她的专辑《When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?》也刚刚获得首届Apple Music年度专辑大奖。专辑制成的磁带采用刺目的亮绿色和亮橙色,复古潮流元素兼具,颇有收藏和在社交媒体上分享的价值。
Do you still remember the days when we listened to music with a cassette or a Walkman? Easily accessible online streaming services have gradually faded out cassette tapes and players. However, cassette tapes are enjoying a revival and becoming fashionable again.
According to The Guardian, The British Phonographic Industry (BPI) predicts more than 100,000 cassettes will be sold during 2019 – more than double the figure last year. The last time these numbers were seen was in 2004.
Figures released in July showed stars such as Billie Eilish and The 1975 helped sales reach 36,000. However, it's worth mentioning that Billie Eilish, the 17-year-old American singer-songwriter, was born in 2001 when the cassette tape was already considered close to obsolete. 承载回忆的“AB面”:——磁带发展史概览诞生1963年,荷兰飞利浦公司研制发明了全球首盘盒式磁带,每一面可容纳30到45分钟的立体声音乐。 The cassette tape, also known as compact cassette was originally developed and released by Netherlands-based electronics firm Philips in 1963, with the purpose of developing a new standard in audio storage. The tape allowed a playing time of 30 or 45 minutes per side. 走红1979年7月1日,索尼公司发布了全球第一台便携式音乐播放器Walkman(又称为随身听)。
便携式音乐播放器的出现,造就了盒式磁带在全世界范围内的风靡,甚至推动了全球范围内流行音乐市场的迅速发展。 Walkman, Sony’s iconic portable cassette made its debut on July 1, 1979. Walkman was the first music device that allowed people to take their entertainment with them on the go. The device, which became a massive hit, also helped cassette tapes gain popularity worldwide. 没落1982年,索尼和飞利浦联合开发的激光唱片(Compact Disc,简称CD)问世。90年代开始,CD大受欢迎,越来越多的音乐厂牌和音乐人开始用CD录制音乐,这也让盒式磁带市场迅速萎靡。
Cassette tapes began to fade out after the appearance of a new music format. Philips and Sony teamed up to work on Compact Discs (CDs), and CDs were made available to the public in 1982. Since the beginning of 1990s, the sale of cassette tapes dropped drastically as CDs became the most efficient way of storing music.
Why are cassette tapes rolling back into fashion? Some think this revival has something to do with nostalgic feelings triggered by movies and TV series. For example, analysts thought customers in Britain bought the old music format due influence from the protagonists in Marvel's smash hit "Guardians of the Galaxy" and Netflix series "Stranger Things," who used cassette tapes and players. Cassette tapes' superior sound quality is also another factor drawing people back to the old-time music format again.
Record labels' motive to net a few nostalgia-driven bucks may be the reason to the cassettes' comeback. But the tape revival is still tiny in the broad scheme of things.
First, finding cassettes is not as easy as buying CDs or downloading audio files online because many stores no longer carry them or carry a limited selection. Moreover, even after getting a cassette, it's rather difficult to find a cassette player, not to mention disadvantages of cassette tapes like slow access speeds and limited scalability.