
孙八一的“商务说唱”成名之路 | Bayi's hip-hop dream

2017-12-17 CGTN CGTNOfficial


Surrounded by tens of thousands, Sun Bayi is performing at the Workers' Gymnasium, one of Beijing's most prestigious live venues, which has hosted concerts by Kanye West, Bob Dylan and other musical legends. The space now echoes with excited fans chanting the chorus of Sun's hit track.

这是孙八一第一次登上工人体育馆的舞台。这里是北京最具代表性的演出场馆之一,KanyeWest, Bob Dylan等国际一线明星都曾经在这个舞台上献声。今天,成千上万的粉丝在一起合唱着孙八一的成名曲《还钱》。


Sun shot to stardom on the "The Rap ofChina," the country’s first hip-hop reality show that launched in June 2017. The show was a huge success and generated 2.7 billion views online, bringing underground rappers to the center of public attention.


"Before joining the show, I was just a small celebrity in my hometown. Now I've got 10 times, probably even 100 times more fans nationwide," Sun said. "That makes a huge difference."


Sun became a rapper in 2009 and gained early success by winning regional freestyle rap battles. But making music wasn't enough tosustain a living. To make ends meet, Sun ran a variety of small businesses: selling air bricks, firecrackers and later running a small hotel.


But all of that is changing as he becomes a highly sought-after rapper, known for performing in business attire. His surging popularity also brings endorsements and commercial deals that help Sun focus entirely on music.




Sun is one of many benefiting from the rise of hip-hop in China. And some are bringing their influence to the world.



Kris Wu, one of the celebrity judges on "The Rap of China," topped the US iTunes chart in October with his single "Deserve," a collaboration with American rapper Travis Scott.

今年十月,华裔明星吴亦凡凭借与美国说唱歌手Travis Scott的合作登上了美国iTunes榜单的首位。


Higher Brothers, a hip-hop group based in China’s southwestern Chengdu province, created a sensation on YouTube with their hit "Made in China," generating more than 7.5 million views. The group has just wrapped up their events in Asia and is now planning to tour the US and Canada early next year.

海尔兄弟,一个来自成都的说唱团队凭借作品“Made in China” 在视频网站Youtube上创下750多万的点击量。他们刚刚结束在亚洲的活动,并计划明年初在美国和加拿大巡演。

But while the hip-hop business is booming in China, there's also concern that the genre will become over-commercialized and end up as just another way to make a quick profit. As for Sun, he’s still optimistic that Chinesehip-hop will continue its momentum long-term.



"(Before "The Rap of China") Reality shows were dominated by pop artists. And all of a sudden, hip-hop has come out of nowhere and grabbed people’s attention."

"This is only the start, who knows how many more talents will be discovered?"




Cameraman: Zhang Dayu, Qi Jianqiang

Film editor: Zhang Dayu

Story written by: Zhang Dayu

English editor: Matthew Arrington Watson


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