全武汉有200多个社区卫生服务站,武昌区首义路街社区卫生服务中心(武昌区惠民医院)就是其中之一。近日,CGTN新媒体前方记者黄怡畅实地走访了这家社区医院,直击诊疗现场。Since Monday, Wuhan residents with coronavirus symptoms have been required to visit their designated community health center before they can be transferred to large hospitals. After initial checkups, patients who are suspected of carrying the virus will be transported to designated hospitals for further diagnosis and treatment.Shouyi Huimin Health Center is one of 200 community health centers in Wuhan providing health coverage for around 70,000 local residents.在走进里面之前,我需要先换上隔离服。Before I go inside to have a look, I will have to get this isolation suit change. 现在,我感觉很难呼吸,我的护目镜也全是雾。Now I feel it's hard for me to breathe, and my goggle is full of fogs.很难想象医务工作者们要穿着这一身工作一整天。It's hard to imagine how the medical workers work for the whole day with the suits on.
走进医院大门可以看到,医护人员正在给一名前来就诊的患者测量体温。在诊疗室,医生正准备为一名疑似新冠肺炎患者做常规检查和血氧饱和度检查。社区卫生服务中心对有发热症状的居民进行初步检查、筛查和排查,这样一来可以缓解各大定点医院排长队的状况,二来轻症患者也能及时得到治疗。首义街区目前确诊加密切接触的大概有100人,其中超过一半的人都曾在这家社区医院接受初步检查。Located in an old residential area in the city center, its front yard was packed with bicycles with people wearing pajamas coming in and out on a normal day.However, the atmosphere has changed ever since the coronavirus broke out.Around 80 patients are sent to the health center day and night – most of them wanting to see if they've contracted the novel coronavirus. Medical staff coming in and out wear hazmat suits and only sleep a few hours per day. The general practice consultation rooms are now functioning as fever consultation rooms.More than half of the 100 confirmed cases in the Shouyi neighborhood came here for an initial diagnosis before transferring to big hospitals, according to Yu Minyi, the dean of Huimin Health Center.非常时期,床位紧张,救护车运力也紧张。如何前往定点医院成为患者面临的首要问题。一名患者已办好了转院手续,他的母亲拨通了武汉城管部门的热线电话寻求送医帮助。最终,附近社区一辆“发热病人送诊车”将他们送去了医院。然而,社区卫生服务中心也面临着挑战。除了每天在卫生站诊治患者,社区的医护人员另一个工作重点是上门为需要居家隔离的家庭提供医疗服务。但上门的过程并不全是顺利的。记者跟随医生们来到首义路新冠肺炎患者确诊人数最多的小区。一位头天晚上发了烧的居民,因害怕被邻居“嫌弃”,对医务人员上门检查十分抗拒。社区卫生站的医生们会尽力解决居民们遇到的问题。在走访另外一户患者家属时,他感慨万千:She(my wife)will be discharged from hospital soon. It's already a victory for my family. For Wuhan City and the whole society, I believe that we will definitely win this fight soon!
疫情防控任务艰巨,许多奋战在一线的医护人员虽是第一次亲身经历这么大的公共医疗事件,但他们并没有气馁,并且都为能投身疫情防控工作而倍感自豪。社区卫生中心在抗击疫情中必不可少,缓解了早期无序就医给大医院造成拥挤的情况。尽管只是一个小到或许平时你从家门口路过都不会注意到的社区诊所,但它却用小小的身躯在抗击疫情中承担起了巨大的责任。有了社区这基础的一环,如今患者入院的速度加快了,政府也在动用社会最大资源开设更多病房。坚信我们一定能取得抗击疫情的最后胜利!The medical team here faces a big challenge. Not only are they providing healthcare and treatment, they also offer home medical services for those who are isolated at home, some of whom are suspected coronavirus cases.The fight against the outbreak is tough, and it's the first time many of the medical staff have experienced such a huge public health crisis. "But as doctors, we feel proud, as we think it's worth it," Zhang Zhiyin, a general physician at Huimin Health Center, told us."In terms of triage, community health centers are indispensable. Disorderly hospitalization in the early stages resulted in congestion in all the large hospitals. It is largely the result of poor triage," Zhang said.Although it is just a community-level health center, Huimin is shouldering the responsibility of fighting the coronavirus.