

译·世界 2022-12-28





“I can say 100 times I'm doing this because I want to inspire more young girls in sport. I'm doing this because I want to introduce kids to free skiing. I'm doing this to represent my and my mother's Chinese heritage.”


“Sports has undeniably changed my life. It has built character, it has built resilience, it has allowed me to be physically and mentally healthier, and it really has given my life so many passion and purpose.” 


“In China, a lot of people have not even heard of free skiing, especially at that point before the Olympics. And there are so many amazing female role models in the U.S. that I grew up watching. And I was like, ‘when I grow up, I want to be just like them.’… I think that there wasn’t someone like that in China, and especially within the Olympics.”



“I want those people to be in free skiing. I want those people to be able to have those benefits that have brought me. And I want them to hear about it for the first time from a young biracial girl. I think that is so meaningful.”

“The first time you hear about something, it can make or break it. And if it’s from someone that you’re reliable or that you find represents you, then you are more likely to be like ‘okay, if she can do it, then I can do it. And if she can break her own boundaries, and if she can make herself better and better and she can have fun and smile the whole time while doing it, then I can too.”

“所以我一直在说,如果我能通过自己的方式让一个女孩尝试着去滑雪,能让她亲近运动,那么一切都是值得的,” 谷爱凌说。

“I’ve always said if I can just inspire one young girl to start skiing and to kind of change her relationship with sport in that way, then it is so worth it.”



“I’m trying my best to make the world a better place in my own way. Right now, that’s through sport. Right now, what I can do at the immediate moment is to introduce more young girls to free skiing, and to hopefully make their lives and to make sport culture better. In that sense, if people don't like that and if there are people who don't agree with me, that's totally fine. That's the beauty of being able to have that discussion. But they can feel free to make the world better in their own way. And we can approach it through different situations, and the world benefit because of it.”



“Like you said, I'm 18, right? I haven't even started college yet. I'm fresh out of high school. And people are trying to make me this geopolitical figure. I don't have the power to change two countries. I'm just trying to do what I can, and a lot of things are out of my control. And I think instead of stressing about that, I just want to focus on my own message and on my own positivity, and making myself better and making the world better in my own way.”

来源 | 21世纪英文报 / ESPNW / 观察者网

制作 | 绢生

审核 | 肖英 / 蓝莓

终审 | 清欢



一周热词 | 五四奖章、中国科考队登顶珠峰、中小学生学做饭、露营火了

一周简报 | 北京市译协举行第一次会长办公会、第四届“儒易杯”中华文化国际翻译大赛开始报名…

报名 | 第四届“儒易杯”中华文化国际翻译大赛开启


今日立夏,“立”到底是 Start 还是 Begin?

