1月23日晚,为保障对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者的救治工作顺利进行,武汉市参照北京小汤山医院模式,建造火神山医院,面积为2.5万平方米,可提供1000个床位,计划在六天内建成。 Emulating Beijing's response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003, when it built Xiaotangshan Hospital in seven days to care for SARS patients, the epicenter of the current coronavirus outbreak – Wuhan City in central China – is now building a new 1,000-bed hospital to treat patients infected with the novel coronavirus. It has been named Huoshen Mountain Hospital and is expected to be completed in six days, according to Wuhan authorities. Construction has already begun in the city's western suburb. 武志珍是一名经验丰富的工程师,此次授命参与火神山医院的建设。在施工现场,他接受了CGTN的独家专访。他表示,为了加快施工进度,大家都自愿放弃了春节休假,尽可能减少休息时间。尽管面对不少压力,仍然要克服困难,不能有一丝懈怠,把“所有事情都要往前移”,争取按时完工。Veteran engineer Wu Zhizhen is always on site and on the phone. To speed up the construction, he stays alert. "We have just received some high-density polyethylene material. That's a lot, but we don't have enough trucks. The plan is to get those things tomorrow. I am coordinating to see if we can get them today. We have to get things done ahead of schedule," said Wu. Wu Zhizhen works on site with his colleagues for the construction of a new hospital for patients infected with the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province. /CGTN Photo对他而言,作为一个武汉市市民,也作为一名工程建设者,“能尽微薄之力,是我们应该做的。” Wu only rests five hours a day. He said the sense of responsibility drives him to work tirelessly despite having heart problems. "As a Wuhan resident and a construction worker, I have an obligation to contribute all I can," Wu said.目前,火神山医院建造进入第三天。在这片繁忙的建筑工地上,数百台推土机轰鸣作响,工人们昼夜不停歇地赶工。目前,大部分土地平整工作已完成,正在进行碎石铺设,并与管道预埋穿插施工。Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital construction has entered its third day. At present, 25,000 square meters of land has been leveled. Steel bars and pipes are ready for gravel paving.