The army vehicles disinfect the road in Daegu, about 300 km southeast of the capital Seoul, South Korea, February 29, 2020. /Xinhua
South Korean President Moon Jae-in declared war against the COVID-19 on Tuesday as the number of cases in the country approached 5,000, placing all government agencies on a 24-hour alert, reported Yonhap News Agency.Speaking at a weekly Cabinet meeting, Moon announced plans to inject 30 trillion won (around 25 billion U.S. dollars) of funds directly or indirectly into the COVID-19 response.据韩国卫生部门消息,当地时间3月3日0时至16时,韩国共报确诊新增新型冠状病毒感染者374人,感染者总数升至5186人,死亡29人。As of 4 P.M. on Monday, South Korea has confirmed 374 more cases of the COVID-19, raising the total number of infections to 5186, according to the country's health authorities.So far, 29 people have died from the COVID-19 in the country.在关于韩国疫情的新闻中,“新天地”教会被频频提及。昨日,韩国“新天地”教会会长李万熙召开新冠肺炎疫情记者会。自“新天地”引爆韩国疫情以来,88岁的李万熙首次公开发声并在会上两度行大礼下跪道歉,表示教会出现大量感染者,无颜见人愧对大家。
截至1日下午2点,与“新天地”教会有关联的确诊病例达到2113例,占韩国全部确诊病例的59.9%。也是在1日下午,首尔市方面以杀人罪、伤害罪、违反传染病预防管理相关法律为由,向首尔中央地方检察厅控告李万熙以及“新天地”教会十二支派的支派长。Lee Man-hee, the leader of the Shincheonji religious sect in South Korea, made a public apology on Monday, after they were accused of not doing enough to stop the spread of the coronavirus. As of March 2, South Korea has reported a total of 4,212 coronavirus cases, 2,418 of which are related to Shincheonji. About 60 percent of confirmed cases have been linked to a branch of the Shincheonji religious sect in the southeastern city of Daegu, the country's fourth-largest city with a population of 2.5 million, said Yonhap News Agency.据韩联社3日报道,韩国军人中的确诊病例新增3例,截至目前军中确诊病例总数增至31例,其中陆军17例,空军11例,海军陆战队2例,海军1例。
South Korean army soldiers wearing protective suits spray disinfectant in Daegu, South Korea, March 2, 2020. /Xinhua
韩国国防部2日表示,已经从“新天地”教会获取军人教徒的姓名和出生年月,正在调查他们的所属部队,以及这些人是否参加了在全国各地举行的“新天地”集会。据韩国MT新闻网站报道,“新天地”教会提供的一份教徒名单中竟有100多人是军人。According to the country's defense ministry, two more service personnel and a civilian worker for the military tested positive for the novel coronavirus, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the military to 31 early Tuesday.Of the total, 17 are in the Army, 11 in the Air Force, two in the Marine Corps and one in the Navy, the ministry said.On February 23, the country raised its four-tier virus alert to the highest "red" level to tackle the virus spread.