

2017-09-21 李怡 百闻不如怡见

作为市场营销人,我们每天都在跟战略打交道。但多数时候,“战略策略”这些词只是虚妄的口头概念 —— 极少数人真正理解它们的意义,我们做的努力也极少数真正影响到“战略”这个层级。


在战略管理领域的有本非常知名的书籍叫做《好战略,坏战略》(good strategy, bad strategy)。它的开篇引言部分总结了全书精华,我觉得很棒,有助于大家一窥战略之要义。遂翻译,并加上些自己的思考附在结尾,希望对你有益。

(本书作者:Richard Rumelt)



译 / 李怡



In 1805, England had a problem. Napoléon had conquered big chunks of Europe and planned the invasion of England. But to cross the Channel, he needed to wrest control of the sea away from the English. Off the southwest coast of Spain, the French and Spanish combined fleet of thirty-three ships met the smaller British fleet of twenty-seven ships.


The well-developed tactics of the day were for the two opposing fleets to each stay in line, firing broadsides at each other. But British admiral Lord Nelson had a strategic insight. He broke the British fleet into two columns and drove them at the Franco-Spanish fleet, hitting their line perpendicularly. The lead British ships took a great risk, but Nelson judged that the less-trained Franco-Spanish gunners would not be able to compensate for the heavy swell that day.




At the end of the Battle of Trafalgar, the French and Spanish lost twenty-two ships, two-thirds of their fleet. The British lost none. Nelson was mortally wounded, becoming, in death, Britain’s greatest naval hero. Britain’s naval dominance was ensured and remained unsurpassed for a century and a half.


Nelson’s challenge was that he was outnumbered. His strategy was to risk his lead ships in order to break the coherence of his enemy’s fleet. With coherence lost, he judged, the more experienced English captains would come out on top in the ensuing melee.


好 37 40380 37 15265 0 0 1465 0 0:00:27 0:00:10 0:00:17 3304略,几乎总是像上面这样,看起来简单、明显,用不着几百页PPT来解释。好战略并不是从什么矩阵、三角、图表等“战略管理”工具中蹦出来的。好战略的制定者,会界定一或两个关键问题——挖掘出那些能够让行动的功效成倍增加的核心节点,然后在上面集中投入资源。

Good strategy almost always looks this simple and obvious and does not take a thick deck of PowerPoint slides to explain. It does not pop out of some “strategic management” tool, matrix, chart, triangle, or fill-in-the-blanks scheme. Instead, a talented leader identifies the one or two critical issues in the situation—the pivot points that can multiply the effectiveness of effort—and then focuses and concentrates action and resources on them.


Despite the roar of voices wanting to equate strategy with ambition, leadership, “vision,” planning, or the economic logic of competition, strategy is none of these. The core of strategy work is always the same: discovering the critical factors in a situation and designing a way of coordinating and focusing actions to deal with those factors.


A leader’s most important responsibility is identifying the biggest challenges to forward progress and devising a coherent approach to overcoming them. In contexts ranging from corporate direction to national security, strategy matters. Yet we have become so accustomed to strategy as exhortation that we hardly blink an eye when a leader spouts slogans and announces high-sounding goals, calling the mixture a “strategy.” Here are four examples of this syndrome.


A good strategy does more than urge us forward toward a goal or vision. A good strategy honestly acknowledges the challenges being faced and provides an approach to overcoming them. And the greater the challenge, the more a good strategy focuses and coordinates efforts to achieve a powerful competitive punch or problem-solving effect.


领导者们都认为自己有战略,其实他们没有,他们大多数人都在做 “坏战略”。所谓“坏战略”通常会忽略或绕过那些恼人的细节。坏战略会忽视选择和专注的力量,反而尝试包容各种相互冲突的利益需求。就像那种只会对队友建议说“让我们赢下比赛”的橄榄球四分卫,坏战略用像“目标”“远景”“价值观”这样空泛的概念来掩盖它的无能。但这些概念实际上并不能替代战略思考的所需付出的努力。

Unfortunately, good strategy is the exception, not the rule. And the problem is growing. More and more organizational leaders say they have a strategy, but they do not. Instead, they espouse what I call bad strategy. Bad strategy tends to skip over pesky details such as problems. It ignores the power of choice and focus, trying instead to accommodate a multitude of conflicting demands and interests. Like a quarterback whose only advice to teammates is “Let’s win,” bad strategy covers up its failure to guide by embracing the language of broad goals, ambition, vision, and values. Each of these elements is, of course, an important part of human life. But, by themselves, they are not substitutes for the hard work of strategy.


The gap between good strategy and the jumble of things people label “strategy” has grown over the years. In 1966, when I first began to study business strategy, there were only three books on the subject and no articles. Today, my personal library shelves are fat with books about strategy. Consulting firms specialize in strategy, PhDs are granted in strategy, and there are countless articles on the subject.


But this plentitude has not brought clarity. Rather, the concept has been stretched to a gauzy thinness as pundits attach it to everything from utopian visions to rules for matching your tie with your shirt. To make matters worse, for many people in business, education, and government, the word “strategy” has become a verbal tic. Business speech transformed marketing into “marketing strategy,” data processing into “IT strategy,” and making acquisitions into a “growth strategy.” Cut some prices and an observer will say that you have a “low-price strategy.”


A word that can mean anything has lost its bite. To give content to a concept one has to draw lines, marking off what it denotes and what it does not.



To begin the journey toward clarity, it is helpful to recognize that the words “strategy” and “strategic” are often sloppily used to mark decisions made by the highest-level officials. For example, in business, most mergers and acquisitions, investments in expensive new facilities, negotiations with important suppliers and customers, and overall organizational design are normally considered to be “strategic.” However, when you speak of “strategy,” you should not be simply marking the pay grade of the decision maker. Rather, the term “strategy” should mean a cohesive response to an important challenge. Unlike a stand-alone decision or a goal, a strategy is a coherent set of analyses, concepts, policies, arguments, and actions that respond to a high-stakes challenge.


Many people assume that a strategy is a big-picture overall direction, divorced from any specific action. But defining strategy as broad concepts, thereby leaving out action, creates a wide chasm between “strategy” and “implementation.” If you accept this chasm, most strategy work becomes wheel spinning. Indeed, this is the most common complaint about “strategy.” 


Echoing many others, one top executive told me, “We have a sophisticated strategy process, but there is a huge problem of execution. We almost always fall short of the goals we set for ourselves.” If you have followed my line of argument, you can see the reason for this complaint. A good strategy includes a set of coherent actions. They are not “implementation” details; they are the punch in the strategy. A strategy that fails to define a variety of plausible and feasible immediate actions is missing a critical component.



A good strategy has an essential logical structure that I call the kernel. The kernel of a strategy contains three elements: a diagnosis, a guiding policy, and coherent action. The guiding policy specifies the approach to dealing with the obstacles called out in the diagnosis. It is like a signpost, marking the direction forward but not defining the details of the trip. Coherent actions are feasible coordinated policies, resource commitments, and actions designed to carry out the guiding policy.


举个栗子,看看美国政府应对2008年金融危机的“战略”,你会发现它确缺失了基本要素 —— 政府从来没有对产生金融危机的根源进行诊断,也因此,政府的行动没有重点、浮于表面,他们仅仅是把更多国家资源从大众转移到银行。即使你不是宏观经济学博士也懂得这是个坏战略。


Once you gain a facility with the structure and fundamentals of a good strategy, you will develop the parallel ability to detect the presence of bad strategy. Just as you do not need to be a director to detect a bad movie, you do not need economics, finance, or any other abstruse special knowledge to distinguish between good and bad strategy. For example, looking at the U.S. government’s “strategy” for dealing with the 2008 financial crisis, you will see that essential elements are missing. In particular, there was no official diagnosis of the underlying malady. So, there can be no focus of resources and actions on a cure. There has only been a shift of resources from the public to the banks. You do not need a PhD in macroeconomics to make this judgment—it follows from understanding the nature of good strategy itself.


Bad strategy is more than just the absence of good strategy. Bad strategy has a life and logic of its own, a false edifice built on mistaken foundations. Bad strategy may actively avoid analyzing obstacles because a leader believes that negative thoughts get in the way. Leaders may create bad strategy by mistakenly treating strategy work as an exercise in goal setting rather than problem solving. Or they may avoid hard choices because they do not wish to offend anyone—generating a bad strategy that tries to cover all the bases rather than focus resources and actions.



The creeping spread of bad strategy affects us all. Heavy with goals and slogans, the national government has become less and less able to solve problems. Corporate boards sign off on strategic plans that are little more than wishful thinking. Our education system is rich with targets and standards, but poor in comprehending and countering the sources of underperformance. The only remedy is for us to demand more from those who lead. More than charisma and vision, we must demand good strategy.


1 本书作者对“战略”理解的关键之处




这本书之所以叫good strategy,bad strategy就是因为用好与坏可以更清晰区分战略。我入行时这样理解策略:从A点到B点的路径就是我的策略。这样理解难免维度单一,环境、目标、出发点都影响我们的那条路是好策略还是坏策略。


2 本文对我启发最大的一点

初看本文我最先注意到的一点是:作者建议我们要找到关键要素/节点然后投入。那么问题来了,所谓关键要素到底是什么?怎么找到?我一直思索,最后发现回到了文章的标题:overwhelming obstacles。











这场战役,曹操集团正是基于对绍军劣势、己方劣势的诊断评估(diagnosis),做出的一系列连贯行动(coherent decisions and actions),先解除己方致命劣势,到将粮草上敌方的优势变成劣势,从而一举奠定胜局。


3 澄清概念和用词



4 翻译




在战略思考中,绝对的劣势有时可以转化成优势,而认知的偏见和随机因素却永远无法消除,这也印证了引文标题,我们面对的是overwhelming obstacles。








