

2016-12-19 红酒世界 红酒世界网


2016年12月12日,红酒世界携手亚洲首位葡萄酒大师李志延(Jeannie Cho Lee MW)为葡萄酒爱好者奉献了一场精彩的葡萄酒品鉴直播。直播中,李志延大师现场品鉴了2012年博塞贝戈酒庄红葡萄酒(2012 Chateau Beau-Sejour Becot, Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe, France)等4款名庄佳酿,寓知识于美酒之中,与大家一起分享关于葡萄酒的独特见解。此外,李志延大师还回答了一些葡萄酒爱好者的问题。本文为大家呈现这场直播的视频以及部分精选问题。



1. 今年勃艮第(Burgundy)遭遇了严重的冰雹和霜冻,因此我们是否可以称2016年对于勃艮第来说是糟糕的一年?


李志延原文:It was a difficult vintage for Burgundy so you need to be careful, but the top producers which I just tasted a few weeks ago in Burgundy made very good wine. Reds are better than the whites in general.

2. 波尔多(Bordeaux)和勃艮第近些年有哪些不错的年份,可以推荐一下吗?


李志延原文:For Bordeaux I recommend 2005, 2009, 2010 and 2015. Vintages that are very good but under-rated are 2001 and 2006. For Burgundy I recommend 2002, 2005, 2009, 2010 and 2015. Under-rated Burgundy vintages are 2007, 2008 and 2012.

3. 波尔多左岸与右岸的葡萄酒风格有何区别?


李志延原文:Left bank reds have firmer tannins and are less fleshier, have less generous fruit because there is less Merlot used in the blend while Right bank wines are sweeter, more plummy and easier to enjoy young.

4. 圣埃美隆(Saint-Emilion)和波美侯(Pomerol)有什么区别?

答:这个问题我在直播过程中回答过,但是从本质上说,这是因为他们种植的葡萄品种不同、土壤类型有所差异,从而导致各产区葡萄酒风格不同;圣埃美隆主要为石灰石土壤,种植着品丽珠(Cabernet Franc)和梅洛(Merlot),波美侯则主要为黏土,种植着梅洛。

李志延原文:I answered this during the livestream, but essentially, it is the grape varieties planted as well as the soil that brings out different characteristics in their respective regions: St Emilion for Cabernet Franc and Merlot on limestone and Pomerol for Merlot on clay.

5. 圣埃美隆Grand Cru和Grand Cru Classe有什么区别?

答:正如我在直播中所说,圣埃美隆法定产区(Saint-Emilion Grand Cru)以地理位置为划分依据,它包含数百个生产商。而圣埃美隆列级酒庄(Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe)酒庄的考核标准更为严格,品质要求更高。圣埃美隆每10年都会对这些酒庄进行重新评定,确保它们达到品质要求。符合这一条件的酒庄不到100家。

李志延原文:As I mentioned in the livestream, St Emilion Grand Cru has several hundred producers and is based on geography whereas Grand Cru Classe has stricter, higher quality standards including a tasting component of the last 10 vintages for the chateaux which has to meet quality levels. Grand Cru Class wines make up less than 100 chateaux.

6. 酒评家经常会用“平衡”来赞美一款酒,可以说说何为“平衡”吗?


李志延原文:Balance in red wine is how the intensity and quality of flavors interact with the structure of the wine which includes tannins, body, alcohol and acidity. All elements must be in balance, not over-powering the others but rather heightening and complementing each other.

7. 颗粒感的质地指的是?


李志延原文:Grainy means the tannins are grippy like a young, moderate quality Malbec where the tannins grip your tongue rather than glide over it smoothly.

8. 如何感知单宁?如何定义一款酒的单宁是“柔顺”的?


李志延原文:Tannins are felt on the tongue; harsh, dry tannins taste like black tea leaves when the tea has been steeped in water too long. Soft tannins are like aged (20-30 yr old) pu'er tea where the tannins are there and you taste them but they feel smooth on your palate.

9. 如果一款酒具有皮革气息,能否说明这款酒是老酒?


李志延原文:Not always but often older wines smell of leather. But young Syrah can also smell like leather (young, tanned leather).

10. 如何定义一款好的葡萄酒?


李志延原文:A wine that has balance, good intensity, layers of complex flavors and a long length.

11. 您能否介绍一下在您成为葡萄酒大师的过程中,什么因素最为重要?天赋还是一些其他因素?


李志延原文:In born talent is not necessary to be a Master of Wine. One needs basic tasting and smelling ability and an appreciation for food and flavors. The most important part is the passion which leads you to constantly taste, study and discover the world of wine. This can be considered 'work' for some, but if you love it, it is pleasure.

12. 对于刚接触葡萄酒的人,您有什么建议?


李志延原文:I recommend starting with Burgundy regional or village level white or red - for example, a Beaune village red or a Macon white. The tannins in Beaune red are soft and light, easy to enjoy and for Macon white, the style is fruity, medium bodied with apple and pear notes. Both are easy to enjoy styles.



☛ 5款高性价比的波尔多佳酿,尽在李志延大师班

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