
6.26-6.27工作坊+舞酱 • 当接触即兴遇见巴西战舞


上海接触即兴:寸草舞集 / 上海巴西战舞:Movement Family

作为上海的接触即兴社群,2020 年我们进行了很多跨界探索,尝试将接触即兴与不同舞种与身心技法进行碰撞(点击链接,了解过往回顾)。我们尝试了接触即兴与太极、合气道、古典瑜伽、费登奎斯、拉班/巴特妮芙体系、舞踏、 摇摆舞等多种身心运动方式的融合…

As a contact improvisation community in Shanghai, we have conducted a lot of cross-border explorations in 2020, trying to collide contact improvisation with different dance styles and physical and mental techniques (click the link to learn about the past review). We tried contact improvisation with Tai Chi, Aikido, classical yoga, FeldenkraisMethomdLaban/Bartenieff Movement System,Butoh,swing dance,etc...


we invite you to explore the collision between CI and capoeira and to see what interesting things will happen.


As a contacter, practicing capoeira brings me lots of surprise, while attending this year’s Batizado in Shanghai, I realized that the two form shares a lot in common and there should be a place to bring them together.


In Contact Improvisation, I like dynamic flow and say goodbye to our usual horizon, a total freedom of in and out, the total give of weight, all these are practiced in Capoeira extensively.

从巴西战舞的练习中,我感受到,对跨部的整合,上下身的关系,对倒立状态的视野更舒服和熟悉,对背部空间打开,以及Ginga流动中对于中下部空间的探索,都是接触即兴中常常被忽略的地方。同时在舞酱中我们常常练习的Round Robin也是巴西战舞的核心元素之一,叫做Roda,一个有现场音乐即兴,在一个轮圈游戏中切磋交流,自由进入和退出,并有观看和表演的关系的大圈游戏。

In my practice of Capoeira, I experienced a new insight about my hip, how it integrates the upper and lower part of my body and gives me more freedom in movement, I am more used to be upside down and be comfortable with this new horizon to observe what’s around me, my back space means more possibilities, and the middle kinesphere that we usually forgot in CI is a big part of a good Ginga flow. The Round Robin game and Roda are twins if you experienced both, live music, free entry and leave, audience and performance, an open game that we can play what we’ve learned and discovered in the practice. 


I hope this workshop can be like a lab that the two forms come together, inspire you something new and exciting in your own practice. 





图 1, 2 摄影师 Photo by:franscois trézin

图3摄影师 Photo by:Alina Kochetova

Capoeira Solo

视频来源:由带领者Alex Maltsev提供

Video provided by Alex Maltsev

Capoeira 互动




6/26 周六 Saturday

10:00-12:00  巴西战舞 Capoeira

14:10-16:40 接触即兴 Contact Improvisation

16:50-18:20 舞酱 Jam


6/27 周日 Sunday 

10:00-12:30 巴西战舞 Capoeira

14:30-17:00 接触即兴 Contact Improvisation






MOETOWN: Floor 6, East Block, Bin Gu Plaza, No.345 Tianshan Road, Changning District, Shanghai



⻢玉玺 Alex Maltsev

Alex是一名有着超过11年巴⻄战舞练习经验及8年授课经验的专业巴⻄战舞教师。 他在巴⻄战舞教育学院(巴⻄)完成了作为巴⻄战舞老师的课程,得到了 Cueca以及Edan大师们授予的教练证书。 

Alex has been practicing Capoeira over 13 years and has been teaching professionally since 10 years, he completed his teacher training in Brazilian Institute of Capoeira-Education, and attended various instructour courses around the world.

尹浩龙 Haolong

身体探索者,自2018年来,浩龙以柏林为中心,在欧洲各地跟随不同老师学习接触即兴,身心平衡(Body Mind Centering)及中轴技术(Axis Syllabus),同时也将四年泰式按摩及学习人体解剖学的经验应用在瑜伽和舞蹈的教学中。浩龙是大理接触即兴艺术节的联合发起人,Stillness in Motion课程的创建者,参与及协助的艺术节和社群包括西班牙Vidalia社群,法国Lavent Studio,弗赖堡艺术节(Freiburg Festival),哥廷根接触即兴及现代舞节(CMC),西班牙Fuerteventura艺术节,Cardedeu即兴节,Touch & Play,印度果阿艺术节,泰国接触即兴艺术节等。

Since 2018, Haolong has been studying Contact Improvisation, Body Mind Centering, Axis Syllabus based in Berlin, Germany. He integrates a wide spectrum of practice into his teaching and practice, including Ashtanga Yoga, Thai Massage and Anatomy. Haolong is the initiator of Dali Contact Festival and founder of Stillness in Motion course, he is actively engaged in CI communities and festivals globally, including Freiburg festival, Contact meets Contemporary festival, Touch & Play, Goa Festival etc.

票务信息 Tickets  


CI Meets Capoeira Workshop with Jam

全价票 Original price:¥1400 

早鸟优惠 Earlybird discount: ¥1099



Single day(only 6/26):¥700 


单独舞酱 Single Jam:¥80 

注:满 10 人以上开课

咨询报名课程请进微店Scan the QR code to register 

编辑 | 娜拉视频图片 | 由带领者提供



*Notice :1.Please wear appropriate comfortable clothing, cotton elastic clothes, easy to move. Avoid clothing with buttons or zippers.There will be a lot of sweat, please consider to bring your own towels or extra clothes. Do not wear any accessories, glasses, or other sharp objects. Please bring sports knee pads and water bottle.2.Be sure to guarantee class hours, and if you miss classes, you can not take remedial classes or get refunds but can transfer to others.


The Shanghai Center for Capoeira - Mandinga

WHAT IS CAPOEIRA? 什么是巴西战舞卡波耶拉?

Capoeira is a unique Afro-Brazilian art-form that combines Martial Arts, Afro-Brazilian music,  and dance. 

This expressive sport doesn’t have winners or losers. It is often referred to as a “game” where both games players are free to express themselves with expressive and flow movements. It incorporates fitness through a heavy focus on flexibility, cardiovascular exercises, and body weight centered strength training. 


Capoeira teaches how to defend yourself and stay fit with an expressive and positive attitude. It is the perfect sport to improve balance, coordination, and strength. It is not only a martial art but a unique lifestyle with an international and Chinese community to match. If you are interested, you are welcome to visit us or try capoeira anytime!

关注我们 Follow us 

StillnessInMotion分享一段群里分享的今天shanghai capoeira batizado outdoor roda的视频,有一些慢速可以观看动作细节,巴西战舞练习中很多侧翻cartwheel,这两天的练习后,我在胯骨如何整合来带动上下身的配合和流动得到很多启发,很训练尾骨和颈椎在一个倒立关系中如何去放松并习惯在这个位置建立新的视觉horizon,很多middle kinesphere空间的可能性,舞蹈中我探讨更多的还是在低位和高位,也有很多有创意的背部空间和后弯动作,及如何结合到流动当中,另外还有很多顺势也改变了我有习惯的pathway,即兴中有时候很容易就放弃一个方向,可能只是神经系统的不确定性,也没有目标要挑战这种坚持,突然换一个语境觉得很好,巴西战舞在这个顺势中一直带我去找圆,最后每次挑战圆周,能完成的时候有一种超级的流畅度。对于巴西战舞中movement vocabulary的丰富性和独特性很是惊喜。今天也去了一个inch dance组织的接触即兴小课和舞酱,碰巧是一位来自巴西在上海教音乐的音乐老师来带舞者探索亚历山大技巧,旋律,节拍和对位与关节运动的关系,好像越习练运动觉知,越和音乐有疏离感,开始越来越喜欢silent jam,柏林音乐人的即兴也大多像john cage在肯宁汉舞团做的那样,挑战旋律和节拍,越来越在纯粹做身体,环境音,从这样的状态有时候出来,去到传统的音乐环境,比如上周去ecstatic dance,这周末在巴西战舞,甚至是日常去酒吧夜店,都会对主导性音乐有一种自然而然的反抗,就好像亚历山大技术里讲的inhibition和direction,不由自主就会一直在看身体如何没有觉知可以完全的被音乐带走,学多了steve paxton的东西就会对这些东西特别龟毛,如同一种身体觉知的洁癖。我们今天关于音乐中counter point的练习很有意思,声音来得很慢,身体有很多时间去聆听,动,发音的人有很多时间去观察,舞蹈和音乐的关系实在是很有意思。从这个角度上来说,roda中音乐的热烈对我来说还是有些吵闹和闹腾,能代表拉丁文化对于extrovert的青睐,对于INFJ,让我想到在西班牙参加艺术节时对于安静独处空间的渴望,所以如果可以选择,我想要一个silent roda来玩巴西战舞,然后在这个基础上加入音乐,舞者和音乐家至少是50%50%的平等关系。不过这样看来,我还不如去玩round robin了。所以,努力适应,在节奏中找到自由空间也是练习的一个部分。 视频号      

