编者按:《我的考古日记》(Travel Back in Time with CGTN)是CGTN新媒体文化频道为庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年特别策划的十集系列片。主持人李伊湄将通过探访考古现场的方式带领观众穿越时光隧道,介绍中国最珍贵的文化遗产。 今天,我们来到了四川省广汉市郊鸭子河岸的三星堆博物馆,在博物馆常务副馆长朱家可老师的带领下完成考古之旅的最后一站。
三星堆文化是青铜时期的文化遗址,是古蜀国的文化分期之一。我听说在五千年前,三星堆有 “天外来客”的踪迹,不过朱家可老师告诉我们,“天外来客”其实是古蜀人祖先“蚕丛”的神造像——青铜纵目面具。据史料记载:“蚕丛其目纵”,是说蚕丛利用自己能远望的长处,为自己的氏族找到了适宜定居的成都平原。因此,古蜀人为了纪念他,做了人神同型的意象造型,渴望自己也能像祖先一样纵目望远。 "Are they aliens?" – That was my first impression when I saw weird masks of different sizes floating in a big display room at Sanxingdui Museum in southwest China's Sichuan Province. Their ears resembled those of elves, their eyes in cylindrical or triangular shapes.
Sanxingdui translates into "Three-Star Piles." It is a cultural relic from the ancient Shu Kingdom. The name refers to the three earth mounds at the eponymous site, whose discovery attracted international attention and rewrote the history of Chinese civilization.
These masks were unearthed from sacrificial pits, were archaeologists also found decorative animals including dragons and snakes, a giant wand, and sacrificial altars.
But these large bronze masks with angular human features, including exaggerated triangle-shaped eyes, big noses, and huge ears, do not reflect how Asian people look.
CGTN reporter Li Yimei visits the Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan Province, southwest China. /CGTN Photo
在博物馆里,我还看到了代表着当时最高boss形象的青铜大立人像,它的身高和现代人一样,至少有一米七之高。它的双手呈抱握状,好像在握着一样器物,身姿和神态仿佛正在主持一场盛大的祭祀活动。据考古学家推测,他手中握着的很可能是象牙,而这人像的原型或许就是三星堆古蜀国集神、巫、王三者身份于一体的最具权威的领袖人物。 The biggest bronze mask measures 1.32 meters in width and 0.72 meters in height. It is believed to depict Cancong, the semi-legendary first king of the ancient Shu Kingdom.
The sacrificial pits are believed to be where people used to offer sacrifice to Heaven, Earth and other gods in nature. The human-like figures, bronze animal-faced masks with protruding eyes and flat bronze animal-faced masks may be natural gods worshiped by the Shu people.
A bronze Dali statue displayed at the Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan Province, southwest China. /CGTN Photo
除了青铜制品,我们还看到了当时权力的象征物:金面造像和金权杖。拥有它们便可以掌握生杀大权,并成为与神交流的使者。神奇的是,这几样金器都与古埃及发现的几件文物非常相似,两个相距甚远的古老文明为什么会产生这样的巧合呢?据专家研究推断,杖本来就是两河流域西亚文明的特征,因此金杖的文化因素很可能来源于西亚近东文明,是文化融合、采借的产物。 Also in the museum are golden masks and scepters that look familiar to those found in Ancient Egypt. Their existence implies that 4,000 years ago, well before the Silk Road, Ancient Shu people may have already had cultural communications with other civilizations to the West.
However, this is all guesswork. No texts have been found and there is no mention of this culture in the records of other civilizations. The Sanxingdui findings are exciting but enigmatic.
A bronze holy tree displayed at the Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan, southwest China. /CGTN Photo
到此为止,我的十次考古之旅暂时告一段落。在这个过程中,我曾经无数次为古人的伟大智慧折服,也无数次感慨考古工作的任重道远。作为中国人,我深深地为我们的民族感到骄傲和自豪。 Researchers were astonished to see this kind of artistic style that was completely unknown in the history of Chinese art. Traditionally, archaeologists considered The ancient Shu Kingdom as isolated with no exchanges with the Central Plain (the most developed region in ancient China), but the cultural relics unearthed here have proven that this kingdom is no less developed than the Central Plain. This site is the most representative cradle of Chinese civilization in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.