
环球•译事 | 想入行笔译?听听这6位国际译者怎么说

2018-01-24 Yee君 译·世界



1. Translate any kind of text


Being in the right place at the right time is how many successful translators entered the field. As a student, author and translator, Lyn Miller-Lachmann took a Portuguese language class in which she got to know a publisher who was looking for a translator for a Portuguese book. With that, Miller-Lachmann’s first translation project was in hand.

许多成功的译者都是在天时地利兼具的情况下入行的。Lyn Miller-Lachmann是一名学生、作家兼译员,她在上葡语课时结识了一名出版商,当时那位出版商正在寻找译员,翻译一本葡语书籍。就这样,Miller-Lachmann的第一单翻译项目到手了。

▲Lyn Miller-Lachmann

Today, she’s working on translation projects for children’s picture books and young adult fiction.


Translator Elisabeth Lauffer, on the other hand, was fascinated with translation from early on. Starting with some lines of Dante in high school, she translated any kind of text, she says, including chainsaw catalogues.

而译者Elisabeth Lauffer很早就对翻译产生了浓厚的兴趣。她说,她最初是在高中时翻译了但丁的一些语句,她什么样的文本类型都翻译,包括电锯手册。

▲Elisabeth Lauffer

“If I can enjoy translating a chainsaw catalogue,” she says she figured, “then I must really enjoy translating.”


Despite a rather slow start, Lauffer didn’t get discouraged, and in 2014, she won the Goethe-Institut New York’s Gutekunst Prize for Emerging Translators. She says that she considers receiving the prize a big step in her career, not least because of networking opportunities with publishing world personalities as pa 44 34050 44 15045 0 0 1398 0 0:00:24 0:00:10 0:00:14 2976rt of the award ceremony.


2. ‘Get Your Name Out There’


Such networking and making new contacts is an integral part of translators’ daily work, according to those with whom we’ve spoken.


“It’s really all about relationships,” says Allison Markin Powell, a New York-based translator who is co-chair of the PEN America Translation Committee and who launched her own translation database, Japanese Literature in English.

Allison Markin Powell是一位常驻纽约的译者,也是美国笔译委员会的联合主席,她推出了日语文学的英文翻译数据库。Powell说:“维护关系真的很有用。”

▲Allison Markin Powell

“It’s important to meet editors, to get your name out there.”


Powell says she started her career as an editorial assistant at a trade publisher, which she found very rewarding. Not only did she meet many people to whom she could pitch translations, but she also gained valuable insights into the business. Important among those insights: a marketing perspective on the publishing sector and an understanding of how rights, licenses, and translation contracts work.


3. Join Organizations for Networking Opportunities


▲Alta Price

Miller-Lachmann says she advises aspiring translators to get involved in organizations such as PEN International and its localized chapters; the American Association of Literary Translators (ALTA); or the Global Literature in Libraries Initiative. Being a member of such an organization makes it easier to get to know editors and fellow translators, to exchange valuable information about the business.


Workshops and translation conferences offer more possibilities to expand one’s network.


Translator Alta Price—who specializes in art, architecture, and design—suggests cultivating both local and global contacts. She especially values a close relationship with her editors, she says, and appreciates what she describes as their constructive criticism.

译员Alta Price擅长艺术、建筑、设计等领域,她建议人际关系不仅限于当地,还要拓展到全球。Alta表示尤其重视与自己的编辑建立密切关系,认为他们提出的建设性意见很重要。

“I’m eager to get feedback on my work,” she tells Publishing Perspectives, “because I get so close to the texts that I can’t possibly know what it’s like to read them from an outside perspective.”


For her, Price says, a good translation involves close teamwork with the editor.


4. Take the Time To Learn a Culture



For inexperienced translators, Miller-Lachmann emphasizes reading a lot–both the original text and translations.


She suggests comparing versions of the same book handled by multiple translators to get a better awareness of the challenges of translation.


Alex Zucker, a translator from Czech and co-chair with Powell of the PEN America Translation Committee, also stresses improving one’s writing style, but with an eye to getting a thoroughgoing knowledge of the culture(s) behind the language you’re working in.

来自捷克的译者Alex Zucker和Powell共同担任美国笔会翻译委员会的主席。Zucker也强调要改进写作风格,但同时要着眼于深入了解你所从事的语言背后的文化。

He encourages fellow translators to spend a lot of time in a country relevant to one’s translation work, really diving into the language and familiarizing oneself with the culture.


“The main skill of a translator,” Zucker says, ” is to capture the style of the original text and create an equivalent in the language you’re translating into.”


Needless to say, a profound knowledge of the cultural and linguistic background of a book is critical for a high-quality translation.


5. ‘There’s No Single Solution’


▲Robert Bononno

Freelance translator Robert Bononno advises emerging translators to collect as much information as possible about the contemporary publishing world, and in particular about publishing houses which might be interested in publishing translations.

自由译者Robert Bononno建议刚入行的译者尽可能多地收集当代出版业的相关信息,特别是对出版翻译作品感兴趣的出版社。

Searching through current publishers’ catalogues and looking for popular contemporary authors or overlooked historical writers is also part of the strategy. Bononno says starting with smaller pieces is a good way to get going: “One approach would be to try to get shorter articles or excerpts published in literary magazines, or an online literary review or blog.”


Getting started in publishing as a translator can be difficult, he says, but it’s not impossible.


“There’s no single solution,” Bononno says. “It takes time, connections, and luck.”


英文来源:Publishing Perspectives 




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