
世园会探秘:神奇植物在哪里? | Exotic Beauties

CGTN CGTN 2020-01-06


Molly and her family


它出自英国枯木动物装置艺术家詹姆斯·多兰·韦伯(James Doran-Webb)之手,由钢筋龙骨架包裹“再生小花牡荆木材”制成。小花牡荆(Molave)是菲律宾的国树,20世纪曾被砍伐至灭绝的边缘。在过去的30年里,他一直在收集再生的小花牡荆木材,并希望通过用这种早已枯死的木头制作特殊“动物”的方式,让人们关注到植物与人类休戚与共的关系,爱惜地球资源。



此次由teamLab打造的沉浸式数字艺术互动装置位于植物馆一层,主题是“生命循环之美丽世界”(Continuous Life in a Beautiful World)。设计始于实际尺寸大小的红树林,将参与者带入红树林植物群落生存的基础环境——“潮间带”。在这里,参与者将会置身于一个由红树植物的根、种子、叶片、候鸟以及水生动植物组成的奇幻光影世界,并通过自己的一举一动对“红树林世界的一切生物”施加影响,享受交互作品即时互动的独特体验

Demonstrating an amazing "kingdom of botany" to visitors, the Botanic Pavilion has stolen the show even before the Beijing Horticultural Expo kicks off on April 29. In the last episode of Fantastic Plants, we watched some plants with secret techniques, including Poison Arrow Tree and Miracle Berry. In this episode, we are going to check out some eye-catching species that will ensure your journey through the green maze is worthwhile.

如果你想用更多的照片傲视整个朋友圈,那逛完以上“网红打卡地”之后可一定不要忘了去寻觅下CGTN外籍编辑Matthew Watson找到的这几种“网红植物”。是莲花还是香蕉?是菠萝还是棕榈树?这些充满异域风情的植物到底有什么特别之处?戳视频抢先涨姿势↓↓↓ 

地涌金莲 Golden Lotus Banana


Golden lotus banana, also known as Chinese yellow banana, is a close relative of bananas. The plant is native to the Yunnan Province in China, where it grows high in the mountains to an altitude of 2,500m. The flowering period lasts as long as half a year. As one of the "five trees and six flowers" in Buddhist temples, the plant is also the embodiment of goodness in Dai people's literature. Locals in Yunnan also use it for detoxification.

花叶牛蹄豆 Variegated Madras Thorn 


Variegated Madras Thorn is a dwarf and variegated variant of Madras Thorn. The foliage shrub has cow hoof-shaped leaves in a blended color of pink, white and green. It can let out a unique fragrance during the flowering period which attracts scarab beetles. The plant loves strong sunlight but can also thrive under shade. There will be more white leaves if there is not enough sunlight. Delicate as it looks, it can survive in dry climates and on coastlines as it is drought- and salt-tolerant. It is now being cultivated in Yunnan, Hainan and Guangdong provinces in China as an ornamental plant.

加那利海枣 Canary Island Date Palm


The Canary Island date palm is found in the Mediterranean regions and in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. This palm is very easy to identify, as it has a very distinct appearance. A huge canopy of leaves grows on the head of the tree. The Canary Island date palm belongs to the palm family. The difference between it and other palms is its extraordinary ability to withstand cold weather; hence it can be cultivated both in the tropics and in high-latitude oceanic climates. The sap is often also converted into an alcoholic drink known as the arrack, which is very similar to rum. It is also sometimes used for medical purposes.








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