


Yes, we are together 山与海在一起Mountain and sea together演绎海枯石烂interpreting the sea goes dry and the rocks melt with the sun 人和人在一起When people are together铸就灿烂辉煌they will create brilliant and glorious future在一起Being Together 是一种融合is a kind of fusion是一腔信任a cavity of trust是一份担当the responsibility更是道可特人的不懈追求和事业理想

and also the unremitting pursuit and career ideal of the Docvit people

从几人到几十人From a few to dozens从几十人到几百人From dozens tohundreds 我们用了十八年We spent 18 years 从一间办公室到八间From one office toeight从北京到上海From Beijing toShanghai 深 圳Shenzhen天 津Tianjin济 南Jinan太 原Taiyuan 海 口Haikou哈尔滨Harbin我们用了三年We spent 3 years


From Beijing Excellent Law Firm到全国优秀律所to National Excellent Law Firm 我们只用了一年We only spent 1 year从1.0时代的公司化From the 1.0 era of corporatization到2.0时代的专业化to the 2.0 era of specialization3.0时代的适度规模化to the 3.0 era of moderatescale道可特人始终在一起Docvit people are always together与客户在一起Being together with customers是道可特永恒的宗旨

is the eternal purposeof Docvit 

专注定位于高端法务Focusing on high-endlegal affairs战略法务strategic legal affairs事前法务and pre-legal affairs围绕金融资本市场Focusing on the twocore businesses of financial capital markets和大型综合项目两大业务核心and large-scale integratedprojects先后已为近百家央国企Docvit has providedlegal services for nearly 100 central state-owned enterprises300家金融机构300 financial institutions和上千家大中型民企提供法律服务

and thousands of largeand medium-sized private enterprises

读懂客户to understand customers对话客户to communicate with customers 赋能客户Toempower customers是道可特服务的本质

are the essence of Docvit’slegal service 

十年来Over the past tenyears我们不断强化金融资本we have continuously strengthened core businesses such as financial capital market地产与基础设施real estate and infrastructure商事争议解决commercial dispute resolution国际业务等核心业务and international legalservice建设了十六个业务领域We built 16 businessareas 打造了十九条产品线We created 19 productlines 推出了八大行业化服务We launched 8industrialized services出版了数十本专业书籍

We published dozens of professional books

近年来,道可特更加注重In recent years, Docvithas paid more attention与客户互动和深入交流to interaction andin-depth communication with customers先后发布了近十个行业法律健康指数报告We have released nearly ten industry legal health index reports举办了上百场专业研讨会We have held hundredsof professional seminars发表了千余篇专业文章We have published overa thousand professional articles我们一直在践行“研发型、科技型律所”的理念
We have been practicing the concept of ‘research and development-based law firm’ and ‘technology-basedlaw firm’我们正在形成“道可特服务体系”We are forming our ‘DocvitService System’是的,我们和客户在一起

Yes, we are together with customers


As the governing unit of two top think tanks, Chinese Economists 50 Forum 


and China Finance 40 Forum

一直深入参与经济互动We have been deeplyinvolved in economic interaction一直践行行业跨界发展have been practicingcross-border development of the industry一直在打造“运营型律所”have been building an ‘operational law firm’


In 2016, Docvit led the launch of China’s first

cross-border alliancewith law as the core——Green Legal Global Alliance致力于打造绿色立体法律生态圈GLGA committed tocreating a green three-dimensional legal ecosystem成立绿盟研究院,设立八大研究中心We established GLGA research institute and eight research centers并且自主研发了中国首个融合智能办公We developed China'sfirst ‘Green Cloud Vit’ system, which integrated smart office客户互动customer interaction行业跨界三位一体的“绿云VIT”系统and industry cross-border创建了法律人生态社区We created anecological community of legal persons是的,我们和行业在一起

Yes, we are together withthe legal industry

道可特注重国际化发展Docvit focuses on international development香港、伦敦、纽约Offices in Hong Kong,London, New York新加坡等地办公室陆续成立Singapore and otherplaces have been established one after another国际化合作网络不断成熟Our international cooperation network continues to mature 是的,我们和全球化在一起

Yes, we are together with globalization

道可特一直在探求行业的风向标Docvit has been exploring the vane of legal industry始终以公司制创新Focusing on corporate innovation行业化市场industry-based market跨界式发展为核心and cross-border development as its core competitiveness 致力于打造一家研发型、运营型、共享型的一流律所

Docvit is committed tobuilding a R&D, operational and shared first-class law firm

历经多年的深耕After years of deepcultivation 道可特的业务和品牌日渐成熟Docvit’s business andbrand are becoming more mature先后荣获“全国优秀律师事务所”Docvit has won the ‘NationalExcellent Law Firm’ ALB亚洲十大精品律所ALB Asian Top 10Firms-To-Watch《商法》杂志年度卓越律所大奖Notable Achievers ofChina Business Law Awards“首届ALB行业先驱者大奖”等殊荣ALB Trailblazers 2020 andother awards “道可特模式”正在成为中国律师行业The ‘Docvit Model’ hasbecome a living specimen of the创新发展的鲜活标本innovative developmentof the Chinese lawyer industry是的 我们和时代在一起Yes, we are together withthe times


We hope to build a high-quality, powerful  law firm

从过去到未来From the past to thefuture始终矢志向前We always determined to move forward相似者相融Those who are similarare in harmony同道者同行and fellow travelers go together是的,未来在路上Yes, the future is onthe way是的,我们在一起Yes, we are together












