2月28日,香港特别行政区渔农自然护理署发布公告称,一位新冠肺炎确诊患者的宠物狗口腔、鼻腔样本呈弱阳性。但该宠物狗无任何相关病征。 鉴于目前还没有证据证明“宠物会感染而发病或传播新冠病毒”,渔农自然护理署称,将进一步抽取样本化验,以确定该宠物狗是已感染新冠病毒,还是仅从环境中沾染病毒。 A pet dog of a COVID-19 patient from China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has tested "weak positive" for the novel coronavirus, meaning low levels of the virus were found in the animal's body, the city's health authorities announced on February 28, fueling fears that pets might catch and spread the virus. The dog, which has been put under quarantine, exhibited no symptoms of the disease, said the city's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, adding that more tests would be conducted to confirm if it had really been infected and if it picked up the virus from a contaminated environment. The department also said that there's no evidence that pets could contract the coronavirus or transmit it to people. However, the situation is still evolving, scientists say. WHO: No evidence that pets can contract COVID-19 关于宠物是否会传染新冠病毒的问题一直困扰着很多宠物饲养者。 世界卫生组织官网曾发布图文称,目前没有证据表明狗、猫等陪伴类宠物被传染,亦没有证据显示它们会传播新冠病毒。 The Question and Answer Section about COVID-19 on the World Health Organization (WHO) website says there is no evidence that pets such as cats and dogs have been infected or could spread the virus. But the WHO suggests washing hands with soap and water after coming into contact with pets, as it can significantly reduce the transmission of other common bacteria. Experts: COVID-19 can transmit among mammals, precautions needed 此前,中国工程院院士、国家卫健委高级别专家组成员李兰娟在接受采访时曾说,新冠病毒是在哺乳动物之间传播,所以对哺乳动物也要加以防备。 李兰娟院士指出,“现在是传染病流行的季节,主人要对宠物加强管理。如果接触到了感染的患者,那么宠物也应该被监控起来。” When asked about the issue on January 29, Li Lanjuan, member of China's high-level expert team on the epidemic, said the novel coronavirus can transmit among mammals, thus precautions should be taken in case of mammalian pets. "In the epidemic season, owners should strengthen the management of their pets," she said. "And if a pet has come into contact with an infected person, it must be quarantined and monitored as well." An immunology expert, who asked not to be named, told a reporter from Chinanews that there is no experimental data to prove that domestic pets can get infected with the virus and transmit it to humans. "But the odds are high," he was quoted as saying. 推荐阅读:战“疫”手册:送给爱美的你——戴口罩起痘痘怎么办战“疫”手册:为什么疫情期间要使用额温枪量体温? 疫情之下,请善待每一个生命