

365天陪你学 英语口语 2024-05-18







01 The Lion and the Rabbit 狮子和兔子02 The Laboratory 实验室03 The Report 报告04 The Dog‘s Bell 狗的铃铛05 The Jackal And The Sun Child  豺狼与太阳宝宝06 The Friendly Ghost善良的 鬼魂07 The Best Prince 最好的王子 08 How the Sun and the Moon Were Made 太阳和月亮的由来09 Adams County's Gold 亚当斯县的黄金10 The Big Race 一场盛大的比赛
11 A Magical Book 神奇的书12 The Crazy Artist 疯狂的艺术家13 Princess Rose and the Creature 罗斯公主与怪物14 The First Peacock 第一只孔雀15 The Starfish 海星16 The Race for Water 关于水的比赛17 The Little Red Chicken 红色的小鸡18 Shipwrecked 海难19 The Seven Cities of Gold 七座金城20 Katy 凯蒂


A Better Reward


Jenny delivered food for a restaurant. She read the newspaper and said, "Uh oh." There was a story about a thief. He stole food, and no one had seen him. Even the police couldn't catch him. Jenny was a little scared. She worked close to that area.


The newspaper included a message from the police: "If anything strange occurs, call us. If you help us catch the thief, you'll earn a reward."


Jenny talked to Jim. He managed the restaurant. "Do you know about the thief?"


Yes, he said. "But he steals more than one person can eat. And why haven't the police stopped him yet? It's a mystery. If you see him, contact the police. Don't run after him."


Jenny drove to a customer's house. She left her car and opened the gate to the house. But then she heard a noise by her car. She yelled, "Thief!" She wasn't scared. She wanted the reward! She did the opposite of what Jim told her to do.


Hey, she yelled. "Get back here!" She set the food on the ground and ran to her car.


But the thief had already left with the food. Jenny followed a noise around the corner. She was amazed. She saw a dog and some puppies. They were eating her food! They looked thin and scared. "The actual thief is just a dog. She's feeding her puppies," she said. "That's why she steals so much food."


Jenny felt bad. She tried to comfort the dogs with another plate of food. Then she took them back to the store. Everyone there took a puppy home. Jenny called the police. She told them there was no real thief.


Jenny didn't do it to receive the reward anymore. She said, "It was just a dog. But there's no charge for catching this ‘thief,'" she said. "My new dog is a better reward."



actual adj.真实的,实际的

amaze v.使吃惊

charge n.费用

comfort v.安慰

contact v.联系

customer n.顾客

deliver v.传递

earn v.赚

gate n.大门

include v.包括

manage v.管理

mystery n.秘密

occur v.出现,发生

opposite n.对立面,反义词

plate n.盘子

receive v.收到,接待

reward n.奖励

set v.安装

steal v.偷

thief n.小偷


The Camp


Stacie wanted to stay at a nice hotel for vacation. But her parents sent her to a terrible camp instead. For breakfast, Stacie liked fresh juice and chocolate milk, but she got water at the camp. In the afternoon she wanted to write poems, but she had to swim. The camp was near an airport with loud planes. Spider webs hung over her bed. To her, the kids' average behavior was very bad. No girl matched her personality. She hated it.


One day, they had a class. Mental exercise sounded good to Stacie. But it was a course on water safety. They learned how to be safe passengers on a boat. Stacie didn't ever plan to go on a boat.


The next day, they played a game. There were a red team and a blue team. Stacie was on the blue team. Each team had to try to remove the other team's flag from a pole. They also had to use water guns. "I'm not much of an athlete,"she said. But she still had to play.


Stacie took a water gun and looked for somewhere to hide. A boy said, "Stacie, you advance to the middle. I will go right. Those two will go left."


Stacie still didn't want to play. She walked into the forest and saw a red team player coming. Stacie hid behind a tree and then jumped out and shot the other player. "This is fun!" Stacie thought.


Several minutes after advancing further, Stacie saw the red flag. A red team member was watching over it. She shot him with her water gun. Then she lowered the flag and ran back to her team."I got it!" she yelled. The blue team won! Stacie was the hero.


For the rest of the week, Stacie had fun. She even made new friends.



advance v.前进

athlete n.运动员

average adj.平均的,普通的

behavior n.行为

behind prep.在...后面

course n.课程

lower v.减弱,减少

match v.匹配

member n.成员

mental adj.脑力的

passenger n.乘客

personality n.个性,品格

poem n.诗歌

pole n.杆,极点

remove v.移动

safety n.安全

shoot v.射击

sound v.发出声响

swim v.游泳

web n.网


A Strong Friendship


Tim was the strongest man in the town. When he played sports, he always won. He performed and exercised in the public park. He did this to show everyone how strong he was. Most people liked him, but one man didn't. His name was Jack.


Jack hated Tim. Jack was a movie critic and the smartest man in town. He could solve complex math problems. But no one cared. Jack wanted to be famous like Tim.


One day, there was an unusual event. A big storm came suddenly. Snow covered the town. No one could get out. They needed food. The people said,"This is a task for a strong man." Tim was under pressure to save them. But Jack wanted to be the hero, so they both went. Tim said, "You can't help because of your lack of strength."


But Jack found some small passages under the snow. One of them led toward another town. That town had food. Because Tim was so big and strong, he almost couldn't fit inside. They walked until there was a block of ice in their way. Jack said, "We can't get past it. But if you strike it, it might break." Tim knew that was probable.


He broke it. When there were more ice blocks, Tim broke them. That made him tired. He couldn't walk anymore.Jack said, "Let's unite and support each other. I'll get the food alone. You rest here."


Jack came back with food. Tim couldn't remember which passage led home. He needed Jack to be his guide. The men became friends by working together.


In town, people saw Jack with the food and cheered. They called Jack a hero. But Jack didn't care. He was thinking of something else. He said to Tim, "I thought I was smart, but I learned a new term today: friendship."



block n.块

cheer v.欢呼

complex adj.复杂的

critic n.批评家,评论家

event n.事件

exercise v.锻炼

fit v.合适的

friendship n.友谊

guide n.向导

lack n.缺乏

passage n.通道,走廊

perform v.表演

pressure n.压力

probable adj.很可能的

public adj.公众的

strike v.重击

support v.支持

task n.任务

term n.术语

unite v.使联合


Joe's Pond


Joe made the world a better place. He got the idea to do that at school. He watched a video there. It was about a factory. This factory produced a lot of trash and put it in a river. The trash and water were a bad mix. People populated the area by the river and drank its water. This made them sick. Many of them needed medicine and made regular visits to doctors.


But the video wasn't all bad news. It showed ways to pick up trash and why it's important to do this. It said people can make a difference to their environment. The video's important features made Joe associate trash with hurting people.


One day Joe walked through a park. He recognized some of the problems from the video. One instance of these problems was the trash in the pond. It was full of plastic cups. There was too much trash. Joe didn't want it to hurt anyone.


He told his grandfather about the park. His grandfather said, "You know, it's a tradition in our family to help people. That's why we give food to poor people. Maybe you can help people by cleaning the park."


Cleaning the park would involve hard work. Joe decided to organize a group to help him. He chose a wide area of the park. It had the most trash. He asked his family and friends to come. On Saturday, he gave everyone a sharp stick. They wondered why. He said, "You use the stick's tip to pick up trash. This makes it easier." They worked for six weeks. Different people helped each time, but Joe was always there.


In that period of time,Joe saw a range of results.There was no trash in the water. People could swim in it. Joe knew that was a good sign. He was happy because he helped his environment. 



associate v. 联合

environment n. 环境

factory n. 工厂

feature n. 特征

instance n. 例子

involve v. 包括

medicine n. 药物

mix n. 混合

organize v. 组织

period n. 期间

populate v. 居住于

produce v. 生产

range n. 排

recognize v. 认出

regular adj. 常规的

sign n. 标志

tip n. 尖端

tradition n. 传统

trash n. 垃圾,废物

wide adj. 广泛的,宽的


Archie and His Donkey


Old Archie needed some money. He decided to sell his donkey. So he and his son Tom went to town. It was situated many miles away.


Soon, they met a woman. "Where are you going?" she asked.


"To town," said Archie.


Any smart person would ride the donkey, she said.


"What are you implying?" Archie asked. "I'm very smart!" Archie wanted to look smart. So he climbed onto the donkey. Then they continued in the direction of the town.

Further along the road, they met a farmer.


Hello, said Archie. "We want to sell this donkey. Do you want to buy it?"


I don't need a donkey, said the farmer. "But if you want my advice, don't ride it. The donkey needs to be in good physical condition."


"Good idea," said Archie. "Tom, I want you to ride it. You're lighter?"


Neither you nor your son should ride it. It looks very tired. You should carry the donkey, suggested the farmer.


You're right, said Archie. "Come on, Tom! We'll carry it for the final few miles!" 


The donkey was very heavy, and they couldn't maintain a good speed. They didn't arrive until late in the evening. At last, they walked into the town. But there they attracted the attention of some teenage boys. They laughed at Tom and Archie. They started to throw stones at them. The donkey reacted by kicking. Tom and Archie dropped the donkey. It fell on the ground and then ran away. Archie lost his donkey. He went home with no money. 


What does this story teach us? We cannot please everyone in our society. Don't take everyone's advice, but set your own standards. Prove to everyone that you can make decisions by yourself. Otherwise, you may end up with nothing at all. 



advice n.建议

along prep.沿着

attention n.注意力

attract v.吸引

climb v.爬

drop v.落下

final adj.最终的

further adj.更远的

imply v.暗示

maintain v.保持

neither adv.两个都不

otherwise adv.否则

physical adj.物理的,身体的

prove n.证明

react v.反应

ride v.骑马,乘车

situated adj.位于...的

society n.社会

standard n.标准

suggest v.建议


The Spider and the Bird


There was once a very big spider. If a bug got into his web, he would examine it. However, he didn't eat the bug right away. He asked the bug a question first. It was always quite a difficult puzzle. If the bug's answer was correct, he let it go. If not, he ate it.


One day, a small bird on a journey flew into the spider's web. The spider couldn't imagine eating a bird. It was so big! But his hunger was too great. He said to the bird, "If you cannot give me a specific answer, I will eat you."


The bird laughed. "I could eat you!" But the bird was actually scared. She had used all her energy trying to get out of the web. And a spider's bite can be very effective in killing animals.


Please don't eat me, the bird said. "I would rather make a deal with you." 


OK, the spider said. "If your answer is right, I will let you go. If not, you must give me a gift. It must be something of great value?"


The bird said, "You can pick anything you want to eat. I will find it for you?" The spider agreed.


“Where can you take a trip to the coast, the desert, and the mountains at the same time?” the spider asked.


The bird asked, "Does this place have earthquakes?" But the spider did not say anything. "I can see those places when I fly. Is the 'sky' the right answer?" 


“False!” said the spider. "The answer is Hawaii! Now you must find some bugs for me."


The spider climbed on the bird's back. They flew and ate bugs together. They took a tour of the forest. Then the bird took the spider home. From that day on, they were friends. And they never tried to eat each other again.


actually adv.实际上

bite n.咬

coast n.海岸

deal n.协议

desert n.沙漠

earthquake n.地震

effective adj.有效的

examine v.检查

false adj.错误的

gift n.礼物

hunger n.饥饿

imagine v.想象

journey n.旅途

puzzle n.难题

quite adv.很,相当,完全

rather adv.宁可

specific adj.详细的

tour n.旅行

trip n.旅行

value n.价值


The Party


Cody's family moved to a new house. His dad got a new job as a professor. Cody liked his new town, but he missed his grandparents. For his birthday, Cody wanted to have a party. His dad said, "Yes,we could even have a band play!"


On the day of the party, Cody woke up and rushed to get ready. He started to check his list of things to do. He was so excited! But then he noticed something terrible. There was snow on the ground and lots of it! "Dad!" he yelled. "How can the band play their instruments outside?"


Dad said, "We'll move the stage inside." It barely fit within the garage because there were some boxes and garbage there. But when they finished, they got a call from the band. They did not want to come in the snow storm.


Dad said, "Let's get someone to perform magic." But no one would come because of the snow.


Finally, Dad said, "Cody, there's too much snow. We need to cancel the party."


Yes, sir, Cody said sadly. "It's going to be a boring birthday," he predicted. Cody wanted to share his birthday with someone. He wanted to be at his old home. He wanted to see his grandparents.


But then something got his attention. He noticed a car in the driveway. His grandparents owned a car like that!


Cody was right. His grandparents came for his birthday! Happy birthday, Cody!We're sorry we are late. But there was so much snow. It made us go off schedule. We tried to leave a message to tell you.


Cody told them what happened. "I'm sorry," said Grandpa.


I was sad, Cody said. "But I'm not anymore. I'm so happy to see you." Dad brought out Cody's birthday treat. It was his favorite type, a sundae with whipped cream on top. Then Cody told his grandparents about the new town. It was his best birthday ever.



band n.乐队

barely adv.几乎不

boring adj.无聊的

cancel v.取消

driveway n.私人车道

garbage n.垃圾

instrument n.乐器,工具

list n.清单

magic n.魔法

message n.信息

notice v.注意到

own v.拥有

predict v.预测

professor n.教授

rush v.匆忙地做

schedule n.计划表

share v.分享

stage n.舞台

storm n.风暴

within prep.在...之内


How the World Got Light


The president of Darkland was a pig-a very bad pig. He was a pig of major importance. He was rich, and he had a lot of strength. But he was mean to all the animals in Darkland. He kept all of the world's light in a bag. He preferred to keep the world cool and dark. He wanted to stop the progress of the city. The animals couldn't work in the dark. He didn't have any respect for them. "Light is too good for them," he said. "Only I should have light."


But the animals needed light. So they decided to hold a competition. They wanted to find the smartest animal in Darkland. That animal had to steal light from the president. They advertised the competition everywhere. All the animals came.


The animals all showed off their skills. The audience watched and then voted for the animal with the most knowledge. The winner was a tall bird named Raven. They assigned him the job of getting light.


The next morning, Raven ate breakfast and then left his home. "How will I gain light from the president?" thought Raven. He needed to trick the president somehow. Then, Raven had an idea. Raven could make his voice sound like anything!


Raven walked up to the president's door. He made the sound of a crying baby. He cried very loudly. Soon, the president opened the door.


Be quiet! the president yelled. Right then, Raven quickly made his move. He flew by the pig and found the soft bag. He took it outside. The sun was inside the bag!


Raven flew high and put the sun in the sky. The president was very mad. Raven tricked him! But the other animals were very happy. At last, they had light-all because of Raven's smart thinking.



advertise v. 做广告

assign v. 指派

audience n. 观众

breakfast n. 早餐

competition n. 竞争

cool adj. 凉爽的

gain v. 增加

importance n. 重要性

knowledge n. 知识

major adj. 主要的

mean adj. 卑鄙的

prefer v. 偏爱

president n. 总统

progress n. 进展

respect n. 尊重

rich adj. 富有的

skill n. 技能

somehow adv. 以某种方法

strength n. 力量

vote v. 投票


Cats and Secrets


In English, there is a common idiom "let the cat out of the bag." It means to tell a secret. But where did this idiom start?


It came from a section of England. Long ago, people there went from town to town to sell things like vegetables, clothes, and pigs. They had strong beliefs about honesty. They didn't like lying. One day, a man went to the section's center to sell things.


“I have a baby pig for sale! It won't cost much,” he said. He held the animal above his head. His style was different from honest people's style. He was a master of tricking people and lying.


A woman named Beth scanned his pig. He offered her the pig for one gold coin. That was a very small amount. Beth gave him the coin. He put it in his pocket. He walked ahead of Beth to get the pig.


He gave her a closed bag and said, "Here's your pig." He then left very quickly.


Beth looked at the bag's surface. It was moving. She opened it to let the pig out. A cat was inside! "He tricked me! That isn't proper," she said.


Later, the man returned to trick more people. Beth saw him and the memory of the cat came back. She told her friends. They stopped him. But no one knew what to do next.


Someone said, "We need an independent and fair person to decide that." They went to the judge. Beth told him about the cat in the bag.


The judge asked, "Is there evidence? Can you demonstrate how he did it?"


Look in his bag, said Beth. She opened it and let a cat out of the bag. They learned the man's secret, and he went to jail.


That's how the idiom "let the cat out of the bag" came to mean to tell a secret.

这就是“let the cat out of the bag”这个成语含义的由来。


above prep.在...上面

ahead adv.向前地

amount n.总额

belief n.信仰

center n.中心

common adj.普通的

cost v.花费

demonstrate v.展示

different adj.不同的

evidence n.证据

honesty n.诚实

idiom n.成语

independent adj.独立的

inside n.里面,内部

master n.大师

memory n.记忆

proper adj.适当的

scan v.浏览

section n.部分

surface n.表面


The Twelve Months


An awful woman lived with her daughter and stepdaughter in her household. She possessed feelings of hate for her stepdaughter, Anna. Anna worked while her stepsister did nothing. On a cold January night, Anna's stepmother remarked, "Your stepsister desires flowers. Go and find some."


Anna wasn't anxious to walk through the chilled landscape. The cold air made her lungs burn. She walked at a slow pace because of the snow. Soon she saw a group of people. It consisted of twelve men. Anna told them about the flowers.


One of the man said they were the twelve months and that they would help Anna. January walked to her and made a motion with his hand. The days of the month passed rapidly until it was February's turn. February also made the month speed up. Then March made the sun shine and flowers grew in the field.


Anna loaded her basket with so many flowers that she could hardly lift it. Then she gave a quick but polite "thank you" to the twelve men and returned home. She was very eager to show her stepmother all the flowers. Back at the house, she spilled the flowers onto the table. Then she told her stepmother about the twelve men. Anna's stepmother and stepsister went to seek the twelve months. Their intent was to ask for gifts. They looked and looked. They became very lost and never found their way home. Anna lived happily by herself.



anxious adj.焦虑的

awful adj.可怕的;极坏的

consist v.由...组成

desire v.欲望;要求

eager adj.热切的

household n.一家人;一户

intent n.意图;目的

landscape n.风景;景色

lift v.举起

load v.装载

lung n.肺

motion n.动作;手势

pace n.步伐

polite adj.礼貌的

possess v.控制

rapidly adv.迅速地

remark v.评论

seek v.寻求;寻找

shine v.照亮

spill v.溢出,流出












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