Chinese animated film "Ne Zha" has shattered records since its domestic debut on July 26, becoming the second highest-grossing film on the Chinese mainland on August 31.
It is loosely based on the novel "Investiture of the Gods" and the latest exhibit in a long-running trend of using Intellectual Property (IP) in China's animation industry. 比票房成绩更加令人欣喜的是,这一次,中国传统故事在国产动画电影中再次迸发出勃勃生机。
今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年。今天,小编带你一起细数国产动画电影的灵感来源。一大波“回忆杀”在路上,are you ready?
网友们在被这支诚意满满的宣传片戳中的同时,却只为正片打了3.9分。 Before 2000, domestic IPs, mainly works of literature, inspired big-screen animations in China. The year 2000 witnessed a burgeoning shift in preferences as filmmakers began to slowly ditch local IPs for foreign copyrights. Since 2013, foreign IPs became popular in Chinese IP films.
对比来看,近年以《哪吒》、《大圣归来》为代表的取材中国传统文化的动画电影,越来越能打动中国观众。 图:豆瓣电影 Films adapted from classic literature and mythology are also more likely to become blockbusters. The smashing success of "Monkey King: Hero is Back" brought to the fore the potential of traditional IP adaptations.在中国传统故事和海外故事的灵感来源中游走的中国动画电影, 在过去70年经历了怎样的转变?