布会,苹果公司一次又一次的技术革新为现代人的生活带来了诸多便利。但是,如果苹果产品穿越到在信息技术不发的年代,会是怎样一番景象?韩国艺术家Kim Dong-Kyu脑洞大开,启动了Art x Smart计划,将颇具时代感的苹果设备融入了一系列世界名画中,毫无违和感。

1、马拉遗言:千万不要在浴室玩 iPad。’don’t take the iPad in the bathroom’ after ‘the death of marat’ by jacques-louis david, 1793

2、沉溺于玩手机的两口快要协议离婚了。在法庭上,他俩还在玩手机。 ‘a family gathering’ after ‘the balcony’ by édouard manet, 1868

‘in a cafe’ after ‘l’absinthe‘ by edgar degas, 1876

4、现场直播攻占巴士底狱。 'balcony' after ‘L’homme au balcon’ by gustave caillebotte, 1880

5、爆了! 'got it all' after ‘mary cassatt’ by edgar degas, 1880-84

6、河山自在我梦萦,祖国已多年未亲近。‘when you see the amazing sight’after ‘wanderer above the sea of fog’ by caspar david friedrich, 1818

7、捡一个iPad,圆一个卖肾梦。‘multi-touch zoom’ after ‘the ancient of days’ by william blake, 1794

8、屏幕碎了,人也疯了。远离苹果,给疯人院减负。’the scream’ after ‘the scream’ by edvard munch, 1893

9、珍珠耳环给你,我只要你的爱疯!‘girl with a pearl earring and an iPhone’ after ‘girl with a pearl earring’ by johannes vermeer, 1665

10、又一个要进疯人院的。'old man in sorrow' after 'old man in sorrow' by vincent van gogh, 1890

11、看我多美,自拍一张发朋友圈。 'self shot' after ‘portrait de marie therese walter’ by pablo picasso, 1937

12、这音乐,我也是醉了。 ‘music for dreaming’ after ‘the dream’ by pablo picasso, 1932

13、现场斗地主。‘the card players’ after ‘the card players’ by paul cézanne, 1894–95

14、一人手一只,炫富招雷劈。‘always in my hand’ after ‘in the conservatory’ by édouard manet, 1878-9

15、天使报喜。他的预言:这是你的别比。 ‘her mirror’ after ‘rokeby venus’ by diego velázquez, 1647–51

16、果照哦,你懂得。‘luncheon’ after ‘the luncheon on the grass’ by édouard manet, 1862–1863

17、约会干神马,涂脂穿衣真劳神,不如宅家玩手机,游戏天地乐无边。乐无边。 'hotel room' after 'hotel room' by edward hopper, 1931

18、大碗岛上的盛况,除了狗和伞不玩手机。’sunday afternoon’after ‘a sunday afternoon on the island of la grande’ by jattegeorges-pierre seurat

19、他生前就是土豪。‘his room’ after ‘the bedroom’ by vincent van gogh, 1888

20、Hello,约不约?'calling' after ‘alphonsine fournaise’ by auguste renoir, 1879

21、亲爱的,丢掉辎重,我们可以飞得更高。 ‘news of kidnapping on facebook’ after ‘over the town’ by marc chagall, 1917-18

22、爆炸新闻:维纳斯诞生了!赶快拍照发Twitter、发Facebook。'Hot issue' after ‘the birth of venus’ by alexandre cabanel, 1863

23、电话会议。 'the last 2G phone user'。 after ‘the last supper’ by leonardo da vinci, 1495-98

24、这位大哥,你是不是沟通有障碍啊?对面这位娘子跟你请示你都不理。untitle' after ‘The Angelus’ by Jean-François Millet, 1857-59

25、抢实木抢。 'Wearable'。 after ‘Oath of the Horatii’ by Jacques-Louis David

26、听锵锵三人横。'Relax' after ‘Girl in the garden’ by Mary cassatt, 1880-82

27、什么?山顶洞人也用高科技了。 'Please'。 after ‘Saturn devouring his son’ by Francisco Goya, 1819-23

28、亲俺的派。'Kiss (the new one)' after ‘The Kiss’ by Gustav Klimt, 1908-09


