
特别报道 | 对于当下和未来,国内外供应商都有哪些研判和思考?

游乐界 游乐界 2023-07-01















2020 年的新冠疫情让很多同业者感叹但并非悲观, 国家实施了一系列文旅产业发展利好政策,泰隆乘政策风口携科技创新成果逆势增长,承担了华侨城永州项目、黄石项目、锦绣天府项目、武汉青少年宫、满福坝项目等五个大型水公园项目建设,达到产能高峰。集团旗下的泸州欢乐派海滩公园也在首个疫后经营季创下比上年增长 21% 的佳绩。 

2021 年泰隆将延续多年行业龙头品牌价值责任,继续全方位创新发展,以过硬产品和完善服务回馈客户,维护“只有客户成功我们才会成功” 的企业宗旨价值。 

新的一年疫情仍在,游乐行业的同行要十分关注满足生产的效率和创新这两个发展要素。效率保证你有机会获得发包方的订单,创新保证你 不至于因为发包方产品创意的迅速转型而被甩下。






今年是大浪集团成立的第22个年头,虽然有新冠疫情和市场大环境的不利影响,但我们大浪人对全球水上游乐行业的未来是充满信心的——南北纬 30°空间的市场很广阔,大浪集团的产品和服务至今为止已经出口全球80多个国家 和地区,我们有信心、也有底气应对严峻市场环境的挑战 ! 

大浪将一如既往坚持“感恩、诚信、创新、慈善” 的大浪文化,始终坚信“机会是留给有准备的人”, 继续加大新产品的研发力度,练好内功,把好质量关,为后面全球水上游乐市场的复苏做最好的准备!




突如其来的疫情,让文旅整体市场格局发生很大变化。 在此背景下,最考验的是企业的应对能力、差异化定位以及服务质量。如何以更快的迭代来拥抱变化、组织自我革新,在新的一年拥抱市场,打开成长的空间。

文化 + 科技的融合将继续加强科技创新成果在产业领域的应用。将最新的科技产品应用于产业领域,促进行业的创新发展。科技创新带来深层次的创新,给产业竞争格局带来重大变革的同时,也深刻地影响着社会文化形态的各个方 面,进而带来文化的新变革,提升人民的生活品质,并深刻影响着社会的发展 及其传播应用,只有社会文化价值的提升,科技才能获得发展的土壤和应用的 空间。我们将通过文化+科技双轮驱动,进一步拓宽产业的发展思路。借助于 先进科技的技术,推出更具竞争力的文旅产品,更好地表达文化和 IP,让其更具娱乐性,更具体验感,更能迎合市场需求的文旅产品,为文旅产业导入新的发展动力。









2021 挑战与机遇并存,困难与希望同在 2020 年注定是不平凡的一年,因突发疫情,公司战略定位及时做了调整,将国外市场转向国内市场。巨马在不断加强公司品牌影响力,进一步拓展国内市场的同时,与华侨城、融创、宝利阳、祥源花世界等多家知名企业成功签订了友好合作协议,全年实现了销售金额 6 亿元,使得各项既定经营目标得以圆满完成。

展望 2021 年,通过目前在接洽的项目信息与当前摩天轮市场分析,市场前景仍然比较乐观,接单形势也将喜人,现国内大 部分高端摩天轮都由巨马承建,这不仅为公司的发展带来更多的机会,同时也更加巩固巨马在国内行业的领先地位。




中山市金马文旅科技有限公司是广东金马游乐股份有限公司(原中山市金马科技娱乐设备股份有限公司,股票简称:金马游乐,股票代码:300756)的控股子公司,公司致力于成为国际领先的 沉浸式高科技文化旅游体验项目集成商。现拥有飞行影院、黑暗乘骑、影视动力过山车、VR 系列、动感影院、影视跳楼机、影视滑行车、水上黑暗乘骑等八大系列产品。

展望 2021 年,在国家构建双循环新发展格局的时代背景下,金马文旅科技将继续加大研发创新投入,以科技、文化、创新为导向,运用最新声光电、数字化、机电一体化技术,打造极致的高沉浸式游乐新体验;并加快全球化布局,将公司产品推广到更广泛的国际市场。



Stéphane Battaille,首席执行官


社交联系、与家人分享礼物、与朋友在餐馆、公园或度假村中共度美好时光, 这真是太宝贵了!尤其是经过数月的孤立和禁制,这些珍贵的时刻将变得更加 重要。


现存的主要风险是危困的时间越长,演艺者复原的时间就越长。因此,我对 2021年的期盼是:除了疫苗保证的指望之外,我们还希望看到地方当局认识到我们行业的重要性及其对社会关键的作用,采取合适的措施协助行业尽快恢复生机。当我们目睹这种趋势在亚洲尤其是中国已经开始了的时候,我们感觉到世界其他地区也将很快追随。

The vaccine gives us strong hope concerning the global worldwide  situation and the particular situation of our industry.

Social contact, sharing souvenirs with the family, enjoying a good time  with friends in a restaurant, a park or on vacation,... This is so precious!  And these cherished moments are even more important after months and  months of isolation and deprivation. We are confident that the entertainment industry will finally prevail,  because of its essential importance for the well being of people. 

Innovation and creativity, the fundamentals of our business, will  be the key factors to promptly recover and reinvent itself. Thanks to  the creativity and the experience of all the great people working in our  industry, it will quickly bend and adapt to propose safe and original ways to  keep entertaining people. 

The main risk is that the longer the crisis lasts, the longer it will  take for actors to recover. So my hope for 2021 is that, in addition to the  promises of the vaccines, we'll see the local authorities acknowledging  the importance of our industry and its critical state, starting to take the  appropriate actions to resume its activity as soon as possible. As we start  witnessing this trend in Asia and especially in China, this brings us hope  that the rest of the world will soon follow.



Antonio Zamperla JR,首席执行官






我司希望2021年公园重新开放时会更加宽容,包括意大利的游乐园Luna Farm 和美国纽约科尼岛的 Luna Park。我司 将全力以赴,并会在完全安全的前提下,为全球的客户和我司的游乐园重新开放提供全面支持。

Concerning the actual situation, we believe  that our industry can significantly benefit from  a proactive approach to Innovation, which has  always been a fundamental value for our Company.  Now we think that willingness to embrace  emerging technologies are better suited to address  some of the most considerable challenges coming  out of the pandemic, such as the shift to remote  work, adapting to new public safety norms, the  need for collaborative digital platforms, robotic  and automated devices that typically require an  onsite presence. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the  way we do business, the way we approach work,  digitalizing meetings and the usual trade fairs,  rebalancing priorities, and making additional  resiliency measures necessary to our strategic  thinking cost efficiency. We believe investing in  Innovation is one of the most helpful responses to  this challenging time. During crises, consumers  and businesses are afraid, and they are willing to  think about doing things differently. They want to  find faster, cheaper, and more creative solutions:  Innovation happens to solve their problems. We  strive to create a culture of Innovation even in  Zamperla, always encouraging new projects and  ideas, meanwhile cultivating creativity and an  environment of supportive collaboration. 

The future looks uncertain. We don't know  when, or if, our societies might return to normal  – or what kind of scars the pandemic will leave.  Probably what we need now is not going back to  normal but moving into a new change. 

2021 will be the year in which the spotlight  will be shining on the Zamperla Coaster  Department as three new products will be  presented on the market. It will be a year with  more thrills than ever, full of adrenaline-pumping  exciting attractions for the brave, including  our new Big WaveZ, which offers an interactive  experience embodying the ideal combination of a  classic shoot-the-cute and a drop tower. 

For Zamperla it will also be the year of  research and innovation, internal development,  and sensitive issues such as inclusiveness,  accessibility to parks and ride safety, all of which  are dear to us, especially concerning the difficult  period we are still facing. 

We hope 2021 will be more magnanimous  with the parks reopening, including Zamperla  amusement parks Luna Farm, Italy, and Luna  Park in Coney Island, New York. We will give our  very best: we are ready with a support plan for our  customers and our amusement parks around the  world to provide full support in anticipation of the  reopening, in complete safety

Falcon’s Creative Group


Cecil D. Magpuri,总裁兼首席创意官



由于即将来临的猛烈增长,特别是在主题娱乐行业, 至关重要的是要保持项目持续推进并重新启动其他被搁置的项目。现在正是可以采取行动的时候,尤其是那些通常需要两年到三年开发周期的项目的设计工作。我们不希望我们的客户错过这次巨大的增长,因此我们一直在为他们提供建议。令人鼓舞的是,我们的大多数客户都没有改变他们的计划。此外,我们在世界部分地区已看到乐观的反应,例如海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会(GCC)地区,那里的客户一直猛踩油门加速前进——这是繁荣时期即将来临的另一个积极信号。

在亚洲,娱乐业的反弹速度比美国快。我们乐观地认为,2021年我们在那里的项目将会增加。无论未来如何, 我们都将为之做好准备。

When the world emerges from the fog  of Covid-19, we will see people flooding the  entertainment market, seeking ways to satisfy  their hunger for the types of experiences that  museums, theme parks, family entertainment  centers, and other venues offer.  

The pandemic has caused people to feel  isolated. They’ve been held hostage by this  wide-spread virus. They haven’t had the  freedom to enjoy a simple night out with their  friends. They haven’t shared communal  experiences that make them feel like they’re  part of society. Numerous sociologists and  psychologists have discussed how this terrible  situation has affected people emotionally, so we  know that as soon as people feel safe again, they  will enthusiastically embrace their ability to  explore the entertainment landscape.  

Because of the approaching onslaught,  particularly in themed entertainment, it is  critical to keep projects moving forward and  restart others that got put on hold. The time to  act is now, especially for design projects with a  two-to-three-year timeline. We don’t want our  clients to miss out on this tremendous upswing,  so we’ve been advising them accordingly. One  thing that has been encouraging is that most  of our clients haven’t altered their programs.  They know we’ll soon be over the hurdles that  Covid-19 set up. Also, we have seen a bullish  response in parts of the world, like the GCC  region. Our clients there have kept their foot on  the gas pedal, which has been great for us and is  another positive sign that prosperous times are  just around the corner. 

In Asia, the entertainment industry  bounced back quicker than it has in the United  States. Part of that is due to the very different  responses to the pandemic. We are optimistic  that our projects there will ramp up in 2021.  Whatever the future brings, we’ll be ready  for it.

Martin & Vleminckx

Chuck Bingham,市场营销和销售高级副总裁

首先祝游乐行业的各位朋友和同仁们 2021 年新年快乐!新年伊始,希望全球疫情早日结束,各行各业尽快复苏。 

如今展望未来,我们看到的是游乐行业快速复苏和蓬勃发展的希望。疫苗的应用将会逐渐减少疫情对我们行业的影响。希望我们如期在 IAAPA 澳门展会 上再次欢聚一堂。 

由于疫情,移动设备、线上会议甚至线上展会变成了我们彼此沟通的重要手段。我相信今后这些工具将继续发挥作用,为行业的创造性和持续性添砖加瓦。 这些工具也是我们自己公司确保各项目按计划进行的主要手段。 

在疫情防护方面亚洲走在最前面,其它地区也在有序跟上。接下来的两至三年可能成为游乐行业最辉煌的时期,请与 Martin & Vleminckx 公司一起实现。 


感谢所有的合作伙伴和客户与我们携手共度这些艰难时刻。Martin & Vleminckx 全体员工祝愿大家一切顺利,心想事成!

Happy New Year “2021” to our friends  and colleagues in this great Amusement  Industry! It is the dawn of a new year where  we anticipate the end of the COVID-19 virus  and a quick and healthy recovery.  

Now is the time to look ahead and  we see a bright recovery and future for  our industry. Vaccines are here and as we  progress through the early months of 2021  there will be a gradual loosing of COVID  regulations and business as we know it will  gradually return. We should be greeting  each other soon and let us aim at IAAPA  Asia in Macao. 

The use of electronic messaging,  virtual meetings and shows became an  important tool and one which will remain  for the future increasing creativity and  continuity for the industry. It has become a  valuable tool and will be for the future as it  is perfected, we need to embrace it. It was  a main tool in completing our projects in  process. 

Asia in par ticular appears to be  progressing from the virus delay quickly and  other markets will follow as the vaccine is  administered worldwide. We see the coming  2/3 years as perhaps the brightest period  this industry has seen. Join with us making  this happen. 

Already we see new projects on the  horizon including some delayed by the  virus. And we have had great success in  completing deliveries in process before the  virus. The industry never steps back and  2021 will be a year to remember and 2020  one to forget. 

Thanks to all our partners and  customers for staying the course with us  through these difficult times. From the whole Martin & Vleminckx  Team we wish you all the greatest success!


RVJMA合伙人(从左至右:Bruce McMillen, Guillermo VanRell, Daniel Romero, Nelson Jeng)

在经历了史无前例的一年,面对许多挑战,RVJMA对2021年仍然抱持乐观态度。中国比世界上大多数国家更好地从新冠肺炎大流行中恢复过来,休闲 / 旅游项目的需求仍然强劲,这个可以从目前正在设计的项目数量就证明了这一点。 

展望未来,我们必须首先认识到中国市场因新冠肺炎大流行而发生的变化。未来,游客可能更喜欢少走一段距离,选择在自己的省或地区内多去一些旅游目的地。为了成功吸引当地游客,项目需要不断更新。聪明的开发商认识到,对 现有设施进行翻新可以显着提高项目的财务绩效。 

随着 2020 年更多人在家呆得更长,电子游戏或在线游戏的普及率上升,增长率为 21%。一个重要的机会存在于视 频游戏和公园个人体验之间的更紧密联系。我们认为这是一个新兴的趋势,许多世界级的娱乐开发商推出了园区,甚至 是基于特定视频 ( 电子 ) 游戏的完整园区。预计在线游戏和公园之间的关系将得到加强,尤其是手机 APP 的使用将增加客人和实际体验场馆之间的联系。 

RVJMA 同时看到了在新冠大流行之前正在进行的市场演变的延续,包括互动体验的新组合,以及陆地和海洋动物景点的扩展。同样值得注意的是,大型单票制主题公园向单项付费娱乐景区过渡的趋势。 

人们认识到,物理设施的设计需要发生变化,以满足市场对更具适应性、更安全环境的要求。对公共健康和安全问题的更强烈认识将成为每一项重大新发展规划过程的重心。设施需要新型的设计灵活性,以便在健康或安全条件需要时 对空间进行调整,同时更加关注大型聚集空间的安全和安保。 RVJMA 认为,中国休闲 / 旅游市场的发展将转向更灵活的设计,这些设计能够应对不断变化的市场。

After an unprecedented year with many  challenges still ahead, RVJMA is optimistic  for 2021. China recovered from the pandemic  better than most of the world, and leisure/ tourism projects continue to have strong  demand as evidenced by the number of projects  currently under design. 

Looking forward we must first recognize  changes in the China marketplace due to  the pandemic. In the future, tourists may  prefer to travel less distance, choosing to visit  more destinations within their own Province  or region. To successfully draw those local  visitors, projects need constant updating. Smart  Developers recognize renovations to existing  facilities can significantly improve a project’s  financial performance. 

With more people at home longer in  2020, video games or online games rose in  popularity, with a 21% growth rate. A significant  opportunity exists for closer linkage between  on-screen video games and in-park personal  experiences. We see this as an emerging trend  with many world class entertainment developers  introducing park zones, or even full parks based  on specific video games. Stronger relationships  between games and parks is expected with  phone aps increasing the connection between  guests and venues. 

RVJMA also sees a continuation of  marketplace evolutions that were underway  p r i o r t o t h e p a n d e m i c , i n c l u d i n g n e w  combinations of interactive experiences, and an  expansion of land and sea animal attractions.  Also noteworthy is the trend of large, single  ticket theme parks transitioning to pay-to-play  entertainment districts.

It is recognized that changes need to  occur in the design of physical facilities to meet  marketplace requirements for more adaptable,  safer environments. Stronger recognition  of public health and safety concerns will be at the center of the planning process for  every significant new development. Facilities  need new types of design flexibility to allow  adaptation of spaces when health or security  conditions require, with closer attention paid to  the safety and security of large gathering spaces.  RVJMA sees the evolution of the China leisure/ tourism market moving to more agile designs  which have the ability to respond to a changing  market.

德国Simtec Systems

Andreas Stickel,业务开发总监

2020 年是各行业举步维艰的一年,我 们经历了很多不可控制的变化:乐园和景点的关闭、展会的取消以及全球旅行限制。我们希望在 2021 年下半年全球形势能够有很大的改善。疫情影响了整个行业的发展,待行业完全复苏还需要一些时间。

当德国宣布首次封城以来,Simtec 也做出了相应的工作调整,非必要人员全切换到“家庭办公模式”;必须参与系统制造的员工也都做好了相应的防护措施。


2020年,因疫情原因德国工程师们无法前往中国项目工作,中国国内好几个项目的调试和移交工作都是由经过专业培训、经验丰富的国内工程师完成。2021 年也将继续采用这种模式来完成项目工作。

封锁结束后,Simtec 看到了中国行业的快速复苏。并在2020年10月,Simtec 作为线上参展方参加了在北京举行的 CAE 展会。

2021 年第一季度,我们将为重庆华侨城安装和调试三套动感平台系统,并将在下半年开始安装首套飞行影院 2.0 系统,以及另外两套经典且名声大噪的飞行影院系统。

Simtec 对2021年的发展非常乐观,尤其是对于中国 市场。我们已经与客户就 2022年潜在的新项目进行了诸多 讨论。

After a very difficult year 2020 caused by  the COVID pandemic, which resulted in closed  parks and attractions, canceled expos and  worldwide travel restrictions, we hope that the  worldwide situation will improve significantly in  the 2nd half of 2021 latest. 

The entire industry has been hit hard by  the consequences of the pandemic and it will  take some time until we will see a full recovery.  Simtec was well prepared when the first  lockdown was announced to continue the  fabrication of systems in Germany with a  professional hygienic concept and switched to  “home-office mode” for everybody who did  not need to be in the offices. 

Video conferences became part of our daily  routine and will definitely stay as a tool that  will be used more often. But video conferences  can not make up for the personal contact with  friends, clients and colleagues that we were not  able to meet in person in 2020. We hope that this  will change soon. 

Due to our established infrastructure with  a well-trained and experienced engineering  team in China, Simtec was able to commission  and hand over several projects in China in 2020  as originally scheduled without sending German  engineers to site. This will be continued in 2021. 

Simtec has seen a fast recovery of the  China industry after the lockdown ended. We  have been one of the view western companies  participating at the CAE show in Beijing in  October 2020 and were able to meet up with a lot  of existing and new clients. 

In the 1st quarter of 2021, the installation  and commissioning of three FUNRIDE 21  system will be started for OCT Chongqing and in  the 2nd half of this year the installation of our  1st HEXaFLITE® 2.0 system will begin as well  as the installation of another two of our famous  HEXaFLITE® 72 systems.  

Simtec is quite optimistic for the year  2021, especially for the Chinese market where  we already have a lot of talks with clients about  potential new projects for 2022.



2021 年是充满机会与挑战的一年。全球疫情反复,主题娱乐行业在疫情下生存与运营已经 变成常态。我们认为新冠疫情会从以下两个方面影响乐园运营商的规划以及选择新游乐景点的方式。 


其次,园区运营商将密切关注投资回报率。由于这一疫情对公园的财务业绩产生了负面影响,因此他们将密切关注那些可以带来稳定投资回报,性价比更高的游乐设备和景点。随着使用时间的增长,以较低的投资成本进行景点与设备的更新, 从而获得更多市场关注与投资回报。


作为互动多媒体设备领域的领先者,创腾将认为沉浸感和互动性这两个因素很简单地反映出了“外部世界”无处不在的 大趋势。这也是游客平时的日常生活方式。换句话说,越来越多的人深深地沉浸在身处的环境中,互动无处不在。因此,游客们在游乐场游玩时也希望感受到这种身临其境的互动体验。游客希望成为景点的一部分,而不仅仅是观众。 


• 与襄阳华侨城合作的最新大型沉浸式幻境射击项目将于2021年底在襄阳华侨城奇幻度假区奇幻谷落地 

• 与天津华侨城合作的60个座椅的动感影院项目将于2021年6月1日对外开放

2021 is a year full of opportunities and  challenges. The global pandemic has been  changing unsteadily and to survive and operate  under this condition has become the new  normal of the entertainment industry. We  think COVID-19 will affect the planning of the  park operators and the way to choose new  attractions from the following two aspects. 

First of all, park operators will take less  risk. They will award contracts to suppliers  with which they have a (successful) history of  doing business. It will be harder for newcomers  in the industry to penetrate it. 

Secondly, park operators will pay close  attention to ROI. As the pandemic negatively  affected the financial performance of parks,  close care must be given to investing in  attractions that will bring a solid return on  investment and bring a good capacity vs. the  amount of money invested. Attractions that  can evolve over time and be refreshed at a  lower investment level such as media-based  rides for example, will gain market share. 

Media-based attractions meet those  factors, they can be upgraded regularly at a  fraction of the investment cost (of a completely  new attraction). This allows the operator to  bring back guests and also increases the life  cycle of the attraction. It can be kept longer  and therefore has a very positive impact on  return on investment (ROI).  

As the leader in media-based experiences,  Triotech 创 腾 believe that the “Immersion”  and “Interactivity” are quite simply  a reflection of a mega trend that exists  everywhere in the “outside world”. It is what  guests live in their daily lives. In other words,  more and more, people are deeply immersed in  environments and interactivity is everywhere.  Therefore guests want to live such immersive  and interactive experiences when they visit  parks. Guests want to be part of the attraction  and not simply spectators. 

In the upcoming year of 2021, Triotech 创 腾 will work with OCT Group with more  projects:

 • The large scaled immersive  WALKTHROUGH for Xiangyang OCT will be launched at Xiangyang OCT FABLAND by the  end of 2021. 

• The 60 seats XD Theater for Tianjin  OCT will be opened to the public on June 1,  2021.



展望 2021,我们非常期待在中国即将 开放的项目。Vekoma 还将与我们的中国合作伙伴一起开放更多不同类型的过山车,不断的为中国市场带来惊喜。这些激动人心的新设施一定会让您的等待更为值得。 

其中一项令人惊叹的项目是我们的‘壮志凌云过山车’, 它将于2021年在宁波和赣州的‘东方欲晓’新主题乐园开放。 该主题乐园将是方特集团旗下的‘美丽中国三部曲’主题乐园之一。“壮志凌云”过山车集合了生命中的所有冒险:一开始列车被弹射出去之后,乘客将会体验到多次双车并行的互动效果。整场体验毫无疑问是为了实现勇士们壮志凌云的飞行梦想而准备! 


无论你是一个想创造吸引孩子、青少年、父母和祖父母的新型家庭过山车的人或者在寻找一种新的惊心动魄的体验 来取悦寻求刺激的人,还是想开发任何其他吸引人的东西来让自己获得成的人。Vekoma 将帮助您发现更多!

Looking ahead to 2021 we are  excited for the upcoming projects in  China. Vekoma and our Chinese partners  will open different scale coasters and  continuously bring you surprises. All  those amazing rides deserve your waiting. 

Top Gun Launch Coaster 

One of the amazing projects is our  Top Gun Launch Coaster that will open  in 2021 at the new Fantawild theme parks  ‘Oriental Dawn’ in Ningbo and ‘Oriental  Glorious’ in Ganzhou. The theme parks  will be one of the ‘Beautiful Trilogy’  theme parks owned by the Fantawild  Group. 

Top Gun packs the adventure of  a lifetime! After the power launch the  experience includes several dueling train  effects. This flight is sure to thrill the  bravest of pilots! 

Shock Wave Launch Coaster 

The second project we can reveal  is the opening of a Shock Wave Launch  Coaster at ‘Dragon Valley’ Theme Park  in Nanjing that is owned by the Shanghai  Hua Chang Group. The Shockwave  Launch Coaster is a thrilling ride! The  experience includes lots of forceful turns  and twists. A unique combination of  thrills that doesn’t let up until the final  turn. 

Whether you want to create a new  family coaster that appeals to children,  teens, parents and grandparents, are  looking for a new hear t-pounding  experience to delight thrill seekers or  want to develop any other attraction that  will make your venue a success. Vekoma  will assist you to discover more!


潘明辉 ,大中华区总监

无论哪个行业,特殊的2020年都是具有重大影响的一年。而旅游业和游乐业短期受负面影响相对多些,我们相信长期会带来一些新变革。展望2021年,随着我国和世界各国新冠疫苗的推广接种,全球和我国的经济将从相对谷底重新上升,对旅游业和游乐业的正面影响将逐步显现。因此,我们对2021年的中国经济以及旅游业和游乐业是有信心的,Vortex 将继续以围绕亲子嬉水为核心竞争力,持续自我调整以适合中国市场的发展,以优秀的设计理念、领先的安全性与互动可玩性,为中国家庭打造更多中国特色结合国际上亲子嬉水新动向的游乐项目。

For nearly every industry, the past year 2020 was a year  full of great influence. The tourism and amusement industries  were more negatively affected in the short-term, and we believe  that some changes will be brought about in the long term.  Looking forward to 2021, with the deployment of the vaccine of  COVID-19 in China and other countries in the world, the global  and Chinese economy will rise again from the relative bottom,  and the positive impact on tourism and amusement industry  will gradually appear. Therefore, we are confident in China's  economy & tourism and amusement industry in 2021. Vortex  will continue to focus on family-oriented water attractions,  and continue to adjust ourselves to suit the development of  the Chinese market. With the excellent design concepts, the  uncompromised safety insurance and the great interactive  play experience, Vortex wants to create more projects for  Chinese families with integration of Chinese characteristics and  international trends.


David Bogdonov,白水亚太地区副总裁




类似于热高巴厘岛水世界“干”(陆地乐园)“湿” (水上乐园)融合的游乐景点将会增长,并与度假村相结合。其结果是将出现一批新的主题旅游目的地,我们无法再为它们贴标签,因为它们可以在一站式游玩中融合不同的游客体验,购物、餐饮和游乐设施(包括湿的和干的)——所有这些都带来欢乐。



WhiteWater turns 40, and it will be 10 years since China office was set up. I remember that because from 2008 to 2011 I supported sales for the wider Asia region. After that I spent eight years as Vice President of Business Development for China. I’ve travelled to every region of China and look forward to being a regular visitor once more and eating my favorite dish MaPo tofu more often.

I’ve seen the true birth of the industry in China from early innovators of the world class standard Water Park experience like Chimelong to the expansion of huge branded parks like OCT. China has embraced the water park format and it will be interesting to see how that continues to develop and become more sophisticated.

I now feel the industry is maturing and we’ll see tiers emerge to differentiate between them for guest to understand the value. There’ll be local parks which won’t have the same level of guest experience or ride quality as the premium parks but will be cheaper for guests. The best parks will offer even more ride variety, better food and service and create a more immersive experience for guest with storylines and theming.

There’ll be growth of the entertainment district and parks which bridge wet and dry formats (e.g. Hot Go Bali Water World) and integrate with resort accommodation. The result will be themed destinations which cannot be labeled as we currently do because they’ll merge a number of guests’ experiences, shopping, dining, and rides (both wet and dry) within one visit – all delivering joy.

It’s important that WhiteWater’s offering continues to be, innovation, safety, longevity and reliability which drives ROI for clients and flexibility for emerging venue types because of our unsurpassed product range breadth. WhiteWater has always been at the front of the industry; we bring to our clients the new types of attraction designed to give their guests brand new experiences like SlideWheel or Endless Surf. As guests understand the different quality of parks safety will be more recognized as a factor in their visit choice, something which WhiteWater always puts first.

I think this is a fortunate time to be taking over as head of the APAC region for WhiteWater because I see that there is unmet demand and a renewed consumer appreciation after Covid to get out and have together again soon! China will lead the way responding to customer demand, a positive indicator for the whole attractions industry globally.










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