

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-25


Today, we are not being watched by the big brother, but by a lot of brothers.

Siri and her kind know your darkest secrets

Apple commissioned a billboard in Las Vegas during this year"s CES that reads, "What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone."

…But, it turns out, it also goes to whoever is listening.

根据这位匿名透露者的消息,Siri有时会在未得到授权的情况下启动,如听到与唤醒语(hey Siri)类似的发音,再比如拉链的声音,甚至,当Apple Watch感受到手臂抬起并听到人声时,Siri便会自动启动——在所有苹果产品中,Apple Watch误启动Siri的概率是最高的。

According to the anonymous source, Siri can be accidentally activated when it hears anything that sounds like "hey Siri" – this can be anything, ranging from words that are similar to the sound of a zip. 

Siri can also be activated when an Apple Watch, the most frequent source of mistaken recordings, detects it has been raised and then hears speech.


"There have been countless instances of recordings featuring private discussions between doctors and patients, business deals, seemingly criminal dealings, sexual encounters and so on. These recordings are accompanied by user data showing location, contact details, and app data," The Guardian reported, quoting the whistleblower.

 Apple's digital "HomePod" assistant /Apple official website screenshot

The whistleblower also told the newspaper, “There's not much vetting of who works there, and the amount of data that we're free to look through seems quite broad. It wouldn't be difficult to identify the person that you're listening to, especially with accidental triggers – addresses, names and so on."

苹果回应,只有极小一部分录音会被随机获取用于提升Siri的能力,让其能更好地理解并帮助用户;使用的录音通常只有几秒,且不与Apple ID相关联。











The panopticon in a digital age



Our information, often in high-quality audio and video, is being collected and can identify our every move.

First defined by English philosopher Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century, the concept of the "panopticon" was later used by French philosopher Michel Foucault in his renowned work "Discipline and Punishment" to elaborate on how individuals are "carefully fabricated in" the social order.

Mark Poster later developed the concept of the "super-panopticon", which differs in its use of storage and seems even more relevant today in a digital and data-driven world. 

Most of the time, we have no idea if we are being watched.




A still from Oliver Stone's 2016 film "Snowden"




如何更好地保护隐私?"Hands off my data"

1) 强化法律监督

去年5月,被视为“史上最严”的欧盟隐私法案《通用数据保护条例》(General Data Protection Regulation,简称GDPR)正式生效实施,希望通过严格的监管手段,倒逼企业建立完善的制度,保障个人资料、隐私不受侵犯。

  • 用户层面:赋予了用户“被遗忘权”——用户可以要求网站删除于自己相关的数据;

  • 企业层面:在隐私协议里,要对用户说人话——即必须用通俗的语言向用户解释收集数据的方式;

  • 法律效力层面:“管的宽”也“罚得狠”——境外互联网公司,只要它们存储、处理、交换任何欧盟个人的数据,也在这一条例的管辖范围之内。违规企业最高可能受到2000万欧元或全球营业额4%(以较高者为准)的罚款。

In May 2018, the European Union (EU) introduced what was considered to be "the strictest" online privacy rules to the world. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which forces companies to be ever more attentive to how they handle customer data, heralds an era where breaking privacy laws can result in fines of up to four percent of a company's global revenue or 20 million euros (23.5 million US dollars), whichever is higher, as opposed to a few hundred thousand euros.

2) 行业推动

今年3月,在万维网(World Wide Web)诞生30周年之际,创始人蒂姆·伯纳斯·李发表了一封公开信,信里写满对万维网的忧虑和反思。


World Wide Web Inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee speaks during the inauguration of Web Summit, Europe's biggest tech conference, in Lisbon, Portugal, November 5, 2018. /Reuters

为了解决这些问题,他发起了一项名为“全球网络契约”(Contract for the Web)的运动,希望制定一系列的标准和规则,为网络世界重建信任。



Last November, Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, launched a campaign to persuade governments, companies and individuals to sign a "Contract for the Web", a set of principles designed to defend a free and open internet.

"The web is at a crucial point," Berners-Lee said in excerpts from his speech launching the project at the Web Summit conference in Lisbon. "We need a new Contract for the Web, with clear and tough responsibilities for those who have the power to make it better."



As a Google executive puts it, according to Financial Times' Henry Mance, "You should always be in control of what you share and who you share it with."

  • 时刻警惕自己分享的信息和任何授权,包括小程序。

  • 查看手机哪些APP有使用麦克风的权限,把不需要的关掉。

  • 如果你没那么需要Siri,考虑将它整个关掉。

"I don' t want to live in a world where everything that I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity, or love, or friendship is recorded."
--Edward Snowden

