

365天陪你学 英语口语 2024-05-18







I want to travel afar想去远方的山川I want to see the seagull想去海边看海鸥In spite of much wind and rain不管风雨有多少I feel good with you有你就足够
2)I love looking at your lip喜欢看你的嘴角I love looking at your brow喜欢看你的眉梢The white clouds in the blue sky白云挂在那蓝天Seem like your bright smile像你的微笑
3)When smiling you are really nice你笑起来真好看Like the flower in springtime像春天的花一样Taking all my worry and all my sorrow把所有的烦恼 所有的忧愁Now so far away统统都吹散
When smiling you are really nice你笑起来真好看Just like summer sunshine像夏天的阳光All of the time in the entire world is so beautiful整个世界全部的时光美得像画卷
I want to travel afar想去远方的山川I want to see the seagull想去海边看海鸥In spite of much wind and rain不管风雨有多少I feel good with you有你就足够
I love looking at your lip喜欢看你的嘴角I love looking at your brow喜欢看你的眉梢The white clouds in the blue sky白云挂在那蓝天Seem like your bright smile像你的微笑
When smiling you are really nice你笑起来真好看Like the flower in springtime像春天的花一样Taking all my worry and all my sorrow把所有的烦恼 所有的忧愁Now so far away统统都吹散
When smiling you are really nice你笑起来真好看Just like summer sunshine像夏天的阳光All of the time in the entire world is so beautiful整个世界全部的时光美得像画卷
When smiling you are really nice你笑起来真好看Like the flower in springtime像春天的花一样Taking all my worry and all my sorrow把所有的烦恼 所有的忧愁Now so far away统统都吹散
When smiling you are really nice你笑起来真好看Just like summer sunshine像夏天的阳光All of the time in the entire world is so beautiful整个世界全部的时光美得像画卷
When smiling you are really nice你笑起来真好看Like the flower in springtime像春天的花一样Taking all my worry and all my sorrow把所有的烦恼 所有的忧愁Now so far away统统都吹散
When smiling you are really nice你笑起来真好看Just like summer sunshine像夏天的阳光All of the time in the entire world is so beautiful整个世界全部的时光美得像画卷All of the time in the entire world is so beautiful整个世界全部的时光美得像画卷


I recall when I was young回忆小时候Oh I will play and always having fun啊,我多会玩,总是喜洋洋With the neighbors next to me和邻居的小伙伴一起and we'll play until the setting sun我们一直玩到看不见太阳Try to be the best among the others in a game call the "spider battle"在“蜘蛛战” 游戏中奋力在伙伴中成为最棒It doesn't matter who is the best now谁是最棒的现在已不重要Those were the days of my past那是过去的时光
A few years later when I got to school几年后我进了学校and was late for lesson all the time上课总迟到Always day dreaming in the class课堂上总是打瞌睡Till I don't even know the lesson's done直到我竟不知早已下课了Then my teacher always tell me那时老师总是告戒我never ever be lazy again千万不要再懒散What can I do now? 我能做些什么?What can I say now? 我能说什么?Those were the days of my past那都是过去的时光
As the days go on and on I grew up时光流逝我已长大and had my first love堕入我的初恋Candle light and sandy beach finally give away my first kiss烛光下海滩旁终于将我的初吻献上Mother said I was too young to fall in love妈妈说我太年轻,不应谈恋爱and then I will one day regret将来会后悔断肠So love was over初恋就这样结束but I do miss her但我深深怀念她Those were the days of my past那都是过去的时光
Just when I left my high school高中刚毕业and got my first job as salesmen我的第一份工作是推销Working hard all day and night昼夜勤奋工作No one there to lend a helping hand没人愿伸手帮忙Daddy told me not to worry老爸告诉我不要慌and said that l should go on step by step要一步一步来What can I say now? 我能说什么?What can I do now?我能做些什么?Those were the days of my past那都是过去的时光
Then once day I settled down with the only one I really love有一天,我和我唯一的心上人乐业安家Got a small family with two kids我有了个小家和两个娃That is what I'm always hoping for这是我一直的期望But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young但我仍记得小时候我和朋友们度过的快乐时光I miss my home town我思念家乡I miss my old friends我怀念老朋友Those the days of my past那都是过去的时光Oh I miss my home town啊,我思念家乡I miss my old friends我怀念老友When will I see them again?我何时候能再见到他们?

You know, the bravest souls你可知 最勇敢的灵魂

Are wearing all their bruises, scars and wounds, they're all on show展示着你的淤青 你的疤痕 你的伤口
Don't hide, no need to hide不要隐藏 都不必隐藏

The fissures in the mask, your wear concealing your true side裂痕扯开的假面下 才是你真正的模样

They said go 他们说
Said go and tame every monster with your light要带着光驯服每一头野兽

They said go 他们说走吧

Fight every single fight like this is your last fight把每一场都当成你的谢幕

Not every hero wears a golden crown并非每个英雄都头戴金冠

Or hears the sound of glory from the crowd亦非所有英雄都能听到人群赞颂

Who said heroes can't found here on the ground谁说污泥满身的不算英雄

Love how you stand on your own爱你傲然屹立的神状
Won't bow down to anyone不向任何人弯下脊梁

Love how you keep fighting on爱你无畏的反抗

When all hopes is gone即使面对绝望

Love how you refuse to cry爱你不肯哭一场

Block your fate eye for an eye也要堵命运的枪

We're so similar you and I爱你和我那么像

Both refuse to die都拒绝死亡
Go now? Should I? Wearing these rag clothes去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风
I'll fight, survive, to keep my dream alive战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦
For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes致那击败敌人的勇敢与谦恭
Who said heroes can't be ordinary souls谁说平凡的灵魂不算英雄

They said go 他们说
The seeds of your demise now have already been sewn你死亡的种子已经埋下

Before you know 你察觉之前

Your head is hanging low your friends lined up in a row你的战友已连排倒下 而你已低下孤高的头
No matter how much rain and winds may blow无论狂风暴雨多么汹涌

Still we will make a stand here all alone我们独自抵抗岿然不动

Who said ordinary players aren't heroes谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄

Love how you stand on your own爱你傲然屹立的神状
Won't bow down to anyone不向任何人弯下脊梁
Love how you keeping fighting on爱你无畏的反抗

When all hope is gone即使面对绝望
Love how you refuse to cry爱你不肯哭一场
Block your fate eye for an eye也要堵命运的枪
We're so similar you and I爱你和我那么像

Both refuse to die都拒绝死亡

Go now? Should I? Wearing these rag clothes去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风
I'll fight, survive, to keep my dream alive战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦
For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes致那击败敌人的勇敢与谦恭
Who said heroes can't be ordinary souls谁说平凡的灵魂不算英雄
Love how you stand on your own爱你傲然屹立的神状
Won't bow down to anyone不向任何人弯下脊梁
Love how you keeping fighting on爱你无畏的反抗

When all hope is gone即使面对绝望
Love the glory's all your own爱你身披荣耀的光

Step into the danger zone步入险境战场

You can build the world you won你将建造你的城堡

On top of ruined stones在废墟之上

Go now! Go now! 去啊!去啊!

To keep my dream alive为让梦想闪亮

I'll fight, survive, give everything my life战吗?战啊!献出我的生命

For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes致那击败敌人的勇敢与谦恭
Who said heroes can't be ordinary souls谁说平凡的灵魂不算英雄

If you say you’re the firework at the bay如果说你是海上的烟火
Iwish I could be a wave我是浪花的泡沫
After the rain, you light up the gray某一刻你的光照 亮了我
Far away you’re the galaxy from space如果说你是遥远的星河
With the stars you kiss my face耀眼得让人想哭
I’ll go everywhere after your trace我是追逐着你的眼眸
When I’m lonely I will learn to embrace…总在孤单时候眺望夜空
I’ll follow you along the way我可以跟在你身后
Like shadow chasing down the flame像影子追着光梦游
I’ll wait for you right on your way我可以等在这路口
Come and stay with me if you may不管你会不会经过
I’ll raise my head and look your way每当我为你抬起头
Tears dropping down and feeling free连眼泪都觉得自由
Some love comes by like hurricane有的爱像阳光倾落
As if I play your losing game边拥有边失去着
If you’re like firefly in summer haze如果说你是夏夜的萤火
Children laugh around your grace孩子们为你唱歌
Then I’ll be there, trying to say out your name那么我是想要画你的手
Look at me, what a tiny helpless me你看我多么渺小一个我
Only dream when you smile at me因为你有梦可做
Maybe you wouldn’t stop just for me也许你不会为我停留
Far behind let me stand there singing那就让我站在你的背后
I’ll follow you along the way我可以跟在你身后
Like shadow chasing down the flame像影子追着光梦游
I’ll wait for you right on your way我可以等在这路口
Come and stay with me if you may不管你会不会经过
I’ll raise my head and look your way每当我为你抬起头
Tears dropping down and feeling free连眼泪都觉得自由
Some love comes by like hurricane有的爱像大雨滂沱
But rainbows rise...却依然相信彩虹
I’ll follow you along the way我可以跟在你身后
Like shadow chasing down the flame像影子追着光梦游
I’ll wait for you right on your way我可以等在这路口
Come and stay with me if you may不管你会不会经过
I’ll raise my head and look your way每当我为你抬起头
Tears dropping down and feeling free连眼泪都觉得自由
Some love comes by like hurricane有的爱像大雨滂沱
But rainbows rise after the pain却依然相信彩虹













编辑 | HAI







