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文章于 2019年11月5日 被检测为删除。
Editor's Note: Sayed Attia is an international trade expert in Egypt. The article reflects the author's opinions, and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
作者介绍:赛义德•阿提亚(Sayed Attia)是埃及国际贸易专家。本文仅代表作者观点,并不一定代表CGTN的观点。 From November 5 to 10, 2019, China is going to convene the second China International Import Expo (CIIE). This conference is a firm commitment of China to its long run opening-up policy that started since late 1978. The key characteristic of the conference is that it is convening amid the atmosphere of new-mercantilism and return of protectionism. 2019年11月5日至10日,中国将举办第二届中国国际进口博览会。中国自1978年年底开始实施长期对外开放政策,本届进博会再次表现出中国坚定不移走开放道路的决心。本届进博会的特别之处在于,它是在全球新重商主义和保护主义抬头的背景下召开的。 This kind of international expo works as a gathering of parties from different countries across the globe to showcase their products and to exchange cultural values of their motherlands and hometowns with their counterparties from different countries. CIIE event is a translation of the long-established commitment of Chinese leaders to opening up and mutual benefit for China and the others. 类国际博览会将世界各国的参展方聚集在一起,使他们有机会展示自己的产品,并与来自不同国家的同行交流自己国家和家乡的文化价值观。中国领导人长期致力于扩大开放、互利共赢,进博会正是这一理念指导下的具体行动。 In his book "The Period of Deng Xiaoping's Reformation," the author Dr. Wu Guoyou, who worked as Director of the Center for Deng Xiaoping's Theory Studies, wrote that Deng attached great importance to the relationship of China with the rest of the world and China cannot develop itself in isolation from the world. 曾任邓小平理论研究中心主任的武国友博士在《邓小平的改革岁月》一书中写道,邓小平非常重视中国与世界的关系,指出中国的发展离不开世界。 The doctrine of interaction with the world is an established fact in the thinking of Chinese political leaders. In his valuable book "On Building a Human Community with a Shared Future," President Xi Jinping, confirmed that "building a human community with a shared future will require the universal participation of the people of all countries. We should advance this great undertaking together by building consensus among people of different nations, different beliefs, different cultures, and different regions". 中国领导人对中国与世界互动的原则深信不疑。习近平主席在著作《论坚持推动构建人类命运共同体》中重申,构建人类命运共同体,需要世界各国人民普遍参与,我们应该凝聚不同民族、不同信仰、不同文化、不同地域人民的共识,共襄构建人类命运共同体的伟业。 What does it mean when the largest populated country on earth opens its market for more than 100 countries to show their goods and cultures? China’s population of 1.4 billion people means an increasing purchasing power. This huge market provides exporters across the world to reduce their cost as a result of exporting huge quantities which reduces the logistics and cost transportation. 中国是世界上人口最多的国家,当这样一个大国向100多个国家开放市场、让各国展示其商品和文化时,这意味着什么?中国有14 亿人口,人民购买力不断增强。这个巨大的市场为世界各国的出口商提供了降低成本的机会,因为出口量大,可大量节省物流和运输成本。
China will be the driver for economic development for countries participants by allowing them export to this huge market. In the past, Chinese exporters used to export a variety of goods to the developing countries, now the situation is reversed, where China has opened its market to receive a gamut of goods and service from the world. 进博会使各参展国能够向这个巨大的市场出口商品,中国将成为这些国家经济发展的驱动力。过去,中国出口商向发展中国家出口各种商品;现在的情况则相反,中国开放了市场,进口来自世界各地的各类商品和服务。 There are many tangible fruits of the CIIE. According to China Briefing based on CIIE Bureau, the volume of transactions agreed equaled 57.8 billion U.S. dollars with more than 90 percent of the contracts completed in the past year. 进博会有许多实实在在的成果。根据中国国际进口博览局的信息,首届进博会所达成的交易额为578亿美元,其中90%以上的合同是在过去一年内完成的。 Most importantly, during this year's CIIE conference, the current trade tension between China and the U.S. did not prevent American firms to extensively participate in CIIE. Furthermore, the number of American firms that will attend the conference increased by 18 percent compared with those attended last year CIIE, according to Ren Hongbin, assistant minister of commerce, at a news briefing in Beijing. 更重要的是,在今年的进博会上,中美贸易摩擦并没有阻止美国公司广泛参与进博会。根据中国商务部部长助理任宏斌在北京的新闻发布会上的说法,与去年相比,目前报名参加今年进博会的美国企业数量增加了18%。 This extensive participation of American enterprises in CIIE reflects that the private sector looks for the opportunities and may not affect by the policies of its governments. 美国企业的广泛参与反映出私营部门正在寻找发展机会,不大会受到政府政策的影响。 Both the CIIE and the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation initiatives reflect China's firm commitment to support trade liberalization and economic globalization and actively open the Chinese market to the world. 进博会和“一带一路”国际合作论坛都体现了中国支持贸易自由化和经济全球化的坚定决心,展示了中国积极向世界开放市场的努力。 It will help countries around the world to strengthen economic and trade exchanges and cooperation and to promote global trade and world economic growth in order to make the world economy more open. 这些举措将加强各国经贸交流与合作,促进全球贸易和世界经济增长,使世界经济更加开放。 In short, the CIIE may be considered one of many tools of China's soft power. The impact of CIIE is not restricted to the transactions signed during the event but extended to show the significant developments that happened in China. It is an opportunity to show what kind of goods and services can be introduced to such a huge market. 简言之,进博会可被认为是中国加强软实力建设的诸多方式之一。进博会的影响不仅限于在活动期间签署的合同,而是能够扩大到向世界展示中国重大发展的层面。进博会是一个展示中国这一巨大的市场欢迎什么样的商品和服务的机会。 CIIE is an application of the theories of international trade that support the liberalization will benefit all parties through externalities, technology spillovers, benefits of enlarged markets and economies of scale. 进博会是支持自由化的国际贸易理论的具体应用,各方将通过外部性、技术溢出、扩大市场的利益和规模经济互利共赢。 Furthermore, it is a lesson for participants to exchange experience and know the latest developments in technology and innovation. Finally, it is a testimony of China's commitment to opening up and deepening reform. The doctrine of mutual benefit is always there. 此外,对进博会参与者来说,另一个重要收获将是交流经验和了解技术与创新的最新发展。最后,进博会是中国致力于扩大开放和深化改革的见证。互利共赢的原则贯穿始终。