甚至和双黄连同音的“双黄莲月饼”都登上了微博热搜。 Shuanghuanglian oral liquid, a Chinese herbal remedy consisted of lonicera japonica flower bud, forsythia suspensa fruit and scutellaria baicalensis, became a trending topic on China's social media sites on Friday night. There were online reports claiming that "some scientists discovered that the medicine can help curb the novel coronavirus." Shuanghuanglian was soon on Weibo’s top search list and the relevant hashtag has been viewed over 1.5 billion times so far. The news also made the herbal remedy fly off pharmacy shelves. Pictures and videos circulating online showed residents in various Chinese cities queuing to stock up on the medicine during the night. The medicine was also sold out on several e-commerce platforms. 双黄连,真的有效吗?
面对深夜的这一波“双黄连抢购潮”,一些医疗科普平台也发文科普,提醒民众不要盲目购买。 腾讯医典医学团队表示:“目前,有一些初步证据提示双黄连口服液可能能够抑制新型冠状病毒,正在开展研究,但目前尚无有力的临床试验证据,证明其对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎的疗效。”健康科普平台丁香医生发文提醒民众不要盲目购买双黄连用来预防新型冠状病毒。丁香医生指出报道中提到的是“抑制”而不是“预防”,两者有明显差别:“‘抑制’是指通过药物来控制病毒复制的各个环节,来达到控制病情的效果。你要是身体里没有病毒,就没有东西可以被‘抑制’。” 世界卫生组织也曾在官方微博发文表示,到目前为止,还没有专门用于预防和治疗新型冠状病毒的药物。 However, some medical news platforms warned people not to blindly buy the medicine. Tencent Medpedia, the Tencent-based online healthcare platform said that there was no strong evidence from clinical trials showing that Shuanghuanglian is effective against the novel coronavirus. DingXiang Doctor, one of China's leading medical portals said people should notice the difference between "inhibiting" and "preventing." It pointed out that the report about Shuanghuanglian said the medicine could inhibit the virus rather than prevent infection, and people who are not infected with the virus have no need to take the medicine. Previously, the World Health Organization confirmed that there is no vaccine or medication to combat the novel coronavirus. 不仅仅是双黄连…… 此前也有过类似的抢购,导致防护型医用N95口罩、护目镜等产品售罄、脱销。 国家卫健委高级别专家组成员李兰娟院士接受采访时表示,医护人员由于直接接触发热病人,需要佩戴护目镜进行防护;普通民众如若不住院、不接触发热病人,暂不需要护目镜。
国家卫健委高级别专家组组长钟南山院士在采访中提到,“实际上并不一定非要戴N95口罩,一般的口罩是能阻挡大部分带有病毒的飞沫进入呼吸道的。” 上海市医疗救治专家组组长张文宏医生也呼吁把N95口罩留给医护人员。 此外,清洁消毒用品和生鲜食品,尤其是绿叶菜,也存在大量的超量购买和囤货问题。一些超市和生鲜店也提醒民众理性购买,不要大量囤货。 Apart from Shuanghuanglian, the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak also sparked the panic buying of products such as N95 surgical masks and protective goggles in China. Some infectious disease experts have said it is not necessary for people to rush to purchase these protective masks and goggles, and suggested people leave these products to heath workers who really need them. Meanwhile, supermarkets and grocery stores in some Chinese cities also appealed to local residents to purchase goods in accordance with their needs and not to stock up on daily necessities. 民众面对疫情的担心可以理解,但无需过度紧张跟风抢购。 有媒体在报道中提醒到,“抢购囤积可能会制造一个恶性循环——大家都忙着往家里囤货,市面上能买到的物资就会少,越少就越恐慌,越恐慌就会引得越多人囤货。” 正如世界卫生组织总干事谭德赛1月30日所说,“要事实,不要恐惧。要科学,不要谣言。”(“This is the time for facts, not fear. This is the time for science, not rumors.”) 面对疫情,我们除了要少出门、少聚集、勤洗手、勤通风,也该不恐慌、不跟风、不囤货。 (部分中文综合自人民日报、央视新闻、新华社、丁香医生)