

365天陪你学 英语口语 2023-10-13








01 New Year's Eve 除夕
02 Laba Festival 腊八
03 Dongzhi Festival 冬至
04 Spring Festival 春节
05 Lantern Festival 元宵节
06 Qingming Festival 清明节
07 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
08 Double Seventh Festival七夕节
09 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
10 Double Ninth Festival 重阳节

11 Hurry Up,Plants 拔苗助长
12 The Early Bird Catches the Worm 笨鸟先飞
13 Powerful Mr. Fox 狐假虎威
14 Painting the Dragons to Life 画龙点睛
15 The Fake Musician 滥竽充数
16 Waiting for Rabbits 守株待兔
17 Discovering An Elephant 盲人摸象
18 Better Late Than Never 亡羊补牢,未为迟也
19 A Masterpiece in the Making洛阳纸贵
20 Meng Jiao's Happy Ride 走马看花

21、Peach Paradise 


The writer Tao Yuan Ming lived during the Eastern Jin Dynasty (365-427 AD). It was a time of war in China. Tao Yuan Ming wished everyone could stop fighting and live in peace. He dreamed of a fable. It went like this…Once upon a time, a fisherman set out to explore a river. He got in his small boat and began to row. The fisherman rowed and rowed and rowed. He got so caught up in the rhythm of the rowing, he lost track of where he was. Still, he kept on rowing.Along the way, the fisherman spotted some peach trees on the river bank covered with flowers. Farther down the river, he saw more blossoming peach trees.“There must be hundreds of trees!” the fisherman gasped.At the end of the river, the fisherman came upon a whole forest of blossoming peach trees. As he stepped off his boat, his feet sank in a carpet of peach petals. The sweet smell filled the air.“This is a peach paradise!” the fisherman cried. “I have never seen or smelled anything like it!”He walked through the forest to see what else there was to see. At the end of the forest he found a mountain. At the base of the mountain was a tiny cave. The small opening was just wide enough to fit one person.A beam of light shone out from the cave. The edges of the beam were laced with colors of the rainbow. It felt magical.“It’s like that rainbow light is calling me into the cave,” the fisherman whispered to himself.He crawled inside the tiny opening. It was difficult to see, but he kept crawling toward the light. The narrow tunnel started to get wider and wider. Finally, the fisherman was able to stand up. He walked out of the cave.The land was lush and green. The sun shone more brightly than the fisherman had ever seen. Birds chirped happy songs from the treetops.The fisherman walked through farmland. The crops were healthy and strong. Then he came to a small village. Pretty houses stood neatly in rows. Each house had a small, neat garden with colorful flowers.The fisherman walked up to some farmers. They greeted him warmly. “Hello. Where am I?” asked the fisherman.“Good day, sir,” said one farmer. “Welcome to our land.”“What is this place?” asked the fisherman. “Where am I?”“This is our land. Our ancestors came here a long time ago,” the farmer’s friend explained.“Your ancestors? Who or how long ago was that?” asked the fisherman.“Ancestors from the Qin Dynasty,” replied the farmer. “There was a lot of fighting during that time. So, our ancestors left and found this land. We have lived here ever since.”“We haven’t met anyone from the outside world,” said his friend.“What era is it now?”“Jin Dynasty,” replied the fisherman.“Oh, Jin Dynasty. A long time must have passed,” said the farmer. “Well, welcome to our land! Won’t you stay a bit?” he asked.The fisherman stayed for several days. He enjoyed every second of his time there. It was peaceful and filled with so much beauty.When it was time to leave, the fisherman crawled through the cave. He walked through the peach blossom forest. As he traveled, he left markers along the trail. He hoped that one day they would help him find his way back.When the fisherman got back to his village, he told the officials all about his journey. They wanted to find this paradise.The fisherman led a group down the river to show them the mysterious land. They rowed and rowed and rowed. They didn’t see any peach blossoms. At the end of the river, they followed the fisherman’s markers.They couldn’t find the mountain, the cave, the farms, or the village. And they never did.The idiom (世外桃源 shì wài táo yuán) “the peach orchard beyond this world” is used to express an unexpectedly fantastic place, or paradise.

The End

Question: Why do you think the fisherman could not find the mysteriousland again?


fable n. 寓言

set out 出发

row v. 划(船)

rhythm n.律动,节律

lose track of 看不见,听不清,未记录

blossom v. & n. 开花

gasp v. 倒抽气

carpet n. 地毯

petal n. 花瓣

beam n. (日、月、灯等的)光线

edge n. 边界,边缘

lace v. 加饰带(或狭边)于

magical adj. (似)魔术的

tunnel n. 隧道,地道

lush adj. 葱翠的,鲜嫩多汁的

ancestors n. 祖先

era n. 时代,历史时期

trail n. 痕迹,足迹

paradise n. 天堂

orchard n. 果园,果树林

There must be 那里必定有, must do sth 此处表示对于现在情况的推测。

At the base of the mountain was a tiny cave. 山脚下有一个小洞,此处介


A long time must have passed 一定是经过了很长时间了,must have

done 表示对于过去情况的推测。


作家陶渊明生活在东晋时期(公元365-427年)。那是中国的战争时期。陶渊明希望每个人都能停止战斗,和平共处。他梦见了一个寓言。事情是这样的…从前,一个渔夫出发去探索一条河。他坐上小船开始划船。渔夫划啊划啊划。他被划船的节奏迷住了,不知道自己在哪里。尽管如此,他还是继续划船。一路上,渔夫发现河岸上有一些桃树开满了花。在河的下游,他看到了更多盛开的桃树。“一定有几百棵树!”渔夫喘着粗气说。在河的尽头,渔夫发现了一整片盛开的桃树林。他下了船,两脚陷在桃花的地毯里。空气中弥漫着甜味。“这是一个桃子天堂!”渔夫喊道。“我从未见过或闻到过类似的味道!”他穿过森林,想看看还有什么可看的。在森林的尽头,他发现了一座山。山脚下有一个小山洞。这个小开口刚好能容纳一个人。一束光从山洞里射出。光束的边缘布满了彩虹的颜色。感觉很神奇。“就像彩虹的光芒在召唤我进入洞穴,”渔夫低声对自己说。他爬进那个小洞里。很难看清,但他一直朝着灯光爬去。狭窄的隧道开始变得越来越宽。最后,渔夫终于站了起来。他走出了山洞。这片土地郁郁葱葱。太阳比渔夫所见过的更明亮。鸟儿在树梢上叽叽喳喳地唱着欢快的歌。渔夫穿过农田。庄稼茁壮成长。然后他来到一个小村庄。漂亮的房子整齐地排成一排。每栋房子都有一个小而整洁的花园,花园里开着五颜六色的花。渔夫走向一些农民。他们热情地迎接他。“喂,我在哪儿?”渔夫问。“你好,先生,”一位农民说。“欢迎来到我们的土地。”“这是什么地方?”渔夫问。“我在哪里?”“这是我们的土地。我们的祖先很久以前就来到这里了,”农民的朋友解释说。“你的祖先?那是谁或多久以前的事?”渔夫问。“先祖来自秦朝,”农夫回答。“那时候有很多战斗。所以,我们的祖先离开这里,找到了这块土地。从那时起,我们就一直住在这里。”他的朋友说:“我们没有见过任何来自外部世界的人。”。“现在是什么时代?”“金朝,”渔夫回答。“哦,金朝。一定是很久过去了,”农夫说。“好吧,欢迎来到我们的土地!你不留下一点吗?”他问道。渔夫呆了几天。他享受在那里的每一秒。这是和平的,充满了如此多的美丽。到了离开的时候,渔夫爬进了山洞。他穿过桃花林。当他旅行时,他在小路上留下了标记。他希望有一天他们能帮他找到回家的路。当渔夫回到他的村庄时,他向官员们讲述了他的旅程。他们想找到这个天堂。渔夫带领一群人沿河而下,向他们展示那片神秘的土地。他们划啊划啊划。他们没有看到任何桃花。在河的尽头,他们跟随渔夫的标记。他们找不到那座山、山洞、农场或村庄。他们从来没有这样做过。成语(世外桃源 “世界之外的桃园”用来表达一个出人意料的奇妙的地方,或天堂。

22、Music to a Cow's Ears


Once upon a time, there lived a man named Gong Ming Yi. He was an excellent musician. Ming Yi played the lute, a traditional Chinese instrument with strings that are plucked. His songs were as soothing and beautiful as a nightingale’s chirps.One day, Gong Ming Yi visited the countryside with a group of friends. They had a good time enjoying the fresh air and the natural beauty. Ming Yi decided to take a walk to explore more of the area. He took his lute with him.“I will see you in a while, my friends,” said Ming Yi. “I’m going for a stroll to enjoy some more of the country life.”“Have a nice time!” shouted his friends. “Enjoy the view!”After walking a ways, Ming Yi spotted a cow grazing in the field. Suddenly, he felt a spark of inspiration.Ming Yi found a comfortable spot. He sat down in front of the cow. He placed his lute in front of him. Then he began to pluck the strings. The musician’s elegant notes traveled through the crisp country air. The meadow was filled with a lovely melody. But to Ming Yi’s amazement, the cow just kept grazing on the grass with her head down.“Perhaps the cow does not like this piece,” thought Ming Yi.He began to play another song for the cow. This time, he played a simpler tune. Ming Yi was sure the cow would enjoy it. Still, the cow kept grazing. She mooed once, and looked off in the distance. Then she put her head down and continued munching on the grass.“Hmmm, the cow didn’t like that one either,” thought Ming Yi. “I know, I shall play this tune.” Ming Yi played a new piece of music for the cow. This one had a stirring, upbeattempo.The cow continued grazing, without another moo.Confused, Gong Ming Yi played a different song for the cow, a quiet, heavenly piece. Yet song after song, the cow showed no reaction.After hearing an entire concert of Ming Yi’s best works, the cow finished her meal and slowly wandered away.Because Ming Yi was focused on his lute playing, he didn’t notice that his friends had arrived some time before. They clapped and cheered when Ming Yi finished his last song and put down his lute.Confused, Ming Yi asked his friends, “How could that cow not like my music? I played my heart out! I can’t imagine why she was not impressed. Am I losing my talent? Were my songs bad?”His friends laughed and said, “No, silly. It is not because your music is bad. It is because the cow cannot understand music at all!”Gong Ming Yi let out a sigh of relief and went home with his lute. He continued to play concert after concert to audiences of people who were able to appreciate his talent. And he never ever tried to play for a cow again! The End

Question: What kind of song did Ming Yi play after the cow did not react to his first song?

A. Ming Yi played a stirring, upbeat piece.

B. He played a quiet, heavenly song.

C. He played a simple song.

D. He played a song on the flute.


lute n. 诗琴

pluck v. 弹,拨(乐器的弦)

soothing adj. 安慰的

nightingale n. 夜莺

stroll n. 散步

a way(s) 很长一段路;很长一段时间

elegant adj. 优雅的

meadow n. 草地

melody n. 旋律,曲调

amazement n. 惊奇

tune n. 曲调,曲子

moo v. 哞(指牛叫声)

munch v. 用力咀嚼

stirring adj. 激动人心的

upbeat adj. 充满希望的,乐观的,上升的

tempo n. 速度

reaction n. 反应

impressed adj. 印象深刻的

appreciate v. 欣赏



23、The Spear and the Shield


In one town in old China, there lived a proud merchant. He owned a small store in the busy market. On one side of his store were beautiful, straight spears. On the other side, were hard, strong shields. At this  time, China was often at war with itself. The merchant knew soldiers needed spears for fighting and shields for protecting themselves. The market was filled with shops and shoppers. There were restaurants, fruit stands, clothing stores, and more. There was even another store that also sold spears and shields. The owner of that store was the proud merchant’s rival. Every week, the merchant sold a few spears and a few shields. But he was not happy. All the other stores were busier than his store. Even worse, his rival’s store had more customers. The merchant thought long and hard about how to get more customers to his store.Like a soldier, the merchant knew he had to be stronger than his rival. He stared at his spears and shields, thinking. Suddenly, he had an idea. He picked up a spear and a shield and marched out into the street. He held up the spear and danced around. “Look at this spear!” he yelled. “My spear is the best in China! It is made from the best wood in the world! The metal is so strong that it can pierce anything!” A crowd soon gathered around him. Even his rival came over to see what was happening. “Look at this shield!” the proud merchant continued. He lifted it up to catch the sunlight. “My shield is the best in China! It is made from the strongest metal in the world! It is so solid that nothing can pierce it!” The crowd grew bigger. “Ooh! Aah!” they said, admiring the merchant’s spear and shield. The merchant’s rival walked up to him. “You say that your spear can pierce anything,and that nothing can pierce your shield,” said his rival. “That is correct,” replied the merchant confidently. “What will happen if I stab your shield with your spear?” asked his rival. The question surprised the merchant. He stopped dancing. He lowered his spear. He lowered his shield. He knew that the claims were untrue. There could not be both a spear that can pierce anything and a shield that cannot be pierced by anything. The merchant didn’t know what to say. So, he hung his head in shame, closed his store, and went home.
The End

Question: Why did the merchant lie about his spears and shields?


merchant n. 商人

spear n. 矛

shield n.盾

stand n. 摊

rival n. 对手

customer n. 顾客

march v. (快步)行走

pierce v. 刺穿,刺破

crowd n. 人群

solid adj. 坚固的

admire v. 钦佩

stab v. 刺,戳

claim n. 声称,断言



24、Good or bad?


Long ago, an old man and his son lived in a faraway town near the Chinese border. They farmed the land and lived a mostly peaceful life.One night, there was a terrible storm. Wind lashed the trees. An old elm crashed into the barn door. The frightened horse ran out of the barn, heading toward the hills. The old man and his son looked all over for the horse. They walked through the dark fields, holding torches. They calledtothe horse and scattered sweet hay. Still, they could not find him.The entire time the old man kept saying, “Perhaps losing our horse isn’t such a bad thing.” His son kept quiet. He didn’t understand his father.They asked everyone about the missing horse. The townspeople answered politely, saying that they hadn’t seen the horse, but would look out for him. They all pitied the old man and his son. “It must be terrible to lose such a beautiful animal,” they said. But the old man insisted that losing the horse might not be a bad thing. The townspeople grew quiet.They didn’t understand the old man.Indeed, it turned out to not be such a bad thing. The horse returned the next day, bringing with it a beautiful female horse. The townspeople congratulated the old man, telling him that he had good luck. The old man, however, responded, “Perhaps my horse returning is not such a good thing after all.” The townspeople grew quiet. They didn’t understand the old man.As the days passed, the old man’s son came to love the new horse. He rode it every day. When they raced, they flowed like the wind over the grass. But one day, as the old man’s son was riding the horse, a large bird suddenly flew in front of them. The terrified horse stood up on two legs, pawing the air. The old man’s son reached for his horse’s mane but grabbed only air. He flew off the horse’s back.He slammed into the hard ground. His leg broke. The old man ran to his son and carried him back to the house.The townspeople expressed their sympathy to the old man. They were all very sorry. His son would never be able to walk without pain again.Yet unlike the townspeople, the old man said, “Maybe this is not such a bad thing after all.” The townspeople grew quiet. They didn’t understand the old man.A few months later, the Emperor of China passed through the town with his soldiers. There was a war raging near the border. All the ablebodied young men had to join the army. What the Emperor didn’t say was that most of the young men would die in the fight. However, because the old man’s son was handicapped, he could not fight. He didn’t have to join the army. Instead, he stayed home. He helped tend crops on the family farm.“See?” the old man said to the townspeople. “It all worked out in the end.My horse running away brought back the second horse. And that second horse stopped my son from going off to his death. So, in the end, it was good and lucky that these things happened.” The townspeople cheered the old man’s wisdom. At last, they understood him.The moral of this story is that even the worst things can have positive effects. There is a similar idiom in English. It is “Every cloud has a silver lining.”
The End

Question:  Describe a time when something that seemed bad actually helped you out.


border n. 边境

lash v. (风、雨)猛烈打击

elm n. 榆木

barn n. 谷仓

scatter v. 分散

hay n. (作饲料用的)干草

entire adj. 整个的,全部的

insist v. 坚持

female adj. 女性的,母的

terrify v. 使害怕

paw v. 用爪子抓(或扒)

mane n. (马)鬃,(狮)鬣

grab v. 抓取,攫取

slam v. 砰地关上(门或窗)

able-bodied adj. 体格健全的,强壮的

rage v. (战争)激烈进行

handicapped adj. 残疾的

tend v. 照料,照顾

crop n. 谷物

wisdom n. 智慧

moral n. 寓意

idiom n. 习语



25、Frog's Tasty World


Once upon a time, there lived a small frog at the bottom of a well. This frog had lived in the well his whole life.Every day was the same. He would wake up and eat a few of the black bugs flying around in the well. What a delicious breakfast! Then he would play a little in the water, splashing and singing, “ribbit, ribbit!”When he got hungry, it watime for lunch. Again, he would eat some of the black flies in the well. They were always as yummy as the breakfast bugs! Then, he would take a little afternoon nap, lying in the warm sunlight shining from above. When he woke up from his nap, he would eat dinner. Guess what he ate? Yes! Bugs! Finally, after dinner, he would stare through the opening of the well and watch the stars before going to sleep. He called the stars “fireflies.” They looked tasty!Every day would pass in the same way. He was very content with his life.To him, everything was perfect in his little well.One day after lunch, as he was settling down for his nap, a bluebird appeared at the mouth of the well.“Hello Mr. Bird!” shouted the frog. “How are you? Please join me down here in my house! It’s perfect here! It’s the best life anyone could have.It’s cozy, and I have plenty to eat. At night I can see the fireflies, and sometimes I even see the shining caterpillar.”“The fireflies and the shining caterpillar?” said the bluebird. “Do you mean the stars and the moon? Mr. Frog, how about I show you the outside world?” asked the bird.“No, thank you,” said the frog. “I don’t need anything besides my perfect little well. Nothing out there can compare to here. Anyway, how much is there to see? It is all here and in the little blue circle at the top of my well.The circle turns black at night. Then the fireflies and the shining caterpillar come out.At this point, the bird decided to take action. He swooped into the well and grabbed the frog.“Hey! Put me down!” the frog protested. He struggled against the bluebird’s grip. The bird lifted him upward. Suddenly the frog saw a flash of green and then a blur of yellow. He stopped squirming and grew big eyed. What he saw was unlike anything he had ever seen before. Rivers and mountains and lakes and fields! He saw hundreds of  trees and thousands of flowers. He saw millions of bugs! Beetles and bees!Butterflies and dragonflies! The world looked delicious!“Who knew the world was this big!” he exclaimed. “Thank you, Mr. Bird, for showing me this beautiful place!” After seeing the outside world, the frog never went back to his well again. He lived in a pond ringed with flowers and buzzing with bugs!Before he met the bluebird, the frog’s world was very small. He was sure that nothing could be better than the well. If the bird had not flown him to the outside world, the frog would have never opened his mind to life’s possibilities. And he would have never opened his mouth to the possibilities of bees, butterflies, beetles, and dragonflies!
The End

Question: What was the frog’s life like before he left the well?

A. His life was very routine. Every day was the same.

B. He lived in the dark and loved fireflies.

C. His life was very tiring because he swam all the time.

D. He tried to escape by climbing out of the well and the bird helped him.


well n. 井

splash v. 溅,泼(水、泥浆等)

nap n. 小睡,打盹

settle down 安顿下来,定居

cozy adj. 舒服的

caterpillar n. 毛毛虫

take action 采取行动

swoop v. 飞扑,猛扑

grip n. 紧握,夹住

blur n. 模糊,模糊的东西

squirm v. 蠕动,扭动

ring v. 包围

buzz v. 充满低沉嘈杂的声音,发出嗡嗡声发出嗡嗡声

flown, fly 的过去分词,使……飞起



26、Eight Immortals Cross the Sea


Happy birthday, Queen Mother of the West! It is the third day of the third month of the moon, plus 6,000 years. Finally, the peaches of immortality are ripe. Eat one and live to enjoy many more of the Queen Mother’s birthdays every 6,000 years!Immortals and gods from all across the land gather at the Queen Mother’s palace. They each arrive on speedy clouds. They are here to celebrate her. And celebrate they do! They feast on delicious food—even better than mother’s cooking! They drink a lot of wine. And, of course, they eat peaches. And eat them. And eat a few more.As the party comes to an end late at night, the guests begin to leave the palace. There is one group in particular that is especially unruly. They are the eight immortals. They might have had a little too much of the wine. They burp a little too loudly. The Queen Mother shoos them out the door. She’s glad to have some peace and quiet. Thank goodness this party only happens every 6,000 years!Outside, the eight immortals begin their journey home. Soon, they reach the East Sea. Their home is on the other side of the East Sea. Normally, they speed across the sky on clouds. But tonight is not a normal night. Tonight, they’re going to have some fun.“Hey!” yells Lü Dongbin to the other seven. “Let’s use our special powers to cross the ocean!”The others nod and laugh and cheer. “You go first!” says Han Xiangzi, the youngest of the eight.“Watch and learn!” replies Lü Dongbin. He pulls out his sword and drops it into the sea. When the sword hits the water, it changes before their eyes. It becomes a boat! He rows across the waves.Han Xiangzi goes next. He throws down his basket of flowers. The basket grows and grows and grows, until he is able to stand in it. He bobs gently over the waves.Next, He Xian’gu, the beautiful woman, and Cao Guojiu, the white-nosed man, stand on the beach. He Xian’gu tosses her magical lotus on the water and watches it expand. Then she steps onto the flower and crosses the sea. Cao Guojiu throws down his jade tablet. He hops aboard and surfs out to sea.The fifth immortal is red-faced and chubby. His name is Han Zhongli. He always has a fan in his hand. He drops it in the water, making a raft. Then it’s Lan Caihe’s turn. He throws down his cymbals. He sings a sailor’s song as he travels across the waves.The next immortal is Zhang Guolao. He likes to joke around, stroking his white beardas he laughs. He takes out a little paper donkey that he keeps hidden in his robes. It turns into a real donkey! He gets on the donkey’s back and rides into the water.Last is Tieguai Li, the leader of the Eight Immortals. He doesn’t really look like an immortal. He has the body of a frail old beggar. He throws his iron crutch into the waves. The moment the crutch touches the water, it transforms into a dragon! The dragon flies over the waves, carrying Tieguai Li on its back.The friends’ laughter and song flow across the waves. From underwater, the Dragon King and his shrimp soldiers hear the commotion. They surface and watch the parade of immortals, cheering the Eight Immortals’ distinctive styles. “Jiayo!”




27、Where's my sword


Lu Zhou lived in a small village long ago. Like many of his neighbors, he did not have much. But there was one special thing that Lu Zhou had. A beautiful sword. It had been passed down to him by his father, who had inherited the sword from his father.

The sword was his most prized possession, and he felt proud to show it off. He would stand outside and turn it in his hands to see how brightly the metal shone in the sun. He was sure that the sword was worth a lot of money, but he would never sell it. In fact, he loved the sword so much that he took it with him everywhere. The villagers were afraid to see him walking down the road. He swung his sword like a walking cane! But they soon learned he meant no harm.

One summer day, Lu Zhou traveled to visit his brother. It was a long journey. But of course, he carried his heavy sword with him. It seemed to get heavier with each step. The weather grew hot and humid. His hands grew sweaty. The sword became slippery. And it shone like the sun reflecting off water. He grew thirsty.

He came to a wide river. Lu Zhou bent down and took a deep drink. Much better! Then he had to cross the river. It was so wide that he could hardly see the other side. Small waves rushed by. The water was fast and too deep to walk across. To his relief, he saw a man in a fishing boat nearby. He waved his arms and called out to the fisherman.

“Hello, sir!” he yelled. “Could you give me a ride across the river, please?”

“I’d be happy to help,” replied the fisherman.

The fisherman brought his boat to the shore, and Lu Zhou eagerly got on. “Thank you very much!” he said.

“No problem!” said the fisherman. As they crossed the river, Lu Zhou leaned over the edge of the boat. He stared deeply into the water. He wanted to see if there were any fish.

“Careful,” said the fisherman. “You might fall out of the boat.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I know how to swim very well.” Lu Zhou waved his arms wildly to show how he could swim. “The fish should watch out for me!” The boat rocked as he swung his arms.

Then, the two men heard a splash. It was the sword! The sword had accidentally fallen into the river!

“Oh no! See? This is what I meant!” cried the fisherman. “Quick! Dive in! Save the sword!”

“Oh, don’t worry,” said Lu Zhou. “I know an easier way!” He took out a knife and made a mark on the side of the boat. “We are in the middle of the river,” he continued. “It’s a little dangerous to get in the water here, is it not? So, I’ve just made a mark into the side of the boat, right next to where I’m sitting. This way, I know where he sword dropped! When we make it to the other shore, I can dive in where I made the mark. Then, I will find the sword easily!”

“What?” asked the fisherman, confused. “That won’t work!”

“Just wait and see!” insisted Lu Zhou.

The fisherman didn’t want to argue. He kept quiet and paddled the boat.

When they reached the other shore, Lu Zhou checked the mark on the boat. Then, he dove into the river right at the mark. A few moments later, he came back to the surface.

“I can’t find the sword!” he cried. “I don’t understand, how is this possible? This is exactly where I dropped it!” He pointed at the mark in the side of the boat. “So where could the sword have gone?”

The fisherman let out a big sigh. “Sir, this is what I was trying to tell you. You made the mark out there. We were in the middle of the river. That’s where the sword dropped. But we are here now, by the shore. The mark moved with the boat, but the sword didn't. The sword is still out there, in the middle of the river!”

Lu Zhou finally understood. He began to cry when he realized what he had done. He had lost his favorite thing in the world! And all because he had been foolish and stubborn!

The End

Question: Have you ever done something foolish that didn’t turn out as you’d hoped? What did you learn from the experience?
核心词汇sword n. 剑inherit v. 继承possession n. 所有物swing swung v. 摆动,摇摆cane n. 手杖,竹杖humid adj. 潮湿的sweaty adj. 出汗的slippery adj. 滑溜溜的reflect v. 反射,照出relief n. 缓解,宽心 shore n. 岸,滨eagerly adv.  热切地lean v. 倚,靠edge n. 边缘stare v. 凝视,目不转睛地看splash n. 溅,泼,溅泼声paddle v. 用浆划(船)surface n. 水面sigh n. 叹息stubborn adj. 固执的

28、Idioms-Sky is Falling


在当今快节奏的生活中,我们常常感到焦虑,为一些可能发生在我们身边的坏事感到担忧。这种情绪其实很正常。然而,接下来的故事里,却有一个人时常忧虑天会塌下来,担心地面会陷进去,担心自己无法进食。此人日日深陷恐慌之中,直到朋友劝慰他说:这些虚无缥缈的事物不会伤害到他,此人才幡然醒悟。 Once upon a time, in ancient China, an artist named Dan You lived in the state of Qi.Dan You had a very big imagination. He made up many wonderful fantasies, which he then drew and painted. Everyone in the village loved his artwork and praised his creativity.However, there was a dark side to Dan You’s imagination. He was always imagining that bad things would happen to him. He worried a lot.Once, he made himself believe that the fish in the river by his house were growing legs! Not only that, but he was convinced that the fish were coming to steal his money!His friend Li Xing said, “Dan You, those are not fish. They are tadpoles that want to grow into money-frogs! This is good fortune!”Dan You wasn’t convinced. He just went to get his fishing net.One day Dan You had his worst fear yet. He was sitting outside when, out of the blue, he began to worry that the sky was going to fall. He thought that the sky would come crushing down on his head. He also started to fear that the ground would sink and bury him alive. This time, he was so afraid that he could no longer eat.“Oh no!” Dan You yelled. “This is terrible! I am surely going to die! The sky will fall and the ground will sink!”That night, he tried to get some sleep. But the thoughts wouldn’t stop. His mind was racing. He couldn’t sleep at all. Instead, he spent the rest of the night pacing around his house.In the morning, Li Xing came by his house to check on his friend.“Dan You!” he called out. “Are you home?”Dan You walked towards the front door. Li Xing could hardly believe his eyes. Dan You looked… terrible! His hair was all messy. His clothes were wrinkled. His eyes were dark and heavy with tiredness.“Oh my! What’s the matter, Dan You? You look sick!” said Li Xing.“I couldn’t sleep all night,” replied Dan You. “The sky is going to fall, and the ground is going to sink!We’re all going to die!” Dan You’s eyes widened in fear.Li Xing sighed inwardly. Here we go again, he thought.Then he said, “No, Dan You! We will all be okay,” Li Xing reassured. “The sky is part of the air that is all around us. You don’t need to worry about it falling!”“But what about the sun, the moon, and the stars?” asked Dan You. “Those can surely fall out of the sky!”“Don’t worry, my friend,” said Li Xing. They are far, far away. They will never hurt anyone. You can relax! The ground won’t sink either. It’s all made of rock. You stand on this solid ground every day. Giant animals like elephants walk across it every day. Yet, it has never sunk before. You have nothing to worry about!”Hearing all this, Dan You realized how foolish he had been. Li Xing was right. His fears were silly. Of course, the sky wasn’t going to fall! Of course, the ground wasn’t going to sink! Everything would be all right. Probably. Dan You continued to look at tadpoles with suspicion.
The End

Question: Have you ever been afraid of something that probably wasn’t going to happen?


fantasy n. 想象,幻想

creativity n. 创造力

convinced adj. 确信的

tadpole n. 蝌蚪

money-frog n. 蟾蜍

out of the blue 出乎意外地,突然

pace  v. 踱步于,踱方步

check on 检查,查看

wrinkled adj. 有皱纹的

sigh v. 叹气

reassure v. 安慰,使放心,向……保证

suspicion n. 怀疑

bury sb alive 将某人活埋。

eyes widen in fear 由于害怕而睁大双眼

Here we go again. 口语表达,又来了,又是如此。

how foolish he had been 他有多么的愚蠢。本句作为realize的宾语从句,语序为陈述句语序。


很久以前,在中国古代,有一位名叫丹游的艺术家生活在齐国。丹游有着非常丰富的想象力。他创作了许多奇妙的幻想,然后画了出来。村里的每个人都喜欢他的作品,并赞扬他的创造力。然而,丹佑的想象力中也有阴暗的一面。他总是想象坏事会发生在他身上。他很担心。有一次,他让自己相信他家旁边河里的鱼正在长腿!不仅如此,他还确信这条鱼是来偷他的钱的!他的朋友李星说:“丹友,那些不是鱼。它们是想长成钱蛙的蝌蚪!这是好运气!”丹,你没有被说服。他只是去拿他的渔网。有一天Dan You遇到了他最害怕的事。他坐在外面,突然开始担心天要塌下来了。他以为天空会压碎他的头。他也开始担心地面会下沉,活埋他。这一次,他非常害怕,再也吃不下东西了。“哦,不!”丹,你喊道。“这太可怕了!我肯定要死了!天塌地塌!”那天晚上,他试图睡一觉。但这种想法不会停止。他脑子里乱七八糟的。他根本睡不着。相反,他整个晚上都在家里踱来踱去。早上,李星到他家来看望他的朋友。“丹,你!”他喊道。“你在家吗?”你朝前门走去。李星简直不敢相信他的眼睛。丹,你看起来…糟透了!他的头发乱七八糟。他的衣服起皱了。他的眼睛因疲劳而黝黑而沉重。“哦,天哪!你怎么了,丹?你看起来病了!”李星说。“我整晚都睡不着,”你丹回答说。“天要塌了,地要沉了!“我们都要死了!”Dan You害怕得睁大了眼睛。李星心里叹了口气。我们又来了,他想。然后他说:“不,你丹!我们都会没事的。”李星安慰道。“天空是我们周围空气的一部分。你不必担心它会坠落!”“但是太阳、月亮和星星呢?”你丹问。“那些肯定会从天而降!”“别担心,我的朋友,”李星说。他们在很远很远的地方。他们永远不会伤害任何人。你可以放松!地面也不会下沉。都是石头做的。你每天都站在这坚实的土地上。像大象这样的巨型动物每天都会穿过它。然而,它从未沉没过。你没什么好担心的!”听到这一切,丹你意识到他是多么愚蠢。李星是对的。他的恐惧是愚蠢的。当然,天不会塌下来!当然,地面不会下沉!一切都会好的。可能但你继续怀疑地看着蝌蚪。

29、The Yellow Rock Old Man


张良幼时在圯水桥上偶遇一位老人,老人将鞋子丢到桥下,让张良把鞋子捡回来帮他穿上。面对如此奇怪的请求,张良仍然尊重并帮助了这位老人。老人见此说到:“这个年轻人是可塑之才。五日后在桥上等我吧!”五日后,张良早早赶到桥上,却发现老人已经在那里等着他了。老人十分生气,让张良五日后再来。五日后,张良赶到后发现老人仍来得比他早。又过了五日,张良终于在老人出现前赶到了。老人点头称赞道:“这位年轻人真是可塑之才啊!” Zhang Liang was born into a noble family. His grandfather and father had served the rulers of the Han state. When the Han fell to the Qin, Zhang Liang ran away and hid in Xia Pi.One day, Zhang Liang noticed an old man sitting on the edge of the Yu Shui bridge. Zhang Liang watched as the old man tossed his shoe over the bridge.“Hey you! You there! Boy! Go get my shoe!” the old man yelled at Zhang Liang.How rude, Zhang Liang thought. But he’s an elder, I should respect and help him.Zhang Liang got the shoe and handed it to the old man.The old man stuck his foot out at Zhang Liang.“Put it on! Put the shoe on my foot. What are you waiting for?” cried the old man.Zhang Liang was shocked.Such rudeness. How dare he talk to me like that? he thought.He is an old man. I should respect and help him, he told himself.Zhang Liang put the shoe on the old man.The old man got up. He let out a small chuckle. Then he began to walk away. Suddenly, the old man turned around and started walking back toward Zhang Liang.“This youth is worth teaching.” the old man said as he stood right in front of Zhang Liang. “Come back in five days. Meet me here on the bridge.”“And come early!” he cried as he walked away again.Five days later, Zhang Liang woke up early. He rushed to the bridge. He found the old man already there, waiting.“I told you to be here early! You’ve kept me waiting!” the old man scolded.  “Come back in five days! And this time, make sure you are early!” the old man told him angrily.Five days later, Zhang Liang woke up as the sun rose. He raced to the bridge. He found the old man sitting there again, waiting.“You call this early?” the old man scolded. “Come back in five days!”Five days later, after midnight, Zhang Liang rushed back to the bridge. He had to arrive before the old man.This time he succeeded.When the old man arrived, he nodded and said, “This youth is worth teaching.”The old man handed a bundle wrapped in cloth to Zhang Liang.“After you read this, you can become a tutor to the ruler,” the old man told him. He went on. “In ten years, the world will be in chaos. You can bring peace and prosperity to the empire,” he continued. “Meet me again in 13 years at Mount Gu Cheng. I am the yellow rock at the foot of the mountain.”Then the old man began to walk away.“Wait! What is your name?” called Zhang Liang.“I am Huang Shi Gong (Yellow Rock Old Man),” replied the old man right before he disappeared.At home, Zhang Liang opened the bundle. Inside was a book called The Art of War by Tai Gong. He read and studied the book.Years later, Zhang Liang became a military advisor to Liu Bang. In 206 BC, Liu Bang overthrew the Qin Dynasty. He became the first emperor of the Han Dynasty.Zhang Liang became known as one of the “Three Heroes of the Early Han Dynasty.” Legend has it that 13 years after his meeting with the old man, Zhang Liang went to Mount Gu Cheng. There, he found a yellow rock at the foot of the mountain.Today, the idiom “This youth is worth teaching” is used as praise to show a young person has promise.
The End


How did Zhang Liang prove that he was a youth worth teaching?


noble adj. 贵族的,高贵的

toss v. 扔,抛,掷

let out 发出

chuckle n. 轻笑(声)

worth prep. 值得……,具有……的价值

bundle n. 捆,束,包

tutor n.导师

chaos n. 混乱

prosperity n. 繁荣

empire n. 帝国

military adj./n. 军事(的)

emperor n. 帝王

promise n. 前途

such rudeness 如此无礼,such+不可数名词,表示感叹。

How dare he talk to me like that? 他怎么敢如此和我讲话?How dare sb. do sth. 某人怎敢做某事。

in five days 在五天之后,in+一段时间,表示一段时间之后的将来。

right before he disappeared 就在他消失之前,right此处为副词,表示恰恰,就在。

Inside was a book 里面有一本书,本句为表示方位的副词前置,形成完全倒装句。

legend has it that 传说……,此处的has it指的是如此说、这样说。



30、Idiom-Quick Success


秦始皇听闻花彩斑石是女娲补天时遗落的神石,能保佑江山稳固,所以修好驰道,率领万千军马恭敬祭拜。事后果真天下太平,百官作诗庆贺。成语“马到成功“便出自此处,但这个故事和马到成功又有什么关系呢?让我们看看接下来的故事吧! In 221 BCE, Qin Shi Huang created the first Chinese Empire. He became the First Emperor of China.A storyteller told Qin Shi Huang an interesting tale about Nuwa, the Great Mother Goddess. This is what the storyteller said:In the beginning of the world, Earth and Heaven were connected. Heaven was held up by four pillars. Mount Buzhou was one of these posts.Gong Gong was the Chinese water god. He got into a battle with Zhu Rong, the god of fire.“I am the most important god!” Gong Gong roared.“Silly fool, I am much more important than you!” Zhu Rong raged.“You are the fool!”“I will burn you to a mist!”“I will drown you and put you out forever!”The two gods yelled louder and louder. Their angry words turned into a real fight. Both gods were strong and powerful. The Earth felt every punch and every kick. Earthquakes shook the ground. Tidal waves flooded the beaches. Lava burst from volcanoes.Zhu Rong proved to be the stronger god. Gong Gong was crushed when he lost the battle. He smashed his head against Mount Buzhou in anger. He hit the mountain over and over again. The Heavens began to fall to the Earth. The land was flooded. People everywhere were suffering because of Gong Gong and Zhu Rong’s fight.Nuwa felt sorry for the people of Earth. She had created all of them!“How can this happen to my people? They did nothing wrong!” Nuwa cried. “I must find a way to fix this mess.” Nuwa had an idea. She searched the Earth for five colored stones. The stones had special powers.“Blue for water.” Nuwa grabbed the blue stone.“White for metal. Red for fire.” Nuwa picked up two more stones.“Black for wood,” Nuwa continued. “And finally, yellow for the earth.”She melted the stones together to form a paste. Then she spent nine days patching up the skies. And that is why the sky has always been full of color.Qin Shi Huang listened closely to the story of Nuwa’s stones.“It is believed one of those stones fell down to Earth,” the storyteller said. “Some say it is on Rong Cheng Mountain.”“If that is true, then I will be the one to find it!” Qin Shi Huang promised.Qin Shi Huang was determined to find the stone. He believed it would help him build a strong empire. And so, his search began.Qin Shi Huang demanded that a road to the mountain be built. (The emperor was famous for his building projects. One of them was the Great Wall of China.)Qin Shi Huang took an army of thousands to Rong Cheng Mountain.After a long search, Qin Shi Huang found the stone on the mountain! He held a sacred ceremony to worship it.Soon after, the empire did become stronger and more peaceful! Qin Shi Huang believed that the sacred stone had worked!He ordered poems and songs to be written about his journey. One poet wrote, “Thousands of horses on the royal road; victory was attained when Shi Huang worshipped the stone.”Everyone wanted the poem to be remembered. It was passed down from parents to children. Everyone liked it very much.Over a thousand years later, a writer of popular Chinese operas heard the poem. He loved the story about the emperor’s trip to find the sacred stone. It inspired him. He wrote the phrase “instant victory upon arrival on a horse.” He used it in one of his earliest operas.Later, people continued to use the phrase to refer to an instant victory or quick success.
The End

Question: Why do you think Qin Shi Huang built new roads during his time as leader of China?


empire n. 帝国

goddess n. 女神

pillar n. 柱子

post n. 桩,柱

battle n. 战役,战斗

mist n. 薄雾,雾状物

drown v. 淹死,溺死

put out v. 把(火)扑灭

yell v. 叫嚷,号叫

punch n. 猛击,攻击

tidal adj. 潮的

lava n. 岩浆

volcano n. 火山

smash v. 打碎,摧毁,打破

melt v. (使)融化

paste n. 糊状物

patch up 修补,草草修理

determined adj. 已下决心的,决意的

demand v. 要求

sacred adj. 神圣的

ceremony n. 典礼

royal adj. 皇室的

attain v. 达到,获得

worship v. 崇拜,祭拜

inspire v. 鼓舞,激励

refer to 提到,指称



编辑 | Yoyo







