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双语 | 《中医药法》正式实施!你肯定不知道中医在国外这么牛【附译词大全】

2017-07-05 Yee君 译·世界



China's traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) industry is set to unleash its enormous potential with the first legislation to standardize its medicine and services coming into effect, marking a new level of the industry's development.


The TCM legislation was released by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on December 25 last year and officially came into force on Saturday.


The law is the first of its kind in the sector, confirming TCM's significant position and optimizing support for the development of TCM drugs and related services, in order to create a good market environment.


"The law changed the TCM clinic qualification from a registration system to a filing system, and simplified TCM doctors' entry standard, enormously encouraging the industry's development by shaking off policy shackles," Zhang Ziran, vice president of the China Association of TCM, told the Global Times on Sunday.


In fact, capital has already flowed into the TCM industry, covering the whole industrial chain ranging from herbs and medicine patents to services such as TCM hospitals and clinics, the report said, noting that the services sector tends to be more attractive.


The new law also stressed the importance of industrial normalization by guaranteeing the quality and safety of herbs in cultivation, collection, storage and processing. Meanwhile, the law increases penalties for violations, particularly for the cultivation of herbs.


"Compared with developed markets such as South Korea, Japan and Europe, China's TCM industrial chain is not yet mature, with much room for improvement," Zuo Jiacheng, a Beijing-based TCM doctor, told the Global Times on Sunday.



Traditional Chinese medicine has been spread to 183 countries and regions around the world. According to the World Health Organization, 103 member states have given approval to the practice of acupuncture and moxibustion, 29 have enacted special statutes on traditional medicine, and 18 have included acupuncture and moxibustion treatment in their medical insurance provisions. TCM medicines have gradually entered the international system of medicines, and some of them have been registered in Russia, Cuba, Vietnam, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, and other nations. Some 30 countries and regions have opened a couple of hundred TCM schools to train native TCM workers. The World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, headquartered in China, has 194 member organizations from 53 countries and regions, and the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies has 251 member organizations from 67 countries and regions.


Traditional Chinese medicine has become an important area of health and trade cooperation between China and the ASEAN, EU, Africa, and Central and Eastern Europe, a key component in people-to-people exchanges between China and the rest of the world and between Eastern and Western cultures, and an important vehicle for China and other countries to work together in promoting world peace, improving the well-being of humanity, and developing a community of shared future.


Traditional Chinese medicine has received a vote of confidence from the World Health Organization. China’s World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, a Beijing organization that promotes traditional Chinese medicine, has established official relations with the WHO, and will now be able to attend WHO meetings, and “have a say in global decision-making on major health issues,” according to the group.


“The WHO recognizes the value and role traditional medicine can play in national health systems, especially in primary care,” WHO’s representative in China, Bernhard Schwartlander said, according to Chinese media.

据中国媒体报道,“世界卫生组织认可中医在国家卫生系统,特别是医疗保健方面所发挥的价值和作用”,世界卫生组织驻华代表Bernhard Schwartlander表示。


In the United States of America, the FDA investigated acupuncture needles’ safety and efficacy from 1973 until 1996 to get the final conclusion. Although the acupuncture mechanism theory still was not entirely explained scientifically, patient and public demand, as well as several thousand years of historical evidences assisted the FDA’s decision. Additionally, acupuncture law passed almost throughout all states in the U.S. and has had significant impact for the development of acupuncture around the entire world.



Over the last 20 years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been gaining ground in Cuba as a new way of easing ailments and treating chronic pains and diseases. Cubans have since the 1990s benefited from TCM, whose ancient roots have deepened in the island's awareness without the need to conduct publicity campaigns.


The practice of TCM is so successful in Cuba that the government has integrated it into a plan to promote health tourism, seeking to attract foreign visitors for chronic diseases and ailments treatment here.



There are now almost 5,000 Chinese medicine clinics in Australia, and according to a research from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), acupuncture has been recommended with greater frequency by Australian doctors than any other complementary therapy in Australia, with around 75 percent of them referring their patients to an acupuncturist at least once a month.




The mark of an Olympic athlete, at least at Rio 2016, seems to be a scattering of perfectly round bruises. Swimmers and gymnasts, particularly from Team USA, are among those seen sporting the mysterious dots.


No, not paintballing misadventures or love bites - they are the result of a practice known as "cupping", an ancient therapy where heated cups are placed on the skin.




Aaron 美国:

“很久很久以前,那时我对中医还一无所知。有一次我胃不舒服(stomach problem)去看中医,医生就在我身上扎了针(prick needles)。我觉得很奇怪,明明是胃不舒服为什么在手上扎针呢,医生告诉我这是和“气”有关系。我说:哦好吧?在一到两次治疗之后我感觉好多了。”

Idan 以色列:

“每次我头疼(headache)、肌肉拉伤(physical pain from work out)或者喝多了(drink too much

alcohol),我都会给自己扎针(acupunctures),哪里疼就扎(stick needles)哪里,痛感马上就消失了。”

Paradon 泰国:


Mustika 马来西亚:

“我有一次喉咙疼(sore throat),我第二天又要考试不能生病。没办法,我只能用练习针灸的针(acupuncture needle)扎自己。现在每次我回到马来西亚,大家都来找我,吵着要我给他们诊断(diagnose)。这其中不仅有华人,还有马来西亚的其他种族,印度人和马来人也经常来找我。他们说如果我在家乡开中医诊所(clinic)的话一定会来光顾。”

Oleg 俄罗斯:

“我以前有语言障碍(a problem with my speech),我父母带我看了一个中医,他给我做了针灸治疗(acupuncture),之后我说话就好多了。于是我就想为什么不来中国学习中医(Chinese medicine)呢?”


中医学  Traditional Chinese Medicine

中医基础理论  Basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine

中医师  traditional Chinese physician

中药师  traditional Chinese pharmacist

中药  Chinese materia medica

针灸  acupuncture and moxibustion

推拿  Chinese massage / Traditional Chinese manipulation / tuina

刮痧  Gua Sha / Gua Sha treatment / skin scarping

拔罐  cupping

望  looking/inspection

闻  listening and smelling

问  asking/inquiry

切  touching & pulse-taking

药方  prescription

脏腑  zang-organs and fu-organs, viscera

阴阳失调  imbalance of yin and yang

养生  health-cultivation

经络系统  system of meridians and collaterals

开胃  promoting appetite

脉象  pulse conditions, pulse pattern

生理功能  physiological functions

临床诊断  clinical diagnosis

月经不调  irregular menstruation

五行学说  theory of five elements

另外,译·世界还为大家准备了一份超级全的中医译词表,点击网盘链接http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYNSrLU 还有长达11页的中医译词大全,欢迎下载哟~~

来源:新华网、中新网、环球时报、环球时报英文版、《中国的中医药》白皮书、Your Health Magzine


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